
Every Man Is Right In His Own Eyes But…..

Every man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, Proverbs 21:2.

Are our hearts ready for the weighing?

Have we no fear of the final trial?

Is Jesus enthroned there in our hearts by faith?

If so, you need not fear the weighing.

If not, what will you do when the King sets up the final scale?

Oh My Heavenly Father,

May we be stunned by Your grace;

May we be amazed at Your love;

May we be humbled by Your mercy;

May we be moved to Your Healing Presence;

May we be shocked by the sacrifice of Your Son;

May we be awakened to Your Everlasting Arms;

May we have eyes to see and ears to hear Your call to:

Come and drink the Cup of Salvation!;

May we have the Wisdom to understand Your way of Everlasting Life;

For now and forever Your glory and dominion and power reigns in the Highest.

Oh Heavenly Father,

How we love and thank You; In the name of the King of Kings, Lord Christ Jesus, we pray for the lost and wounded to hear Your gentle whisper calling their names with love and yearning;  we ask they turn to Your way and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior…. then they may know Your peace, Your way, Your life in Jesus Christ. May they find their One Thing today. You are our only way to be whole and complete and at peace…..

In and by You, Lord King Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit in the grace and mercy of our God….. We praise You for Your love reigns forever over us. Be glorified by our love towards You, our Great God.
