
God Is Faithful And Yet We Are Never Surprised But Always Amazed! WHY?

This past year,  a lot of shaking and baking are going on……. Refinement of the chosen and exposing the wicked, so all may know and have the fear of the Lord.  We all fear fire or else we wouldn’t have fire alarms in our homes….. Fire alarms saves lives…… Fear of the Lord is His fire alarm to us….. We must heed His Word and obey His commands……. We must remember the road to hell is wide……. Narrow is the road to freedom in eternal life.

This year of all years and days, the Lord is among us and He is inspecting His world.  Hmmmm…..Just sayin- A healthy spiritual life is understanding the fear of the Lord……. Just as it knowledge of the time we are in…… Make sure we redeem the time we are in….. Our heart should be steady turned to hear His voice, sigh, laugh and even grunt…… He is speaking and calling His to be close to know where we should put our next footsteps.

Has the Lord gone fishing? There are  those who need to know Him from every nation, tribe and tongue…… He is gathering His catch.

Do you see His presence in the nations?  Yes, and this is exciting to be a part of the net of prayer to catch those who have been called before the foundation of the world – just as you and I have been caught by His beautiful and austere gaze…… So our family is growing and we should prepare every heart with salt of prayer for them to know  their set time with Him….. Yes and amen!

We send our prayers into the prisons of  oppression overseas. We send the hope of Jesus and His resurrection to them to know and learn in the bibles we send incognito. We clothe and feed the refugees and those estranged of their families because of their faith in our King.

Yes, instead of the cares of the world – we have learned of the care of our brothers and sisters….. We cry for them and we remind the Lord of their need…… You see them, Lord, right?   You hear them, Lord, right?  You hold them, Lord, right?  You are awaking us in this great country of their need, right, Lord?   You are changing the hearts of spending lots on the fading pastimes  to direct their funds to the family of God in other countries that are suffering, right, Lord?

The hearts of Your people in this country are looking towards the change that You are directing us to, right Lord? The shaking and baking of the Lord is happening to the hearts in this country, right, Lord? They are turning away from timewasters and cares of the world to You, right, Lord?

As written in Ephesians 5-1-21, Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love,  as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma.

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not be even named among you, as is fitting for the saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving thanks.

For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetousness man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of God.

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon on the sons of disobedience.

Therefore do not partake with them.

For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light, ( for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

But it is shameful even to speak of things which are done by them in secret.

But all things are exposed  are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore He says: Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit., speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.

So I am very grateful that all that is being done in the dark in the form of deceit will be made manifest and is now before our eyes. God is God and man can run but he cannot hide from God.  He loves us too much to leave all in the dark and hands of evil…. but He will bring justice to the hands that commit evil….. Forgiveness is always there but there are consequences of actions which will paid.

Corruption in and out of the church will be brought to Light as He is the Light….. We are as He is in this world as written in 1 John….. People of salt and truth are not accepted in this day in this country…… As what was- will be and will be again until He is known and revealed to all.

He shows what He is to do as written in the prophets.  Fear of the Lord is a gift from Holy Spirit.   I pray for this missing knowledge to be sprinkled on the hearts of who speak as belonging to Him.

We are His light in this world…….. and our life in Holy Spirit found in Christ goes contrary to and is enmity to the world and the spirit of the world.

God does not change and we are to change to align ourselves with Him as written above—– so we may live in obedience to His will  that He has planned for each of us.

We are so special and a treasure  to Him- each one of us……. However, does He see the same honor and love in return?  Yet, I see and know those who laid down their lives for His name sake……. Are we going to stand or are we not yet prepared to for the high calling?  Can we awake to times around us and know we better beef up our prayer time……

I am not stating to get a prayer list together and recite this daily…… That is good but not His best.  He wants to come and sup with us.  He wants us to spend time in Him, the Word, and know then what is in His heart to speak and stand for in Him……He wants us to grow so we may know we are seated with Him in His throne….. So we see what He sees….. We are given understanding to what He knows….. Can we handle the truth?  The truth of worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth…..

One day, it will be our last day…… Can we then see Him knowing we have fulfilled the call He has given us. We have no excuses because He has given us all the power to fulfill  His will? Are we willing to bear the cost of the cross?  Are we willing to let Him lead us through the fire and the water and come out filled in His resurrection power? Do we really trust Him?

Are we willing to let Him take us up to the mount to learn our nothing is His great power of Something Other?

The first believers carried and bear His reproach……. Are we ready?   Are we ready for the Lord and His leading this day?

Jesus Christ spoke often the time is coming and now is—— we worship the Father in Spirit and Truth- John 3.

Another time in John 5,  Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.

As written in John 8, there is another Truth shown to those who do not hear the voice of the Son of God……Huh?   We must not blow this off and think we are okay because we go to church and do many activites in the church….. So we are okay, right?   Do we know the Word and is our foundation lined up  with the Word of God ….. Do we really know His teachings?   Do we get His word of knowledge to discern the truth spoken from the pulpits on Sunday? Is it God or man?  Is it what I AM is saying to me to day?  Lord, what are you saying to me today?  I need to know and then please confirm Your Word by man, radio or whatever means….. Please allow the word of man to be a confirmation of what You have spoken to Me in secret.

Or are we more concerned with the games starting soon and who will win?    Are we really separated from the world? Really?  Many of you will think  I am too extreme or fanatical for Him…….. May I ask you- Has anyone else  been crucified in your place and took the your penalty?  Anyone?  Just thinking if He may want our lives to be crucified with Christ and the life we now live is by the faith in the Son of God……. Just thinking, out loud.  ( Galatians 2:20).

What if I told you some of the people of the church are the persecutors of His people?  What if He sees this in the hearts of His people and this should not be.  What if He sees the hearts are still wearing the old garment instead of His heart covering them?  What if His Words mean what they say? What if faith says we have died with Christ and have risen with Him and are a new creation?  ARE WE?

May we know Him so that He never says to us in John 8:49 , He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.

Are we aware of what waves are coming in to our homes and places we gather?   Do we  discern, really?  Worship in Spirit and Truth is His command for the Father…… What wave are we recieving?  Is the wave of God?  God’s voice we should hear, right?

It is time to discern and awake to righteousness……

It is time.

I am told I am on some hit list…… My question is I wonder who is on God’s hit list? The flood did happen.   Our God is love and He is just.  Let us open up our list of attributes of the God of the universe and get to know all He has said and is, after all He is  I AM that I AM.



The paint is peeling from the wood. The cover up that have been there is being stripped bare. I AM looks under the leaves to see My fruit. A contrite heart is My desire. A heart that looks to Me for help for  others to make sure they are in My hand. Make sure you speak not as the prophets as before who spoke peace, peace….. They never lifted the leaves for them to see their bugs and mildew so they may repent and turn to Me to recieve a cleansing rain.   Ears, I AM, has called you over and over and time and time for you to turn to hear.

Strip bare your heart and hear and know what this day holds and then you will be prepared for Me. Hear the ones who are sent before you to speak for My heart. Jonah spoke and they heard and repented….. Will you take heed to My word through My little stone? My words through her may be small but the ripples left from My words will never stop till they reach My destination of fulfillment. Speak when told by I AM, may all hear My Words of fire  spoken…… Be silent if you have not heard by Me. Do not allow all to think the words from the pulpits are from ME! Allow the one who hears to speak this day.  The day I AM entered men’s synagogue, they did not see or hear who I AM nor the Words I spoke……Change did not enter their heart for their position was at stake.  Is yours?   If I AM has given to all, then all can spread the I AM in them….. Open the Door while you still can for My body is coming through to get out. Can you stop or alter My will?

The veil has been torn but how many want that veil to remain so I AM is held far away.  I AM still knocks to their time, but they do not open up their time to I AM….. Soon time will be removed and where will those be then?

Works are good, but faith in I AM and My steps are greater importance…Faith proves the works done in My Spirit…. Children, it is easier to lie against the truth but harder to be in I AM and live in My truth……. You will reap eternal life sowing in to My Spirit. Knowledge and understanding and grace be multiplied unto those brave in heart to go where not many want to accompany I AM. They rest in I AM and are still. Trust in Me is the key to unlock all riches and mysteries and glory. Blessed is the one who sees Me as all they need. Their friendship with Me is their only sight of worth …..Their way is open as many before them…. Hidden in Me is their claim to fame.  They choose My smile and to hear My breath blowing here and there. They follow close to open the earth to receive the rainfall by their words of faith of love for Me. They dance My dance.

When time folds up it’s ends, prepare your way to Me now, so then eternity will be no surprise for you because you are already there.

Better for all, to fall now into the hands that are a consuming fire then not be in My hands as the fire will still arive.
