
Have We Captured Our Heavenly Father’s Eye?

How wonderful to have a God who watches all. He knows all our thoughts and motives before we act on them…..  He knows all and witnesses all. As written in Psalm 139:1-4 , O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.

An artist has completed a great work of art if he captures the heart of the person he is portraying. How can you paint a heart? We study the eyes which reveal the heart of a person.

Any married couple knows instantly the eye of the matter in their spouse… right? Right…. Or children know their parents mood by looking at their eyes…..before they ask something they want….. They weigh out if the timing is right…… Hmmm.

Should we be doing that with the Lord? Do we know His timing. Do we understand the signs of the times He is revealing today? Are we going on with the seasons ignoring the signs?  Hey, the sun rises and sets and the seasons are changing, just like last year.  We see life go on as it did before assuming it will keep going on as before…. just like they did in Noah’s day….. We get lulled into deception or sleep. We get on with living our life as before we saw the signs. We view them small as a hiccup and ignore the warning to stop, wait and watch.   We may miss our opportunity to turn toward the Lord….. His eye is watching and waiting for us.

Children study their parents to learn and know how to act in different situations. As the children of God, maturing sons and daughters, we should also be studying our Heavenly Father and His Son by the power of the Holy Spirit….. so we know how to act accordingly to His heart…… We are all studying something……. Is it the Lord?

I thought this little saying to know the Lord, is to love the Lord. If we do not love the Lord, we do not know the Lord. The Lord becomes our greatest Study! If there is anything around worth or healthy to become obsessive with, it is the Lord.

Some children will be aware of their parents concerns. They will ask if there is something they did or if they can help in some matter…. because they care.

However, man seems to repeat himself in history. They may be in different scenarios, but the schemes of many are revealed to the eye that is watching what our Heavenly Father is watching…..The ones who wait on the Lord are blessed with His vision….. So we may act and pray accordingly, because His concern  is our concern.

Daniel was very much aware of the timing of the Lord and proceeded to pray accordingly for His will to be completed regarding His people.  Daniel’s ear and eye were watching for the Lord and that captured the eye of God. He answered Daniel’s prayer by sending His messengers. He wanted Daniel to know His plans.

What are we willing to do today to be so concerned with our God that He allows His plans to be made known to His people?

My soul waits for the Lord, more than the morning, my soul waits…… We watch and wait before Him.  In the rest of the Lord, we learn to know the coming move of His hand. We also are made aware the movements and plans of the enemy.

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but I called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you, ( John 15:15).

When we are the friend of God, we follow the instructions of 1 John 2:16-17, do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

For all that is in the world,- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not of the Father but is of the world.

And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but He who does the will of God abides forever.

But you have the anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, 1 John 2:20.

So the blessing of the Lord, the presence of His Spirit reveals all things to us. We must continually ask for understanding to receive His thoughts and plans.

Our Lord revealed to His disciples what was coming ahead for them as He went to the cross.  He also revealed to them the meaning of the cross and His being received into heaven so that the Blessing of the Father could come and reside in them….. Of course, they walked away a little bewildered and not sure what to expect…. So they waited and quickly learned all that was foretold them came to pass just as the Lord spoke.

We are promised our eternal life in the Lord, but we are not promised tomorrow on this earth.  God holds our days and our breath in His hands…. We do not. We always want to live prepared to meet our God at the end of our days on this earth. We also do not want to be caught unaware when the Lord manifests His ways upon the sons of men and the earth. We want to be prepared to meet His day and assist others to meet His day also.

The Lord has His army and they are His friends…… the body of Christ….. if we believe and seek His fellowship……However, Satan has his army also. I do not think there are many friends hanging with him though…..There are souls attached to darkness because of their seeking darkness, but I do not think they are friends! Do you?- nahhh!!!

Satan’s army is planning and gathering today…… Just as the Lord is calling His people to gather to Him and pray…… May we have ears to hear and eyes to see and His wisdom to understand the signs of the times….. Let us pray and prepare accordingly…..

Are we signed up? Are we willing to be in the Lord’s boot camp for awhile to get trained and leave the comforts and passing fun of the coming season to serve the Lord….. We cannot be faithful to the Lord and our selfish desires at the same time. We can be time wasters on things that do not further the cause of His kingdom or we can be a useful weapon in the hands of the Lord. We choose daily…… This is the valley of decision that we are placed before daily. Do we desire the true friendship of the Lord’s or the friendship of the world? Our time played out in our daily lives shows what we choose…Friend of God or the friend of the world.

If we really want to be in the Lord’s presence, we give up all to be there.  We are always presented before the Lord, but to acknowledge Him in stillness of our souls is a battle….. This is the first battle  we learn to fight with the weapons of our warfare.

We stand firm and strong in the place He has died to give us, to be before Him in our stillness, so we may hear, see and receive His daily Food for each of us…. Him.

We love to be with our friends. Our Lord is our Greatest Friend. As we cross the battle of distractions, we know our seat and will not miss a Meal with our King. We have captured His eye. My heart melts to know we have His eye upon us. My breath skips a beat as I realize His greatness is watching us.  What a Great God.

Our military practices offense and defense maneuvers. If an attack comes, they know exactly what to do. They are prepared. They are skilled in the matter of our country’s defense by their offensive plans.

As we spend time with the Lord and His ways become ours, we are skilled in the matters of His kingdom. We live by and through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord uses us as His skilled weapon and His friend.

King David had mighty men. These men slept and ate with the King. He knew them and they knew King David. They were His trusted army and His friends. King David could count on these men to go and complete the mission he had sent them on……

Do you think Daniel was an efficient weapon in the hands of the Lord? We do our warfare by prayer in the Spirit not by might, but by faith and the Lord’s Spirit does the work.  We may have to act but it is by faith and obedience in the Spirit of God, so the glory stays and belongs to God. Our lives will or will not glorify the Lord.  Do we want to walk with the King?

Sometimes I wonder if the body of Christ seriously looks like an army in the Spirit of the Lord or when the Lord asks us to line up we somewhat resemble a kindergarten class lining up after recess……Some have their attention behind them. Some have their attention in front of them. Some have their attention to the sky. Some have their attention to chattering with others. Some have their attention to bugs on the ground…… and then some have their attention to the teacher.

Maybe the protocol in the force of police or military is set for that exact reason. When a high ranking official walks in, he wants our attention ASAP. So a lower ranking officer yells- AT TEN TION…. So then focus of the unit becomes a unit. Their attention is on their superior officer. They quit doing their own thing…..

So our Lord demands our attention for those that are called after His name.  Just because we may not have ears to hear the Holy Spirit yell- AT TEN TION, does not allow us to continue doing our own thing. We must tune our ears towards heaven.  We are to learn to hear the heartbeat of heaven and then have the boldness and courage to follow the beat.

The Lord wants us to line up and become what He has called us to be. His body on this earth….. with hearts that live in and from heaven….. AT TEN TION!!!!!!!!…..

I have not called the wise of the world to be Mine. I have called the least so I can make the most of My Kingdom through them. I know what you are not, but I AM. This is My purpose for you- I AM your all. When you know you are not, then the gift of I AM is your all. Be blessed in the Truth.

Listen to My whisper in the dark. Hear My footsteps through the dawn to awaken you to your day in Me. Know My love surrounding as a breeze protecting you from the heat of the day.  Realize My strength carrying you to the Refuge at sun setting. Hear Me….. Listen to the song I  Am sings over you as you rest at eventide.

Hear the words I Am speaks to you. I Am sitting holding the universe by the Word of My power. My Word is life to you. Give Me your gaze, you will be rewarded. Give Me your time,  then you will live from eternity in time. Give Me your heart, you will live from Mine. Give Me your natural life, you will be sustained in My Resurrected Life….

Hear Me and live forever. Sit with and in I AM, then rule the nations. Honor I AM, and you, My friend, have captured My heart…

Do not seek to gain in the world and lose your soul to I AM. Do not seek the friendship of the world and lose I AM. The cost of your soul is so precious there can be found no price to value it on this earth….. Choose wisely.

My arms are extended to all, but all will not hear and come to I AM. Remember, My Words of Wisdom, the greatest is the least and the least is the greatest in the measure of My Kingdom.

Eternal matters are eternal, earthly matters are gone before the blink of your eye.  My Words speak of a servant’s eye is always on their master, but alas, I AM has called you a friend….. Do you treat Your Friend with a kiss of betrayal? Do you treat Your Friend as the Highest Treasure? Then your actions will be proven and you will guard our fellowship as a treasure.

Alas, remember My Friends carry a seal of My mark upon them. They are now marked and precious in I AM’s eye. They are cherished in My Kingdom and hated in the world’s. Remember, I AM has conquered the world…… And I AM is in you.

Rest in Me as I Am strengthens in you. The Word speaks of a swallow finding a home in the altar of My courts, you are in Me in rest. I Am has found a welcomed place in your heart not unlike Bethany. Rest and keep walking to obeying and to knowing I AM for this is eternal life. The place I have called you to be……is found only in Me.

Come and see….. I Am says what will be……When My Words come to pass….. Then, alas, you will know it is Me….Your King, your Friend….

Has I AM captured your eye?  Even still, Lord, come!

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take from the water of Life freely, (Revelation 22:17).
