
Hello, This Is Your Pilot Speaking……

Little Person started the morning in prayer with His crew.

Father God,

Shower Your grace upon us without measure. May our hearts be enlarged so we may run the race of Your commandments.  Inscribe Your laws and statutes into our hearts today.  May our eyes be open and our enlarged hearts be filled with all Your delight of Your Spirit.

Allow us to see our place in Your Son, our Lord. Your Son, Jesus Christ, is larger to us than we can imagine and greater than we can comprehend. So please enlarge our understanding so when we leave this room today, we are filled in Your measure of all You want us to comprehend of Your ways through the knowledge and revelation of Your Son in the power of Your Holy Spirit. You are greater than any challenge that faces us. Our victory is found in You and we thank You that You fight our battles. Help us in our trusting You for everything. Your love for us never fails.

In Jesus’ name, may You be established inside us like our breath.


The crew shouted, Amen and Alleluia!

I am going to speak of a place of rest that I will bring you to know by His Spirit.  When those curve and foul balls come to you to try to throw you off you may remember this.  You may then go to His rest and always go to the Word of God, your own precious Ancient Book. 

Little Person started here by the instruction of Holy Spirit:

Close your eyes. Rest in your chair.

Now you are in the mountains. Whether or not you have ever been there, let Holy Spirit work His work now…..  Allow Him to show you the place in the mount, He has called you up to see. God always takes you to His high places.

You are driving. It is raining. The cloud has rested on the mountain roads. You cannot see but ten feet ahead of you. You are at peace though. You sense or perceive God is so close, closer than you could ever sense before.   You cannot see, but you can perceive Him guiding you along the curving road. There are no guard rails that high.  However, you are at peace.

You see God with your heart in faith though you cannot see ten feet ahead of you. His presence is very heavy surrounding you in the area as you are driving.

You hear through the silence; I AM is delighted that you are driving here by your faith and risked all to come up to Me today.  Know you are driving but I AM is leading you!

You drive down the mountain road then you ascend higher then you were before you went down.

You tried to figure the logic of lower you go the higher you are in Him. This can only be You Lord.  I am here with You.

The cloud is thick. The cloud is very dense. However, you know you are in His hands.

Then you hear, Child, you are My child. This is the walk of faith I AM has called you. May you always know My Presence is surrounding you as this cloud has consumed your eyesight.

Learn to see I AM by your spirit’s eye.  

You are My child who walks by faith and not by sight. 

See with your faith eye, I AM called you for this. The just walk by faith which is My way. Not by your sight, will you see where to walk. What you see with your eyes is temporary. I have given you eyes to behold the eternal which will always be. Walking by My Spirit is what you are percieving now, My child.

You will follow I AM by Your knowledge of experience of I AM. You will take the next step because you have known on that one day that has passed, I AM was your Answer. Every step will work your faith of I AM. You say I know I AM is faithful then and now and will always be.

 I AM is faithful in leading you this cloud. You perception is heightened as your natural eyesight is hindered. This is where I AM is leading you.  Your faith pleases Me.

Take the way of faith knowing I AM continually surrounds you as well as dwells within you. I AM always with you. You are never alone. No one will ever snatch you out of My hand. Remember this and treasure this time in your heart. Remember in your mind, Me as I AM as I AM always. I AM never changes.

You are My temple as well as others that have chosen to follow Me.

I AM has longed to dwell with My people.

My glory rests on and in you all. My grace uplifts you to the high place to hear Me. Yet, you may never leave your room. You must meet Me always.

We must talk. Write what I AM speaks to you. Prayer in communion in Spirit and Truth is necessary for your life in Me. I AM already knows your heart. I AM desires you to reveal your heart to Me. Talk to Me often.  I AM clears the confusion with the Truth in My Word. 

I AM will lead you around the curved, low and high narrow road until your days are fulfilled. I AM always here with you. I AM closer than your breath. Talk to I AM always.

See the cloud surrounding you now.

Now look at the views. I AM will remove the cloud from your view.

Yes, you are on the top of the heights now.

Yes, the air is hard to breath. Your lungs are now getting accustomed to breath in My Truth by My Spirit.

Breathe Me in. Fill your lungs. Breathe in your healing. Breath in My Spirit. Be filled in Me.

You will let go of all to meet Me here daily, even more so. I AM will be your greatest Desire.

You will meet with Your God and King in the high place even though you may never leave your room. You may be in a crowded store or highway.

Remember, you are in Spirit and Truth as you drive on the holiness highway.  The blood of your King has made this highway open for you.

He cleared the road block of your blindness which was from sin.

Now walk in Me by faith.  You are greatly loved and favored in My sight

You have entered into My secret place hidden but revealed to you this day and now remain.


The room was silent. The presence of God was very heavy in the room.

Some of them were still in the vision of God with their heads looking up and eyes closed.

Some were writing all the Word of God spoken.

Thankfully the director taped this so they all could get a copy.

Little Person remained silent as he went to the open cartons.

He started to pass out the amplified Ancient Book to the crew.

Holy Spirit had Little Person write down what He wanted to be etched in their hearts in each bible.

Each student was known now as His disciple forever.

The time was marked by God and His students were now marked with His Spirit and His Word.

They all opened up their copies. Their faces shown with ruddy and shining complexions. Some had tears and some just were plain melting by His love in their chairs.

Little Person just let God be God over His people. He prayed in tongues. May Your will be done in the hearts of these ones. Fill them without measure of You and knowledge of You. May Your entering into their time today remain etched forever in thier hearts. Thank You.

After about an hour. They all started to look at Little Person to start again.

He then passed out some chunks of bread and little cups of Kool aid.  He read the scripture from John 6: 51-58:

I am the Living Bread that came down out of heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior], he will live forever.

And the Bread that I will give for the life of the world is My flesh (body).”

Then the Jews began to argue with one another, saying, “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?”

And Jesus said to them, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood [unless you believe in Me as Savior and believe in the saving power of My blood which will be shed for you], you do not have life in yourselves.

The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] has eternal life [that is, now possesses it], and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day.

For My flesh is true [spiritual] food, and My blood is true [spiritual] drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] remains in Me, and I [in the same way remain] in him.

Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, even so the one who feeds on Me [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] will also live because of Me.

This is the Bread which came down out of heaven. It is not like [the manna that] our fathers ate and they [eventually] died; the one who eats this Bread [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] will live forever.”

Take the bread and the drink as symbolism of partaking of the death and burial of our Lord.  Eating this you have partaken also of your death of the old creation, your old man and woman.

As we drink of His blood, we proclaim in our thanksgiving that our sin is covered and washed clean by His blood. We abide in You as now You abide in us.

We proclaim Lord Jesus,

You died and were buried and rose on third day and are seated on the right hand of Almighty God and soon to be returning.

Lord, Thank You for Your cross, may we receive everything You died to give us. We lay down ourselves by faith in Your body and now we arise as Your Resurrected body….. We are forever Yours. Amen.

Time was at a standstill, as heads were bowed writing what they just went through,

Again, heads popped up after an hour had passed.

Let’s take a break for ten, Little Person announced.

The disciple with the drawings came up and started to tape them to the walls surrounding the disciples.

They all came slowly back in to the room.

All the sighs were heard as they saw the fantastic drawings of Jesus Christ.

One was a drawing of Jesus kneeling at the garden of Gethsemane. One disciple spoke out, I will go to the cross with You, Lord. Just let me be always with You. I mean it, Lord.

Little Person heard this prayer and turned to see this one speaking as tears were running down this disciple’s face.

Another was a drawing of Jesus on the cross.  Everyone lost their breath for about 30 seconds as they looked at it.

Another drawing of Jesus sitting in a living room as if it was current times. Jesus was speaking and Mary was sitting at His feet gazing up at His face.  This one was so beautiful as everyone saw and said so.

Uri asked the student if she could buy it or if the student could make another copy.

Then there was a great drawing of Jesus Christ laughing. The student portrayed Him with a huge smile and arms spread wide to either side of Him.

Little Person announced how the drawings were fantastic. He thanked the student for displaying them. Look at how many you have drawn in one week. God is keeping you busy, huh?

The student laughed and said yes.  I see these pictures in my head and then my hand flows somehow from my mind to the paper.  It is a definite GOD design thing. I have never drawn anything before now.

Little Person spoke, bring them every time we meet.  Anyone know someone who is good with wood work to put some frames or backing on them to help preserve them?

The director rose his hand, I got it covered Little Person. 

Little Person shook his head in agreement and said, great.

Now. I have one more place we are going to now.

There is this huge beautiful airplane.   Larger than a 747. It hovers over the ground. There is a beautiful sound coming from inside.  We could hear the sound of a choir singing Alleluia to our King!   

We are all boarding it now.  Everyone carrying their baggage.

There are a lot of different kind of people getting on. Some excited. Some concerned. Some, well, you could not read them because they showed no emotions. You noticed their clothing were from the nation that He called them.

Everyone had a seat assigned, but first, all were to leave their baggage beyond the next door. The room had a red wooden door.  Each person had to go through the door. Then you had to put your stuff down inside the room.

Then you went across this room. You exited out a glass door with gold trim surrounding the frame.

You were ushered to your assigned seats as each one had a certain number assigned to them.

The Usher gave each one their number on white type parchment paper.

You noticed He called the name of the one before you. He then smiled at you. Then He spoke your name as He handed your number to you.  Everyone’s number was different.

You look down now to see your number assigned to you noticing it was different then the person in front of you.

Now this took a while. Yet, everyone found their seat, including every one of you.

There was a window by everyone’s seat. Every one of you got settled in your personal seat. You started to look at your window. 

You looked out and beheld the longest line of people you have ever seen in your life. They were in the same line as you had been. You had never looked back when yourself were in the line to see all those that were also coming aboard.

You thought, this has to be a God plane. This plane is way too big for any man to make.

You sat back as the engine started to roar.

You turned around and saw the line of others still to board the plane. You thought: what if we leave without them. Why did they start the engines? 

You flagged down the Person who was wearing dark navy blue. He always had a very big beautiful smile. He answered your name.  Knowing your name took you back a couple of breaths again as you wondered how does He know my name?

You asked, why are we leaving with the others not on board yet?  How do you know my name with so many on this flight?

He leaned down and whispered, no one will be missing this flight. I have always known you would be here. I AM delighted you are here today.

Your jaw dropped as you were wondering and then thinking, no way, but maybe this is this Holy Spirit?

Well, as the discussion was going on in your head, the plane was moving.  Engines roaring.

You were anticipating the rise of the plane and looked out.

What you saw shocked you a bit. You rubbed your eyes to see if there was maybe a glare from the window from the blaze of the sun.

But the same sight was still there. You were in the sky and earth could not be seen.

There was all the baggage flowing down through the air into well, they disappeared into air?

Each bag had a bloody wooden cross attached to it as it floated in the air and disappeared.

You thought, what about our clothes? Well, You are God, after all. Maybe You are giving us new clothes?

You flagged down the Person in blue again. He came to you smiling brightly.

Every one’s baggage is gone.

Yes, He agreed.  You will not be needing it anymore.

You will receive all you need on this flight.

Do not be concerned. I know the Pilot and He always knows what is best for His passengers.

Okay, you answered.

Then the Pilot spoke to everyone’s ears yet, there was no speaker box anywhere in your sight.

Hello there, as He speaks your name again.

I AM so delighted you are here.

Sit and rest in My plane.

I AM has brought you to your new destination which has been planned before time.

As you look out your window, you will see things fly by you that you thought were so important that you do not need anymore.

You are free of them and the harm they caused you.

Let go in your heart as I AM has moved them from you forever. You are healed now from the harm that your wayward caused.

Do not turn around or go back to them.

Now as you look out your window, you will see hopes and dreams that you once had deep in your heart, but you thought they have perished in the sands at the bottom of the waters.

Here they are back in front of you.

I AM will bring My dreams for you into your thoughts and establish My purpose in you from this day forward.

In this plane where I AM surrounds you. You are now in Christ Jesus.

You come here with all your old ways and thoughts, but I AM has higher and has richer thoughts for you to grab hold to dwell in.

Sit back and see what I AM has for you, My child.

Though you may walk the earth, you will never leave this plane for this is I AM.

I AM larger and have no limits, but to help you understand. You have been lifted up into My care and loving hands. Nothing can contain I AM’s strength and love over you. My love is wider than the sky which you cannot see the end.

My love for you is deeper than the depths of which you cannot even imagine are below you. My love for you is higher than any height any mankind has ever known.

There is no length that can be measured to reveal the never ending love I AM has for you.

Please receive Me. Please receive My love for you. Grab hold of Me as I AM is your Life.

You and I are in communion by My Spirit, which you are on and I AM in you.

You will hear Me as clear as you do now.

You will come to Me here.

You are always here in Me as I AM always here for you.

Remember this as your feelings will fail you.

Remember My Truth.

This is where you can look out and see what I AM is showing you.

Then you will read all this in your Ancient Book.

You will write what I AM speaks here.

You cannot look out someone’s else window.

Their window is for them and this window is for you.

Just as the number you received is just for you.

You are all My body, but not all are the eye or the hand.

Everyone has their own set purpose from I AM.

And all will flow as One as I AM the head of My body,

You are in Me and I AM is in you.

This plane is a symbol of I AM protecting you as well as the special place of fellowship which has been provided.

Behold this before you.

See yourself in this plane always when you are out and about in the world.  

Know you are looked after and safe. You have nothing to go back on. Only forward is Yahweh’s way.

The fuel and engine will keep you going forward which is My Holy Spirit.

When in trouble, which you will have, come to Me here. Even if it is in your mind’s eye and in your spirit.

I will show what is coming so you will never be caught off guard.

Do not think it is your imagination that I AM warns you.

Take heed to My Words and follow My commands.

I AM will see you through all the valleys and mountains of the days you will walk the earth.

As I AM has for My Son, I AM does for you.

Know I AM loves you as I AM loves His only Begotten Son.

Wisdom and understanding of My Spirit dwell in you.

There are enemies of your soul. I AM stands guard over you.

Listen to My wisdom to guard you from any plan of the enemy.

You are never alone. Hear My voice and listen to obey.

Do not turn to the right or the left without My instruction.

You step out in faith and your faith will be confirmed within by My Spirit.

You will have joy unspeakable. You will have peace beyond measure.

There are no limits to I AM.

Do no put limits on where I AM leads you.

If you ever feel unsure. Stop and check with I AM.

See out you window, look up.

These are My instructions for you: stop and see what I AM  is saying to you.

The clouds are as far as ten feet from your next step.

Walk by faith. The faith that comes from knowing I AM.

You learn to trust Me here and there. Your faith in I AM will grow as you know

Who I AM. You behold and receive how great and powerful I AM over you.

Rest and listen and listen and listen to the Words I AM has spoken over you.

Take them as your food and life.

Rest and trust your life to Me.

You can rest in My hands.

You are highly favored in My eye.

Trust Me.

Silence was the sound in this room when Little Person stopped the prophetic imagery lesson.

After about an hour, the director started to pass out the earphones and tape players to each.

Little Person prayed,

Father God, we have embarked our new life into Your great hands. We love You and thank You for Your great mercy and love.   Protect Your Word in their hearts now.  Allow Your Word to grow richly. Protect Your inheritance, My King.  Keep them in Your Presence as they nourish their bodies for You already have nourished their spirit and souls. You are our Bread and Meat and Water to drink. We are learning not to live by bread alone but live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Thank You and we love You. In Jesus’ name.

The room bellowed AMEN and ALLELUIA!!!

Now lunch is waiting for you in your rooms. I ask that everyone remain quiet. Use this God time to lean into Him for greater understanding of how He has revealed Himself to you this morning.

Make notes, draw.  Read the Word but keep to yourself and allow His Words to do their work in you.

At ten to the end of the second hour, read again the Sower and the seed scriptures which I gave you the other day.

We will learn of His will for us in hearing His Word and what happens if we do not protect these precious words we receive from heaven.

Go on now to your rooms.  Love you all and I am so proud of you!

Little Person sat down after the last one left the room to rest and he let out a huge sigh.

Lord, did I bring You here in their sight?   Did I hear and speak from You correctly?

Thank You for protecting their days to be kept in You without distraction. Thank You Your peace keeping them learning and focused on You alone. You are great and I say ALLELUIA!

You are My beloved son also and I AM is very pleased. Thank you, child, spoke King Jesus to Little Person.

He leaned back as he sighed a sigh of relief.  He sensed the go ahead from His Spirit but wanted to know for sure he was on the right track.

May my mouth be as a pen of a ready writer by Your Spirit, Lord Jesus.

Little Person heard, come and rest now with Me.

He looked around the room at the exquisite drawings of His King.

He saw His smiling toward him as He was sitting in the back of the room. 

Come to Me and eat at the table I AM has prepared for you, My son!

Next chapter soon- God has willed!