
Hey, It Is Time For Another ..What If ?……………………

What if we had joined the army of the United States or any of the armed forces of our country or your country?  We went through the rigorous training in boot camp and came out as a new armed force. We were credited with the honors of being in the force for we completed the training.

The candidates have been remade in a new weapon in the hands of our government and when all the force of the military are as one in force….

OH! OH! Better watch out!

Well, it is more than words can describe as our government has the best military in the world.   A great weapon as they stand united in each of their unit, then branch and then they form the tree of the U.S……..

Would our Commander tell us to walk in the ways before you enrolled ? No, of course not, that would weaken the troops. The training and equipping was mighty in offense and defense and would be utterly foolish to drop the weapons that were given to us.

So we are the King’s army.  We signed up to be His….. He owns us- our time, our life. That is what the word redeemed or redemption means…… This is also what it means to sign up for the armed forces in the United States….. Their time becomes the government’s, they are no longer their own…..

We have also joined the army of the Lord,……sooooooo……..

He expects us to act in all we had become in boot camp. He would speak over us all that we had  become and are growing in. He would expect and tell us to stand our ground in the force we are posted in.

What if our Commander in Chief gave us His cell phone to handle and use….Would this act towards us enable us to speak and act in His authority? Would we put his phone in the drawer or use it?….. How do we use his phone?…….. Would we explore and find out?

What if this is all true in the God’s purpose and plan for His own army?

God is the Lord of time. He can speed up our time of getting in His purpose on this earth because as believers we already live in eternity.  What if we could see ourselves from His view  and live according to what He says over His beloved?  Beloved, this is you and me!!! Do we really know we are His beloved and His army ?

What if a queen or king came knocking on our door to come and sit with us? What would we do?  Keep the T.V. on?  Keep the facebook open?  Would we keep looking on our phone?

Would we not turn off the world and show them the honor?  What about our King of all kings and Lord of all lords?  Let us make sure we are not giving lip service but we honor Him in action of making room for Him because He is worthy of us all. He is the Lord of the Sabboth.  He is our Lord. He is the Lord of hosts!!

We discard the words of gossips as they are the avenue for Satan’s whisperers. We discard the dirt of the world just as we do when we shower, but we do this by studying His Word.  We clean our palate of our hearing…. We enable  our ear to His voice….

We clean our palate of our thinking turning from self focus to God focus…..We incline our thinking to what He wants to be done the day we live……Let us seek what is His desire for this day over us and our city and country and the world?  Beloved, we should know this answer…. We should know the desire of the One who gave His all to gain us….. Beloved, I pray we know what is His desire this day,( It might not be what is on our calendar!).

The Book of 1 John is a wonderful letter to us….. Not many sermons are spoken from the words spoken to us in this book…..

This 1 John book cuts the chaff  away from the wheat…. Yes, the mustard seed grew into a huge tree that houses all sorts of birds; the field grows which includes a lot of wheat and a lot of tares in it, which will be separated by our Lord at the end of the age.

We had horses awhile back and I was in the barn a lot, but that never changed me into a horse,…. though that is where they lived.

I can go to the  food store often and by me going to the store does not change me into a food source!

Or we can cheer and scream for our favorite team and be faithful to watch them when ever they play…. but, those actions never  make us a team member…….

Our Lord spoke in Luke 13:24-30: Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open for us, and He will answer and say to you, I do not know you and where you are from, then you will begin to say, We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.

But He will say, I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the prophets in the kingdom of God and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and south, and sit down in the kingdom of God.

And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.

He is Lord of all and Lord over us….. Today, over our past and our future unto eternity.   We must make sure, we know Him and He knows us……

In this country, we have the grace to choose who we marry…… How horrific it is for those in other countries where the matchmaker and deals are made for whom we would marry. These  get to a spend a lifetime in union without any approval or even knowledge of who they are to marry!!!!….. Oh, ugh!!!

As in the time of the Book of Esther, many women were called into the kingdom of Ahasuerus but only a few were chosen to enter into His chamber…..Esther was chosen to be his beloved queen.

As written in Matthew 22:14, Many are called and few are chosen,…….Hmmm.

Now, let us get into the Book of 1 John…… John was the beloved of our Lord….. Sometimes I wonder if John just gazed on the Lord and was mesmerized by His greatness and gentleness. He was in awe as he studied the Lord in His strength and seeing  His beauty  shining  also……as Jesus walked the earth before His death and resurrection……

Even though John was known as the son of thunder, he was seeing our Lord and probably just replying- Holy, holy, holy is our Lord God Almighty. He who was and is and is to come made so much sense as he witnessed the  awesome sight he saw in the heavenly realm of the Lord, after our King ascended to His rightful place at the right hand of the Almighty and called John- Come up here as written in Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 1 and 4.  Check it out!

John splits the wheat from the tares quite easily in his letter of 1 John. Though we are not to judge as written in 1 Corinthians 4:5, Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise shall be from God.

He shows us our own heart check list before our King….. These words were confirmed by the Spirit as  John knew the Lord very intimately and knows His heart…. So therefore, we should take heed to the great salvation that we have received from our God as written in Hebrews 1 and get our ears at attention.

When we are ingulfed in His Spirit, we cannot but see the Lord, and live to  exalt Him by our life…… We are so totally consumed by Him as we are gone, but here…I guess this is confirmation of Colossians 3:3, For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.….

He is and we are existing in Him and His ruling and reigning over all the earth.  We are consumed by the reign and glory to be His now and forever.  We are totally smitten by His Spirit which reveals all the love of God has towards us.

There is nothing else but Him….. and His glory. Beloved, Christ will be all and in all….. Let us be there now as well as we can be but by God, all things are possible…… Thank God, if we draw nigh to Him – He will and does draw nigh to us… help us abide in greater measure than yesterday in our King and His ways, His Word.

You may say this is way overboard….. May I ask you, what man has ever laid down their life so you may gain their inheritance for you and you didn’t even know them?…. They were not of any relation to you, but this man did it for you….. What do you do knowing this?  Ignore the man and the gift of his inheritance toward you ?

Do you wonder why this man did this?  Do you think you might need this inheritance later?

Do we leave all to gain Christ, for those who call on His name?  This  is the God/Man called the King of all kings and Lord of all lords- even over us He reigns now…… Every knee will bow to this great King…… I choose to bow now and get my lamp full of His oil….. so when He comes again, for He will be coming, I will be found by Him, not in my own righteousness but His alone. You too!  How awesome you are to choose so wisely!!!

He is worthy of our all, for He has given us more than we can think or imagine and fool for us to put anything between us and Him.

If there is no Fire of God working within us burning away the chaff of the world in our ways and our thinking, then, beloved, get  His Spirit today!!!  His Spirit makes a fire line to protect us to stay in His fire.  His Spirit is strong and mighty to keep us from stepping out  so  His fire within will not diminish  by  bowing to the world’s ways again. Abiding in Him, His fire burns the ways before us that are opposing the King of glory.

He is coming back to a pure and spotless bride….. He has given us all we need in His Spirit to stand and abide in Him.  Why? Because we are His beloved, but we are also His army representing Him in this world. We are about His rights for His Spirit to remain on this earth in the hearts of men.

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are the children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.

And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies Himself just as He is pure, ( 1 John 3:1-3).

Whoever abides in Him, does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in Him; and he cannot sin, because He has been born of God.

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother,      ( 1John 3:6,9-10).

Beloved, let us love one another,  for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love,     ( 1John 4:7-9).

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.

By this we know we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.

Whoever confesses  that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in Him, and he in God.

And we have known and believed the love of God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world, ( 1 John 4:12-17).

We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.

We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. 

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen, (1John 5:18-21).

The Word of God is Jesus Christ,…. our King and Lord…. He is the Truth personified from God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit….. When we have the Spirit of God as our seal of our birth from the Holy One, we have peace and we are secure as we remain in the obedience to the Word, our King, by the leading and prompting of His Spirit.  If we love Him, we will want to please Him to be in faith of His Word.

If the Word of God is the Truth, then we believe and stand on it. The seal of His Spirit is the reminder we abide in Him- which is abiding and living by His Word, we are in Him….. When I see that, then I sigh, I am in Him and I am safe and protected by the Lion of Judah, my King reigns over me…. I hear His voice and He hears mine.

If any mess with me, they mess with Him……The Lord fights my battles, and He always wins. Yours too?  He is so awesome, isn’t He?  We love you, oh Lord. There is no one like You!

We look at Paul, the apostle, as a strong man in God….. Yes, He did many exploits for God because he prayed more than anyone and remained in Christ, acknowledging nothing of himself, but all glory and praise was the Lord’s from this man…. He was jealous for the Lord’s place in everyone’s hearts.   He sold out for the King of glory.

So should we sell out for our King as His army and His beloved.

Father God, we love You and thank You for Your Son, our Lord, and all that we are apprehending that He has been made for us. We ask for Your might and strength in Your grace to prepare us for what Your will has called us forth to be in this day.  May we be strong in faith to put all aside that is not worthy of Your presence  as it is written we are where You are…… May we put You first and be with You  where You want us to be,  as You write Your love upon our hearts. May our purpose in You be fulfilled. Your will, Father, be done in and through our lives.

We love You and we praise and honor You in all we say and do….. because You are so worthy and most of all, because we love You.

Thank You, Father, for Your Gift of Your Son to us so we may learn and know You this day.   There is only one way we may show You our gratitude for our King,  is to hear and obey what He speaks to us this day by Your Spirit.

Thank You for Your Grace and Truth in Your Spirit we have found in Your Son. In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen!!!

Let us use all He has bestowed on and in us by His Spirit and be found chosen in the Beloved when we awaken!  We then will find us in His image. Amen and Amen!


My Beloved,

Where are you today?  Where is your stance this day?  Do you not know you are with Me?  Where is I AM this day for you?  Are We together this dawn, this work day, this dusk and night fall? I AM has not moved from you for I AM does not change.

I AM was not sacrificed on Calvary so you may say yes and then go your way -away from Me.   This is not I AM will’s and to be away from Me. I AM the fulfillment of all you need.

Be like My son Jacob, he thought, oh, is not God in this place?  I AM came to him and he knew My voice.   Know I AM’s voice so as I AM comes to awaken you from your sleep, you may turn and awake into My will for being in My presence…… For I AM desire’s you to be with Me where I AM……I AM will be with you where you are You may know Me,  so you may then turn and join Me where I AM in the realm of My reigning.

Is this still the day where I AM longs to show you many things, but you are not ready? Be filled with the Oil that comes within and on you as you partake of My blood and body…… Three in One is the way of My God and yours. The Life Blood of The Father and the Body of the Son and the Fire showing the Oil of My Spirit is God is with you this day and always….. Come be One with us  for this is My kingdom.

May I AM ask what hold does the world have on the ones I AM calls His own?….. Why is there a divided heart or a doubleminded person that stands in My presence but his gaze is not on Me?

What false beauty is attracting your eyes away from I AM? Is it the pride of your life and in your name but not Mine? Is it the bigness of the world and not the greatness of I AM?  Which has blessed you and remained true to you through your days until now?

Beware of the snare that says the world holds the key for you and makes you turn your heart in deception. Alas, the fall may come for the knowledge of good versus evil is knocking on your door….. But I AM will not let you go…… I AM praying for you as well as all My children….. The Light will dawn again as it did for your brother Peter.

Stronger than ever did he return, then My Spirit sold Him  unto I AM forever  and he is with Me.  Refining in the fire  and being kept above the wave is how  My children know I AM with them where they are. Alas, through the fire and the water, you are with Me where I AM. You shall rest in My presence knowing you are with I AM always forever and beyond this day.

The sifting winds blow through the hearts of men…… Will they fall or will they stand, but see, I AM with them through to the end and beyond……Be as One as We are One.  Keep you eyes on I AM and I AM will be your all……I AM the End from the Beginning and I AM knows your End because I AM your Beginning.

Why do you look unto your sister and brother for their way in I AM is different?….. The same faith but the purpose is different….. Comparison was in My son, Peter. He, also, inquired of Me of his brother.  He was told to keep with Me for what is it to you  what I AM does with My own……. You did not die for them as I AM has…. They are Mine until and beyond the end of time.

You keep your eyes on I AM for this is where Your next step comes from not your brother or your sister.   What is it if they sit at My feet until I AM returns?  You follow I AM.

My army has many souls redeemed unto Me. All are My treasure fitted perfectly in My body to complete the purpose of My glory before the world, the angels and principalities and powers.  All the instruments in an orchestra are one sound of I AM in the earth so are My children working together as one. Hear My roar!

Division of the brethren is not of I AM…. Oh yes, I AM calls Light and Light is….. Be sure you as My own, also call Light is and not  calling darkness to be. Division of My body  stops My purpose. The return of  unity of My blood and My body as One in I AM has been decreed, do not fight against Me.  They are  One as We are One.  Is not I AM’s prayer answered?

So follow Me and decree My body is One and know no one after the flesh, but decree My new creation I AM has called all to be is in the Beloved.

Revival starts with I AM in your own hearts….. Then the Fire of Love will transfer out and ignite the dry wood ad bones.

Remember, My little ones, I AM calls what is not to be so what is is no longer- practice My ways then unity will be— My One body which is complete in Me this day and always shall be as I AM the head.

My view of My body is not as man. I AM has no dividing lines. How does Love separate those who I AM calls My own?   Yay, the tares have sown their seed, but My own stands on them and brings the love of the brethren to reach out and call Light and Love  to be. This is the way My body is to be.

Take heed of what the Spirit speaks to thee, this day. One cannot call Me Lord and not be in My body. They may acknowledge Me as  Savior, but as their Lord, My Spirit rules and leads them for Me.  So hear and obey.

As man has a spirit so does I AM- The Holy Spirit is throughout My body. There is only One Holy Spirit in I AM…Not a foreign spirit will be attached to Me.  Do you leaders still not see, please do not be like the Pharisees who refused to see and then believe!

Be complete in Me and see all as I AM has decreed  for I AM the head and you all are One in My body. Be One in Us for this is from Me.  I AM the head and why do you say you do not need the ear because you are the hands.  Be One in Us as this is the way I AM has called you all to be.

Living by My Spirit is the fullness I AM has planned for all in Me. The lines of separation will diminish as love is the My seal of perfection to be My body on the earth as I AM has designed before time for  I AM asks you to obey Me.

I AM asks you this day, do not use an eraser to remove the blood covering My beloved for she is  spotless and without blame before My eyes…. She is dazzling in white from My side she is drawn, do not trample on the blood of the Lamb for what you try to erase from the love I AM has for  My beloved, will come startling ablaze  this action on you when you stand before Me on My Day.

Heed My Words this Day, for they will not return to Me void. Mark My stand for My beloved is Mine today and forever beyond time.

When the days are complete, My glory will be shown through her as she glories only in Me.  She is brilliantly white for she is covered in My blood and claimed her place in My side…….Her love showers over Me as rain c0vers all the earth…. She is Mine and she has climbed into Her place at My feet. Do you not know this is the place for  My saints at My feet?

Know Me and the Words of My heart are written on yours. Know Me and My house shall be complete. Know Me and evil flees from thee. Know Me and you will loose your will to fight Me. Know Me and you will become the lamb before Me and the lion before men. Know Me and the heavens will answer thee. Know Me and devils will flee at the sight of you because of Me.   Know Me the sky will rain and the blood will run the waters and you are used for My glory. Know Me and  you will testify to all of Me.   Know Me and then the Spirit will find His rest in thee.

Thank you, children, for hearing Me.  Please adhere to what I AM saying… I AM searches the earth to and fro to see who I AM may show Himself strong for?  May it be you.  I AM here for you, I AM has always been here for you.

Learn of My love which never has failed you nor will I AM ever fail you for I AM Love. Love never fails.