
His Children Have Ears to Hear….Him

Littlestone was quiet as he started to doze into a dream…..He was now looking down at a white canopy. It had been raining but frogs were coming off the canopy in droves. All over he kept hearing thumps and thumps of the frogs jumping down from roofs and the white canopy.

These frogs were invading homes after this rain.

He awoke.

He sat straight up and wiped his eyes and put his hand through his hair.

What does this mean?, he asked loudly to his King.

I AM rains on the just and the unjust, he heard.

Why do you think, Littlestone, that in all four of My Good news, I was casting out the moneychangers and profiteers?

I do not know, Lord, Littlestone answered.

I AM came down to rise in man’s spirit for I AM is pure. I AM is strong in battle. I AM is faithful. When I AM sees My Spirit in you, I AM has His purpose complete.  I AM’s intent is to restore My glory within mankind.

Restore My children to heaven….. All of the earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not….Where I AM is where My children are ….. in Me.

As written in Proverbs evil will fill the wicked. But know, I AM has also filled His own with Himself….Son of Man comes and abides in His temple of His own. His own has come to abide in Him. This purpose of God, our Father, is complete when man’s heart is now a heart of flesh.  If you can see, I AM there, all of Yahweh’s statutes and laws written on the flesh of their hearts.

Not man’s glory but I AM’s glory.   The temple that  was built was according to My specifications in heaven. I AM brought heaven to earth. Now I AM has called My children to arise and come up here.

There were no moneychangers. Man bowed down when they saw My glory fill the temple.

When My Spirit fills My children….. My glory has filled them. I AM does not come in measure but all that I AM is deposited to bring My children to My glory again…. The conforming to My image is being constructed. Holy Spirit’s fire brings the fusing of Us together…… No man will snatch My children from My hand. My children have died with Me and the life they know live they live by faith in Me…. Not faith, but faith in Me… My children are learning to lay all before Me in their trust of Me for the result….. This is My way and all that call on My name must adhere to My walk of faith…. Trust I AM.

Not all rains are representing the reviving of man…..Heed and be awake. Do not be deceived.

All the times past, do you not see the cleansing of the land must take place?

Know My ways and you shall know the times you are partaking.

Did Solomon build the temple of I AM, then came David, the warrior of God?

Nay, first the man of war, My beloved son, made the way for My Temple building by his son.

What was, will be again and must be as I AM does not change. Man does if he repents.

The stone of hearts to be given hearts of flesh, come with great sorrow and repentance.

Men bending over in sorrow and anguish is the start of replacing of hearts of stone.

Littlestone, do you see men ready for change?

Littlestone, do you see men in sorrow or anguish?

Littlestone, do you the tears of men ?

Littlestone, as it is written, as in the days of Noah, they will be eating and drinking and giving in marriage. None of them aware before the great flood that covered the earth…. They thought not us. The frogs deceived them as the frogs still deceive the proud in heart.

Time is just ticking away as men think that the ticking will be eternal….

The deceiving spirits have entered the land and some will come from houses called after My name, but I AM has not spoke to them or been with them for they are unclean….My Spirit does not dwell with them.

Discern before My people, the clean and the unclean.

The humble shall be exalted and the proud shall be brought down.  As this has been and is and will be.

Do not fear but alas, be awake.

Keep your heart to hear My voice at all costs.

Keep your heart to see with My eyes and not be deceived.

With the merciful, I AM will show Myself merciful;

With a blameless man, I AM will show Myself blameless;

With the pure, I AM will show Myself pure;

And with the devious, I AM will show Myself shrewd.

For I AM will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks as written in Psalm 18:25-27.

Littlestone was reading along with his King for he knew where this scripture was written. When He had stopped speaking, Littlestone picked up the next verses and read them back to his King.

My Lord and my God:

For You will light my lamp; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

For by You I can run against a  troop,

By my God I can leap over a wall.

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven;

He is shield to all who trust in Him.

For who is God, except the Lord?

And who is a rock, except our God?

It is God who arms me with strength,

And makes my way perfect.

He makes my feet like the feet of deer,

And sets me on my high places.

He teaches my hands to make war,

So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze, ( Psalm 18:28-34).

Thank You, Father, for the rains that water the earth and Your Son’s blood that covered and washed away our sins.

Thank You, Father for Your Spirit to dwell within us to keep us on Your path and Your purpose.

In You,my King, I can do all things. I can do all things because You strengthen me.

Be blessed and praised and exalted because You are great. And You greatly love us.

Help us be prepared for what is coming.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.

For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him?

Even so no one knows the things of, God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know

The things that have been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him;

Nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ,

As written from 2 Corinthians, verses 9-16.

Those who have an ear, please hear.

Those who an eye, please see and know and understand the wisdom of our King.


1 Comments on “His Children Have Ears to Hear….Him”

  1. Thank you for this timely word from our Lord and King. May everyone have ears to hear and a will to obey. May He continue to bless you, His faithful servant.