
How Beautiful Are The Feet That Preach The Gospel Of Peace!

Who bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, Lord who has heard our report? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, have they not heard? Yes, indeed:

Their sound has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. 

But I say, did Israel not know? First Moses says:

I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation, I will move you to anger by a foolish nation.

But Isaiah is very bold and says:

I was found by those who did not seek Me; I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me.

But to Israel he says: All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and contrary people, ( Romans 10:15-21).

God ways do not change, we are to change to align to His ways….. So if the plan of God is to bring to jealousy to the nation of Israel…. Do you not think that He is still bringing “some” to jealousy to maybe move us to seek the Lord much harder…. so to speak- take Him off of our comfort shelf? Maybe allow God out of the nice pretty box we put Him in? ( As though He would fit !).

He is a great God and has wonderous things for us and is still doing them…. But we have to have eyes to see them and heart that is searching after Him. What is the Lord showing you about His great plan that includes you?  Seek Him, love Him and He will reveal all!

There is great life offered to us by the finished work of the cross….. but the Holy Spirit is very faithful to put the cross in our daily path so we die daily so that there is room for the resurrected power of the Spirit to live through us…..

We hear from our Lord daily, He has not stopped speaking to His children….. If we are not hearing it is because we quit listening. There are too many voices louder in our hearts that have greater power over us than the Lord!

But then, look at verse 20 in chapter 10 of Romans: I was found by those who did not seek Me;  I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me.

So the Lord has plans for who He wants to show Himself too…. We are not God, we cannot make a formula to follow to seek Him…. It is about the heart that He changes and moves in us towards Him…. But what we can do is be diligent in showing the Lord we mean business about learning about Him…. as we put Him first and ask to enlarge our heart to follow His commands as written in Psalm 119:32.

We need His Help, which He sent in the Spirit of God….. Now when I became committed to the Lord. I expected to hear His voice to guide me….. I did not want to listen to my own anymore because it led me to disaster and death.

So by faith, I heard and obeyed His sweet gentle voice. He became My ALL. Each day, I listened and watched for Him…. as I looked for food and water for my body. His voice settled this longing in my heart and soul. There is nothing better than to be in communion and fellowship with His Spirit which is our Helper and Comforter and Guide in this dark night of walking by faith in a corrupt world.

Why do you think Jesus said to us in Mark 10:15, Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.

Man says God only speaks through His word now….. Jesus Christ, the Son of God says, My sheep hear My voice……Man says their is no need anymore for the gifts of the Spirit….. God’s apostle Paul says— You must walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit.

Man says there are no more prophets or prophecy…. Paul, the Apostle, says do not despise the Spirit and do not despise prophecies.

Why is there such a contradiction between the preaching in the building of churches and what is written by the inspiration of men by God, who are building up the body of Christ. His church is a living breathing organism. This is the new creation in Christ, the body of Christ.

If we are the body of Christ, should we not live by the anointing of Christ in us, which is the Holy Spirit living within and on us? Jesus Christ gave us His Spirit to live by in Him as a command….. This was not left as an option from the Lord…. If there is question about that, then I suggest for you to read the Gospel of John 14-17.

Our ignorance of the written word limits our walk with the Lord….. Jesus Christ started His ministry on earth after He was anointed by the Spirit of God…..  We have been given the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us.   Before we trust in what man says…. we need to be sure the word lines up with the Word of God and know and hear that the man or woman was approved by God. How do we know that man was approved by God?

One way is to tell if the fire of God in you is stirred up to believe the unbelievable and live in the inconceivable life that is available to us in God.  That our faith grows larger in God and sees a greater vision of His love and power….We see the Father’s heart and know we can conquer all obstacles in the strength and power of Jesus Christ’s name.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and then was equipped to do the Father’s will when He was baptized with the Spirit of God…..We also need both the Word and baptism of the fire of the Spirit of God to live the Father’s will and walk humbly in the Spirit of God’s direction….in faith, because His direction is the Light though we see only darkness of night in the natural’s eye.

As we listen to the Lord and not man, the limits of the life that is available to us in Christ is limitless….. Man puts limits, but God says in Ephesians 3:20, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

Choose this day, who are you going to believe? Who died for you? Who provided the Comforter and Helper and Guide?

Get in the word of God and see the benefits that you may be missing, especially the hearing of His voice….. because if you are His sheep, you hear His voice. God said it, I believe it and I live it…. What about you?

Grow in God’s grace and knowledge of the Lord—— Woe to the ones who are speaking God does not want to speak and guide His children today by His Spirit.

God’s love never fails…… Let us continue to climb the heights of His majesty of love and the depths of His sufferings of being misunderstood by His own.

God’s love never fails….. Who do You say that I AM? He is asking today—– Hear His cry of His heart of love toward you? Do not fear, just believe!
