
How Did The Red Rose Get Here?

Little Person was looking forward to ride to His meeting place again. The sun was out in full rays the past week or so. The earth was hard enough to hold the weight of them riding up the hills.

He hopped our of the car and looked unto to the hill where his King was waiting…..  He thought, I know You are with me … as You have revealed Your Son in me, but I love to be alone with You. He knew the hill of salvation,…. but he yearned to go and hang out with His King in the heights.

Little Person wanted more of Him.  He was so hungry for the time with His King again. This was as if he were ascending to the heavens and seeing what He is doing and saying first hand…..

As he was riding, he thought maybe the hill should be named- come up here and I will show you things to come….. Then he said to Aaliyah, nope.….. I like the hill of His meeting better. Don’t you?

Aaliyah then sneezed…. He chuckled and asked her, is that a yes, or no?

The ride was slippery here and there climbing up the hill. They finally arrived at His place.

He sat on the rock and saw the overflowing river fly across the tops of the rocks…… Spring was ascending over the cold winter….. Spring was pushing winter right out of the cold place it took over the land.

He popped up to get his notebook from his saddlebag and loosened Aalyiah’s bridle and bit.  He put on her halter and lead and let her search for some grass…..  He watched her for awhile so she did not venture too far….. She finally gave up. The air was too cold up on His hill for grass to grow yet….. She came and stood guard next to Little Person…. She started to doze off…. 

So as they were both settled, Little Person looked to the heavens and prayed. He thanked God for His help. He also thanked Him for keeping Little Person busy through the cold months. Even though He wasn’t at His hill, Holy Spirit taught Little Person much about the revealing of his King.

He started to ask for the honesty of the leaders to come forth. He asked for truth in the inward parts for himself and the leaders or shepherds……  No more business minded for their ministry but really administering Jesus Christ….. Thank You for the grace to learn the revelation of His Son in us as our only hope of glory as well as He alone is the fragrance Father seeks to see and give to His children.

People were contacting him more now than ever to hear what God has spoken to Little Person.

His thought was, if they are in ministry to tell people of God, then they shall hear what I hear.

Why do they need me if the Holy Spirit is theirs?

If they are for Him alone, they shall hear.

He heard to turn to Jeremiah 31:31-34:

The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
    “when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel
    and with the people of Judah.

 It will not be like the covenant
    I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
    to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant,
    though I was a husband to[a] them,[b]
declares the Lord.

 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
    after that time,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds
    and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.
 No longer will they teach their neighbor,
    or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
    from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the Lord.
“For I will forgive their wickedness
    and will remember their sins no more.”

Father God, I ask from You the grace that all will seek You first, then may men confirm the Words You speak in secret to each heart. May men only point to You alone.  May all who call on Your name follow You alone.  May You be our only Source,

Child, remember in Exodus, the people did not want to hear from Me directly….. They did not want to be so close to fiery God as I AM that I AM.

Pray for each heart to have awareness of their great need to fill and know that I alone will fill their hearts with the love that never fails them.  Ask of Me, the hearts of the people learn to rest in Me…. May the blinders of their eyes of their heart be opened to see and know Me as their all and I AM in all.

After writing this all down. Little Person ventured in speaking, Your sheep are to hear Your voice and to enjoy hearing Your voice and walk with You.


They do not want to do the hard work of stilling their souls.

They want the news but the not the goodness of I AM.

This is how I AM separating the sheep from the goats.

I AM the Light and you My Little Person are in the light.

People prefer the darkness and keep the view of I AM from afar. This is their deception.

This was the way in the beginning. They wonder why the chaos never leaves their home.

Tell them to open Me and see that I AM good and will satisfy them.

If they have been given ears to hear, they shall hear…. If not, they shall go on…. And not even hear the storm billowing. If they do not hear My still small voice they will never hear the thunder and lightning over their head.

Every father looks for the day their son comes to him to be of His business.

They day has not come for the multitudes of those who call on My name.

I AM whispers. I AM calls. I AM thunders. I AM sends the hail and whirlwind……

Call on Me in the day of trouble, I AM will help.

But they do not call….. They call on man.

They do not lean on Me. They lean on men and government.  They try lean on their own strength.   They refuse the goodness of I AM to strengthen them to achieve and do all things in Me and from Me and for Me.

My fullness of life, eternal life, they do not know to even crave for it now….. for their day, today.

Little Person’s fingers were cramping up again from all these words.  He was thankful for the quiet to catch up with his King.

Little Person remembered what the Pastor said today…..

Will we crown Him King or hang Jesus Christ on the tree?

Will we walk with Him into Jerusalem?

Will we walk with Him to Golgotha?

The place where we lose our mind to obtain the mind of Christ by faith…..

Where greatness is eternal and divine…..

He thought I want to be found big in You, my King…. Not in me.

Galatians 2:20 was remembered by Little Person,…. I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

 A mystery revealed…. His Son is revealed in Me…As written in Colossians 1:26-27:.

the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Little Person thought to himself as he was writing all this down, the third day, his God Almighty came to Mount Sinai and released His commandments to the nation.

Then on the third day as written in John 2, Jesus was at a wedding where He first filled the waterpots with water, which is His Word, then the waterpots where changed into wine…… representing His church.

Then as Passover was at hand, Jesus found in the temple those who sold oxen, sheep and doves….. The money changers doing business….He made a whip of cords and spoke…. Take these things away. Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise.

He also stated He would build His temple in three days.

Lord, You show Yourself very strong on the third days of Your purposed plan.


Three is the start of My plans and seven is the completion. Many see the confusion of the chaos of the times. Will they look to Me where their help comes from?…… I AM will not stop the chaos but I AM gives I AM as their rest…. My voice rings out, all who are heavy laden, come, I AM will give you rest. I will give you meaning to your life…. I will change the temporal of your sight to the eternal.  All things are possible… 

As I AM walked the earth, trouble was around Me. Trouble came after Me and until the appropriate time as written, I AM was lost in their midst.

As I AM was and is and will ever be, so are My children.

I AM did not come to change the Roman domination….. I AM came to reveal to all a better way…. My place above all things where I AM is calling all to rise up into the heavenly way…… This is My way. I AM is the door to enter…. Come to Me and enter in to a better way.

I AM did not come to change the nations but to build My temple from those I AM called out from the nations…. As I AM called Abraham out from the nation. Then He and I AM formed My new nation….Israel. Now I AM calling from every tribe, tongue and nation, all who are heavy laden and weary. Come I AM will give You rest…. Learn of Me, I AM is meek and humble…. My love for you will never fail and I AM is the calm of any storm…. My eye is the place where you may be in the storm but it won’t touch you, for you are kept as the apple of My eye.

Storms will come and those who are founded on My Word, Myself, My Rock, will always be found in Me and remain through out all eternity.

Know Me now while you can….. In the quiet of the storm, seek Me. I AM will be found. Do not run here and there….. Just sit and look to Me. Call on Me and I AM will be found.

The blood of I AM is everlasting and will cover all those who seek Me with a broken and contrite heart.

The way may be long and narrow, but you knowing Me, will have joy overflowing like the river that bubbles within you of My everlasting life.

May all walk with Me into the city of Jerusalem. May all bow to Me now. Crown Me your King. Crown Me with the belief you know I AM your Savior. Crown Me with your faith which calls your heart to break on all you see of your sin.  Crown Me as you receive the forgiveness of your God.

Crown Me with the love of your watering eyes as you see your King hanging on the tree for you….. See Me and you will never be blind again….

See Me. Look at Me. See My eyes. See My love…..I AM has died to give you all I AM has to win you back to I AM forever.

See Me……on the donkey walking into the place where I AM knew I AM was to die……..but I AM knew what would be on that third day…

I AM the Beginning. In three days I AM will build My temple.

Come and be. Allow this day be your third day in Me.

My flesh had to die to remove your flesh from you. Come and be of My Spirit and grace….

My Cross is the way to your third day….. Enter in…. Allow My Spirit to reveal the all that happened that bloody day.  Allow My Spirit to reveal to you the depths of love I AM has for you.

A single red rose I AM lays at your feet.  As you pick it up the thorn stings your finger. You flinch from the quick pinch of  pain…. My child, that is death that has lost it’s sting. You may bleed a bit, but the healing and restoration of My life brings you fully into eternity with Me.  The corruptible will submit to the incorruptible and you are as I AM now and forevermore.

Will you pick up the rose and walk with Me up to the road of calvary?

Will you walk with Me and learn of all that was death and all that is I AM and life evermore?

Come all who are weary and heavy laden, I AM does give rest…..

Come and see!

Understanding will be My key for you to see all you need from Me. As you walk with Me, then be all I AM has called you to today and always will be greater. See as you grow in I AM…. I AM grows greater in you. Allow all I AM to be your everything….Alas, you shall be all that has been planned and is forever more.

Walk with Me and ask for the grace I AM will bestow on you so you may believe… I AM calling you out.  I AM then brings you in….

This is all up to you…. Will you pick up My red rose and follow Me these next couple of days?  This must be first:…. The bowing of your King to be crowned with thorns was to gather all unto Him….

See….. Him. Will we crown Him King or hang Him on the tree that was made for you and me?


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