
How Is The Fear Of The Lord Working For Us?

How Is The Fear Of The Lord Working In Us?

This stand in front of the class had seemed a long time since Little Person had been here, but it had only been two days.  To him, it had seemed a thousand years.  A day in the Lord or to the Lord is as a thousand years, Little Person thought.

He saw the Lion of the tribe of Judah rubbing himself on trees causing them to fall.  He heard and saw him passing back and forth roaring and only the fools answered back….. but the worthy ones bowed their heads to the King of all. The King is here to see if the trees are of Him…… or not. Christ in us is the only hope of glory. He is the Measurer of how we receive Himself,….. His Gift to us.

Little Person started to speak to them on how important it was to know the written Word of God. He emphasized how to have the Word written in our hearts so that we do not turn away as we fall prey to the deceitful ones in the flock. Wolves dressed as sheep…… Their hearts full of deception,…..lead others who hearts may also be of deception……Ministry or to minister to Him and from the overflow of His presence the Christ Himself is poured out on others as written….. a fragrance unto death or a fragrance unto life…… The receivers’ hearts decide the essence of Christ.

Remember though, birds of the same feather do flock together…… A heart full of deception tends to hang out with the same mind set……Gossipers like to hang out with ones like minded to get the latest scoop….It doesn’t matter if it is a lie or not…. They crave the attention of the hearers. People either crave acceptance from people or acceptance of the Uncreated One…. Again, our choice…. Cannot serve two masters… written.

Who is carried about by every wind or false doctrine given by men to the undiscerning? If you know His Word and tend to the Presence of God,….. fast talking and loose talking will not match peace in your heart.  And if it does not seem right away to be false,….You may depend on Holy Spirit to bring up the truth because it is written in your hearts….. You can count on Holy Spirit to bring the truth and lies to your heart…..He wants us to be stewards of His Light and not deceitful cunning schemes of the wolves. After all, our King is our Shepherd and keeps us unto Himself….He does protect His flock.

We must be discerning of the times and true knowledge of God and for this He has prepared us for His best…. As written Ephesians 4, verses 9-14 is complete: (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had previously descended [from the heights of heaven] into the lower parts of the earth? 

 He who descended is the very same as He who also has ascended high above all the heavens, that He [His presence] might fill all things [that is, the whole universe]). 

 And [His gifts to the church were varied and] He Himself appointed some as apostles [special messengers, representatives], some as prophets [who speak a new message from God to the people], some as evangelists [who spread the good news of salvation], and some as pastors and teachers [to shepherd and guide and instruct], [and He did this] to fully equip and perfect the saints (God’s people) for works of service, to build up the body of Christ [the church]; 

until we all reach oneness in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, [growing spiritually] to become a mature believer, reaching to the measure of the fullness of Christ [manifesting His spiritual completeness and exercising our spiritual gifts in unity]. 

 So that we are no longer children [spiritually immature], tossed back and forth [like ships on a stormy sea] and carried about by every wind of [shifting] doctrine, by the cunning and trickery of [unscrupulous] men, by the deceitful scheming of people ready to do anything [for personal profit].

He looked out and saw the faces glowing as if they were angels, even with their surprised expression…. Yes, the work only God could do….. turn the lost to found…. The harden heart to a heart of flesh….. Only or but God alone…… are these before me.

Beware of those who speak that goodness and the power of God cannot completely deliver and cleanse and redeem to His purpose of which you are created to live.  If you hear how weak we are….. well, His power is greater than our weakness and in fact it is made perfect in our weakness. Faith in Him is the only key needed for victory.

To this end does our Shepherd lead us as written in Hebrews 13:20-22: Now may the God of peace [the source of serenity and spiritual well-being] who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood that sealed and ratified the eternal covenant, equip you with every good thing to carry out His will and strengthen you [making you complete and perfect as you ought to be], accomplishing in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

 I call on you, brothers and sisters, listen [patiently] to this message of exhortation and encouragement, for I have written to you briefly.

So if Holy Spirit is showing you to fly over the treetops unto and above the stars in to His presence….. Do not let man talk you out of it or demean you by making your focus change from the One who can do all things and in which nothing is impossible and nothing is impossible to where He has called you.

He is the King of the Spirit realm…… Remember,  how we worship and adore Him in truth and in Spirit this day.   The flesh can do nothing…….but, in Him we can do all things who is great in strengthening us.

Do not settle in that what another settles in…… Go after what God speaks in His Word and what He has shown you in your heart in fellowship.

Got that?

They all shook their heads in agreement.

People put limits out there by their own words of what they have stopped themselves  short in obedience….They limit God but you all do not….. Look at how far He has brought you now….. and this is just your beginning baby steps…… Keep going strong after Him and never take your eyes off  Him.

Now things are changing out there in the world for what is not eternal is always up for a shaking….

So it is imperative you stay in His Word and listen in your fellowship time with our King by His Spirit.

If He shows you things like 9/11 often. Intercede.

If He shows you destruction….. Intercede….. Be as your King is…..Bring life….. Stand for His life in all.

The world may be going on with the festiveness of the what ever season, but we are not blind to His hand and the signs of the times.   You are called with a high calling to be separated unto Him and be His. We are always willing and able to do His work.

Now do not be deceived that prayer is not work…… Speaking and praying His Word and His will over people or items of His interest from what He is showing you IS His work for you…… He never chided Mary for sitting at His feet and hearing Him……In fact, He asked for the disciples to pray with Him for one hour….. they fell asleep on the job……But we have now been given strength by His Spirit. 

Some are His eyes and some are His hands……. What you are told to do is His work working through you to others….. Do not put prayer with Him and from Him as a lesser thing………If we do not bring Christ to others we are not giving Him…..but stuff that will melt away….You may give a gift of earthly value, but without giving Holy Spirit hand of choice Words to the heart of one….. The earthly gift is a nice gesture but not lasting to Him…… We want our face to disappear before the ones we speak- so  His face will remain very large to the one He has His eyes on. His fruit will always remain.

Now we cannot be deceived unless we are looking for something other than Christ…….

If we want fame, fortune and things….. Watch out!!!!

He will allow you to follow what is not of Him…..

Do not be fearful, if you seek Him with all of our heart, He will be found by you…..

In the pure of heart, He warns, protects. He protects His sheep.

He destroys the ones that bind but never loose. Shame shall forever be their legacy, just as written.

Just as Noah was preparing the ark for many days and warning the people of what was coming….. They joked, and sneered and went on their way ignoring their Creator’s warning through His messenger….. So shall be the days that are coming.

Then the rain started and never stopped……The door of their salvation into the ark was closed.

So shall it be as it was before……His Story always shows a way to redemption but men in their pride laugh and scoff it away.

Let this not be said of you this day, okay?

They were looking at him with wide eyes and opened mouths and dropped jaws.

He said as he took a deep breath, ….. Fear not what is ahead….. You are found in Him…..

Fear if you are not. 

We know Him and His love poured into us shows us great reverence towards God….. A holy respect which is the right fear of the Lord….We will not trample upon His blood nor His abundant grace.

Thus says the Lord, “Let not the one who is wise and skillful boast in his insight; let not the one who is mighty and powerful boast in his strength; let not the one who is rich boast in his [temporal satisfactions and earthly] abundance;  but let the one who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me [and acknowledges Me and honors Me as God and recognizes without any doubt], that I am the Lord who practices lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth, for in these things I delight,” says the Lord, as written in Jeremiah 9:23.

Make sure we always see the fire in His eyes and what He speaks as the thunder rolls.

Pray that we always have ears to hear and the eyes of our heart to see.

Let go of the traditions of men and make sure we are found in Him in this time.

Sitting with the King and He sitting with you, is this not the greatest graceful privilege we been given?

He will lead you all into all you need just be found sitting at His feet.

For what was is and will be again…. Know Him now!  Enjoy Him now.

There is nothing like being held by our King. Him looking at us and us at Him….. Living the impossible because it is possible again.  Take all you can of what He has died to give us…. Where you set your eyes is where He will allow you to go.

If you chose the earthly things, there you will be….. But if the heavenly focus is where you look, ahhh.

See all along is where you will be siting with our King….. Knowing what He is allowing and doing…… He laughs because the day of the wicked is coming also their way.

So jump and twirl around for what was and is will be again…… But those are found in Him was not, but is today and will always be with Him for all eternity.

That is grand and worthy of an………

His place resounded with a shout of Alleluia that all of heaven heard.

They all smiled as Little Person read Psalm 99:

The Lord reigns, let the peoples tremble [with submissive wonder]!
He sits enthroned above the cherubim, let the earth shake!

The Lord is great in Zion,
And He is exalted and magnified above all the peoples.

Let them [reverently] praise Your great and awesome name;
Holy is He.

The strength of the King loves justice and righteous judgment;
You have established fairness;
You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob (Israel).

Exalt the Lord our God
And worship at His footstool;
Holy is He.

Moses and Aaron were among His priests,
And Samuel was among those who called on His name;
They called upon the Lord and He answered them.

He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;
They kept His testimonies
And the statutes that He gave them.

You answered them, O Lord our God;
You were a forgiving God to them,
And yet an avenger of their evil practices.

Exalt the Lord our God
And worship at His holy hill [Zion, the temple mount],
For the Lord our God is holy.

Now in your intercession with Holy Spirit, pray Psalm 91 over all our military, and law enforcement and of course, their canine partners……….These are on the front lines and are worthy of constant prayers of protection as they are protecting us on this earth. Okay?

 Activate His Word over them by speaking this great Psalm 91.

They have our six, so to speak, and we have to have their six by prayers over them….. It is our duty in honoring them for their sacrifice and for their families.

They yelled- Amen!

Quite a hearty AMEN for those who not so long ago were on the wrong side of the law…..Little Person smiled……

They yelled back, Not any more. We experienced a but….. God.

We shout our glory to our Lord for all He has done! ALLELUIA!!!! came bellowing againt through the halls.

After they laughed by all the joy in their heart and the silence turned toward Little Person….

Any questions? asked Little Person.

No, someone answered….. but you have given us a lot to think about.  A daily checkup to make sure our heart is pointed to Him alone.  You show us that He will take care of everything else if we keep our eyes and ears on Him.

Yes, you got it….. He gives us the grace to obey. His Word may be hard to swallow and live but in Him, it never is…. His grace flows and we can do all things in Christ which strengthens us.  Just believe in His love and faithfulness for you, okay….. That is what I hope the last couple of months in a sequestered place have completed in and for you.

I just remembered that next week will be our last week….. Use your imagination over the next couple of days, of being out in the world again AND that you are in Him…… Let Him show you what is to come….. and then we can discuss it next session, okay?

You all shine with His love flowing through you….. Now I will give you my phone number to text me if anything really difficult comes up…. But I want you to go to Him first….. and I will not answer your call for 24 hours…. I want you to lean on Him first…. Then tell me how your situation was handled by God and you, okay?

Now if danger is the case, call Director….. He told me he always keeps a room open for you all.

Let’s break for ten…. And sing His praise on the way out and back….. Got it?

Got it!! Alleluia, they shouted.

They came back in and heard this:

Children, My Delight,

Hear Me speak as I AM tells you things that are to be:

The light of day is fading away. My Light will never die. Those who want to shine before mankind will fade away, and never be seen again.

But those who see their King before them shall radiate My Light. All will see who is truly set their heart on Me and has become My home.

Shall all be open to relationship and fellowship with Me? This is the key to open up endless possibilities.

This is My desire to have My saints gather at My feet, embracing the Word that shall never fail.

A visit to a building once a week will not bring Me joy or bring you to My feet.

Bow your knee and see the children that come to Me…. Then you shall see the height is all the same as you sit at My feet….. All My saints are there….. Can you now see?

Humble and bold before My throne….. A paradox maybe but the King of all is still the Servant of all…….
Seeing My hand in all and beyond, I AM the Creator of all.

The year of the Door is open for all.

There are many doors and gates abroad for the coming of any…… They do not even apply. Thieves enter in without any kind of citizenship…. But the Key to Heaven’s Door….. You must have to enter in….

But, behold, the Door of Heaven, holds the heart of our Father, because He was totally set apart.

Turn and gaze your sight towards Him today….. Oh, is there a closed door in your way?

Call His name as your Savior and Lord. Repent of all you have done against love and your neighbor, because you have done this injustice to Him… Repent!  Then death turns to His life and behold you have entered beyond the Door….. Gaze and see your beautiful King and Savior.

Open your eyes and see the key to have His gaze turn toward you…..Faith in Him will allow the way.

Do not tarry and do not look away because the Door will remain closed even if you delay.

The key to His heart, call on His name with all of your heart.

Look within this Special Door….. See the work I AM has done beyond the veil.

Open your eyes and bid yourself to enter in to the incense of prayers…. The smoke of lies are not here.

They cannot enter into through the veil… By Spirit and in Truth do we pray today sending His will through His Word His way.

Do not heed the smoke of lies that stand before you entering in….. They shall fade by His light shining bright…. Showing you His way is the right and perfect. Peace will be your reward.

Instead feast your eyes on the cross and enter in through His blood today.

Come and see what I AM has died to give you before the day melts away.

Is it a small desire laid before your feet, children of men? Is it a small thing to come into Me, so you may minister unto our Father as king and priest beside Me ?

Is it a small thing to rise up in Me and have the eyes to see all that I AM has called you to be….. I AM has made the way….. Just follow My lead….. Is it too small a thing for you to come into Me and fulfill My purpose?

Kings and priests are not for the elite….. only for the humble who bow at My feet.

Come and see the loaves and fish become the meat for thousands that are filled with the words of heaven.

Come and see all that you are to be in Me from the Beginning of time for all the saints that sit at My feet.

Come and see the plans I AM has made for you in I  AM, and together shall be complete.

Come and see the love I AM has for you is all I AM is….. This I AM has given My all to you……

Oh you say, how can I take it this all in to my heart at once? What I see is beyond all I thought could ever be?

My answer to you is:

By every glance to Me;

By every praise through tears;

By every trusting eye looking unto Me;

By every turning your back to words of fear;

By leaving and dying to the world;

By coming out from among them;

By receiving My joy for every disapproval look; every scorned rebuke; every cursing that comes;

Oh, look now at what you have become:

Rejoice and see all I AM has planned for you to follow:

Oh yes, it is narrow the road to holiness but full of Me….

Alas, at My day, you shall be found by Me….

I AM knows this one……. This one belongs to Me….. This one looks just like Me.

The hope of glory is Christ in me. This is our victory.

There was a holy silence as His love dripped heavily in this little room….. You only could hear pens quickly writing His Words of love and their all to them…..

Praise Him forever!


More To Come- He Is Willing! Keep praying and interceding!!! Again, if you do not know by now what to interecede for…. Then pray to our King until you do….. Then pray….. The bowl of incense of our prayers are ascending before our God, the Almighty…… And we may see again a but……. God!