
I AM The Beginning And The End……..

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work. I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last,                ( Revelation 22:12-13)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it, ( John 1:1-5).

Then God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds, of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them, ( Genesis 1:26-27).

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day,                            ( Genesis 1:31).

May I submit to you that we live in the sixth day of creation…We are waiting to enter the seventh day- His Day!….Also entering into the third day age of ages…..Remember- to the Almighty One a day is as a thousand years…. The Beginning and the End all have to do with the Son of God and His reign in and through His people.  

My last blog I mentioned the oracle of God through Balaam in Exodus. When God looked upon Israel- though they were millions….. Israel was one man – a nation represents one man to our God……. Just as we are from one nation….. We  together  represent one nation giving we are from a particular nation. Through God’s eyes it is as one man……. many people but one nation.

When Aichen in Joshua took the booty that was to be devoted to God…… God allowed the nation of Israel to lose a battle because He saw Israel had sinned…….. Though one man sinned, He held accountable the nation until they reckoned with the sin. So……..

There are many Christians in the world, but there is one body of Christ.  Spread throughout the world there are many believers in Christ Jesus as He sees us all as one body, bride, etc….. Got it?


So let us move on to the creation that abides in Christ Jesus today…… Many members but one nation or one city or one body or one army or one bride….. King Jesus is the head…..of all His people in their metaphors in their place and their purpose and function.  

Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the dead.  We are spiritually in Him. We were born from Him as we also died with and in Him….. Since He was from above and as we were born again or reborn from Him through His travail, we also, are born from above….. We are Mount Zioners….. so to speak.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren, ( Romans 8:29).

In the Beginning, Genesis shows us, Jacob travailed with the Lord. In Jacob’s wrestle, he had a hurt hip from the experience. However, the Almighty changed His name to Israel. God’s nation was born- but not from above….

The decree came from above……. But flesh was born unto flesh, however, they got circumcised on the eighth day. This representing the existing covenant  with God. This was the decreed voice of God towards Israel.  Then the prophets were His vessel as well as the priests to  voice  witnessing  His will unto Israel.

This new creation that has originated through Christ Jesus was from above to boot! Jesus Christ was born through a virgin but the Holy One overshadowed her as she then held the God-man……. This God- man born of God was fore known before the foundation of the world to be the Firstborn from the dead.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God  is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, ( Romans 6:23).

So Jesus Christ came down to our wilderness. He was perfect and was proven perfected through suffering as a man ….. He conquered His flesh which Adam could not do…..

Adam gave up his dominion in a garden by rebellion to God’s Word…..Jesus Christ in a garden laid down His rights  and obeyed the will of the Father….. He surrendered all for the prize He saw as us…..

I know it is hard to believe in our eyes that we were worth His great sacrifice,….. but that is what Love is and God is Love. He sees what we couldn’t and brought us up to a place to see what is always possible to all who believe. 

Everything Jesus Christ did on this earth  and since His ascending to His rightful honor on the right hand of the Almighty, we are included—– He has brought us along and given us all His dominion in Him and through Him and for Him. This is  how we stand… His decree….. Hey, we stand in Him because He says this is so….. We are of His righteousness….. We are His….

Can we climb a little higher and get a broader vision of His plan for us here? Can we be like the spies sent out to view the new heights of the land that He has bestowed unto us in His Son as we are in Him?…… He is calling us up to Him again to readjust our mind unto  His fullness of times.

As written in Psalm 119:32, I will run the course of Your commandments, for you shall enlarge my heart.

He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me, ( Psalm 18:19).

As He is so are we in this world……. As He is so are we in this world…….. As He is so are we in this world……..(1John).

I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I AM, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world, ( John 17:23-24).

God knew us before the foundation of the world and also He loved Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world……Hmmmmm    

It is written in Ephesians 1:4-6,  Just as He has chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having  predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

Can you see the parallel of  the glory and the love of God?  I believe the love of God is synonymous with His power. You cannot know God without either one- His Son, Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords….. in this world. 

He reigns supreme over all.  There is none like our King and our God. None…..His Light and Brightness and Strength is unmatched.  Try to stop the whirlwind of His purpose through His people….If any think he can….. try stop the next wave that rolls into the shore……Let me know how it works out for you.

There is a purpose from the Beginning to the End that is named Jesus Christ…….And through Him, the nation on the earth is now acting in His name. His people are changing the things that are seen to things which are not seen to be……

Our King of all kings is sitting on the right hand of Almighty….. He has abdicated the prince of the air who sat there as written in Zechariah chapter  3:1…..Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at His right hand to oppose Him.

Our Lord is reigning….. and how is He reigning?  Through His Word that is spoken through His body…..  He speaks and His body speaks….. His will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.

 Genesis starts with His creation of man who God called to walk in dominion over His creation. Psalm 8 confirms His purpose. for man, but   in  Psalm 2 speaks through the plan for His Son,  the King shall have all the nations… His inheritance…. 

God gave Israel a land that He chose for Israel’s inheritance. As written in Psalm 136:21, And gave their land as a heritage, for His mercy endures forever.

They were given dominion over that land….. We know we lost the place of reigning with God in the fall of Adam, right? Right…… 

We, also, know Jesus Christ regained all that Adam sold out on God…… He regained the authority of His creation -again as a man….. Hey, this includes His authority over us. As well, we are to actively use His authority bringing and living by His kingdom here and to come.

Now, let us switch over to the New Testament….. The promised land for Israel  was in the natural. There is a real land God has mapped out for Israel. Jesus Christ kept showing us by His Words that the Kingdom of God is inside of us…….. Leading us to know and learn that His reign was to be orginated in our hearts and then spread.  

Now the New Testament, Jesus Christ is our “Land”.   Our life is now spiritual in Christ Jesus…… The land is the Kingdom of God found and established in our King Jesus, which is also found in us.  

However, when the reign of Christ Jesus is acted in by faith by us, the spiritual in most cases becomes naturally supernatural….. The Kingdom of God never ceases and always increases, expands by His people, His body, His bride….. Hello, that is you and me.

I heard this saying……The only way to reign in life through Christ Jesus is knowing or realizing the need for it…… Okay, Lord, the need is there- You said You would show me great and mighty things, according to Jeremiah 33:3……

Ask, and it will be given you; seek and you find;  knock and it shall be opened to you,  ( Matthew 7:7).

It appears the more of submitting to the Almighty and walking by faith not by sight…..allows the view to expand and the Spirit allows the sight of the blind to be illuminated in greater measure.  The more we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us…..the more He expands in us…… He is the One thing in our heart, then the Holy One has expanded freedom  in us to rule through us….As written Christ will be all and in all……. in Colossians.   

Again, I have to ask, where are we as Christ is all and in all?……When the will of God for His Son becomes fully manifested, where are we then?

As He is so are we in this world….. as written in 1 John….

As written in Revelation 22:1-6; And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.

They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

There shall be no more night: They need no more lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.

Then he said to me, These words are faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.

Okay, it never ever clicked to me the last sentence in verse 5…… And they shall reign forever and ever..

This Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Bible is the end of the story of the creation of man….. But is also the Beginning of a new age for the new creation in Christ Jesus….. In Him, in His Kingdom which is forever…. We shall reign…through Him because we are in Him…. We are one as our Lord prayed…. We are with Him where He is.  Heaven rules over the sons of men.

We are to reign forever……..Think about that concept…… We are not just scrapping into the Door as it swings shut to His Kingdom and saying, whew, I just made it in……. No man,  our God is great. His plan for our restoration is complete. This lies in the knowledge of the Holy One and resting in His complete and full love towards us….. Oh, yes, there will be discipline in His eternal life so we may live eternally full in Him…… Please just contemplate on the above.   Also do not hate the word discipline……. Do yo want to be known as His disciple?  Then discipline is the action…… We are changed from glory to glory…… So why do we shrink back at those words of chastisement and discipline? We trust Him, right?

As we learn each day, a greater knowledge of His magnificence and greatness…… We trust His never stopping always abounding love for us…… We must pause and bow in adoration.

Check out how many times the Lord spoke in John, chapters 6-8, where I am going you cannot come….. He also spoke in John 8, about why some do not hear God’s voice…… He spoke clear and concise….. You are not a part of God.  Check it out. There is a line drawn called the belief in the blood of Jesus Christ. We must make sure we are on the right side of the bloody line…..

He is the Beginning and He is the End which never ends…….We must have Christ in us….. – This folks, is our hope of glory….. Do not be deceived…… Flesh is of the flesh and His Spirit begets His Spirit in man.

As we study the Bible, we find many promises that are fulfilled in Christ Jesus……However, there are many scriptures which are for us, His people, followers of His way, being fulfilled in us. Yes, for us too…… but, in us is eternal glory……forever!

We abide in Him.  So if He is forever…… and what was, will always be- so are we…. as we abide…… We are also being fulfilled in His  complete restoration plan.  Shouldn’t we continue exploring His growth in us so we may we grow in His image?

Bringing the conclusion – and purpose for us…….as He is —– so are we in this world…. and in the next age.

Check these out….. Psalm 2:8-9….. This scripture is also written in Revelation 2:27 as a promise to the overcomer from the Thyatira church. This promise still holds true even today. Well, to every generation.

What was then is now and will forever be in Him……. and those who are found in Him.

What is the hidden key to understand  His active hatred towards Jezebel in this setting?  What is the key for obtaining the promise  He is for in this setting ?  Take note the promises are the same as written in Psalm 2 as well in Revelation 19:15……

Our Life now is the continuous revelation of Christ Jesus as well as Christ Jesus in us expanding.

If His kingdom is never ending and never ceasing but always increasing…… so is His kingdom abounding greatly in us and through us too…… Right??

Let us have the mind of Christ so we may walk as one in unity in His purpose…. Why? Because He is worth our all and we love Him above all else.   

It is the glory of  God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter, (Proverbs 25:1).

Let us not think reigning in life is as the kings of old have done or are today…… But let us look at Him in His reigning and take a thought to allow Holy Spirit to show us HIS WAY that He reigns today.  Do we intercede much? Hmmmmmm.


My Children,

Yes, you are My hands and feet. But alas, there is so much more for you to be in Me…. Draw near to Me and so stand in My victory….Be as one as the Father and Holy Spirit and I AM is One. You must see from My eyes which comes from My side… You shall see as I AM…. Where I AM is today, and was, and will always be. There you will be….. so now,  will you not come now and sit with Me? My friends, you are, more to Me than My hands and feet.

I AM has called you. You are My body….. There are many members, but all are one in I AM….. The functions are many as all are completing My heart’s desire…… Be with Me where I AM.  Why is there disunity in your eyes?  For this is not I AM’s view. Love one another as I AM has commanded and has loved you. 

You have been called…… Will you chose?  The call is beyond coming to Me. The Life I AM is all increasing….. Do you not see?  My beloved lay all the honor at My feet…On their knees is their freedom found in victory…. There they are found in Me.

Their  bestowed crown  is now found on the ground at My throne……Their shining is as the noon day sun for they know their place in the Son.

Do not fret at the refining, My friends. This is not to bring the best out of you but to bring I AM through and through.

Where there is self seeking, alas, there is not I AM.  Where there is disunity, there is not I AM….. Be with Me, where I AM… The flight is soaring and higher than any man can take ……. In My Spirit, the wings take flight.

Leave all else, to hear My voice.  Put I AM first, then all will be gained and you will have healing in your wings.

Do you not yet see, the place beside Me is the feast….. Not of man’s glory shall I AM share…. You want that – I AM will not be there.

Alas, oh then, you will not be with Me where I AM……. Do you want the call and to be chosen and faithful….?  Then this day chose who you will serve.

The great I AM or the self in you…… If you had no legs and feet, and no recognition from man, would you want then to sit with Me? Would you want to be found in the great I AM?  All left I AM that night, they ran as they just said not I  will abandon you….. but all took flight.

Will you stay in I AM when all leave as they did Me?  Will you survive the fire if all is gone but you have all of Me?

Do you not see yet? All you need is found in Me.  Your fruit is found in Me.

Spend time with Me and I will show you what is to be….. Not your way was the word you spoke to Me…. Was it not My way you pledge to follow?….. Remain in Me.  This then will be your glory….. Come, My children, see this is the way for you to abide in Me.  The divisions shall cease for then those who keep the unity of I AM, is known for where I AM.

Do you not see? All the treasures of man’s desire are found in Me.  Why do you defraud your brother and lie against I AM?  You cannot call Me Lord and despise your fellow brother in your heart……This place was known to men named Mizpeh.  There is a witness between all men…… I AM the Witness. Do you not know that all is plain in front of Me?  Nothing is hidden or covered that I AM knows not.  I AM the Witness what is done between men…….Do you not know I AM will call account on what has been done to Me? Oh yea, vengeance is only Mine.

Blessed is the man who knows the secret place in I AM for he has left all he hid to hide in I AM…….Is there a better place to be?  

I AM calls you to be holy as I AM….. I AM has called  you as I AM so are you in this world…….. I AM has called you to be known as My disciples.  Chose today, who you serve….. Do not be deceived and think you are pleasing Me.    Walk by faith and leave all to follow Me……Know for certain the house you are from is found in Me.

Do the Words I AM speaks this day…. By faith and keep your eyes on Me,….This is the way to please I AM today….. Do you know the Words I AM speaks today?    Do you hear I AM speaking  today? Do you know My voice?   

Do not forsake the mercy poured forth on you today….. Turn to I AM and know the Voice that has cried for you until this day.

Turn to Me and forsake your way….. Don’t forsake the time that My mercy pours out on you…… I AM your Witness.  You must leave what you are and join I AM in becoming what I AM says you are…… I AM meets you at My cross.

Remember, those who are full of mercy, I AM shows Myself merciful; those who are blameless, I AM reveals Myself as blameless; With the pure, pure is revealed by I AM; the devious ones will receive the shrewedness in I AM.    I AM protects and exalts the humble and brings down the haughty and prideful…..

Meet Me at My cross….. There you will find all you need today.

I AM has loved you. Come and see and learn so you may believe and be set free in Me.




SELAH!!   SELAH!!!!!!!!!