
I Don’t Get It! This Is A God-Thing!

Did you ever ask the Holy Spirit what does that mean in the letters of Paul? I have…. many, many times!

In the beginning of 2013, I wrote to join me in the quest of the upward high calling of God in Christ Jesus as written by Paul in chapter three in Philippians.

In Colossians 1:24, Paul writes, I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church.  

In Ephesians 3:13, Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

Was Paul stumbling on the high calling of God in Christ Jesus in his sufferings, afflictions or tribulations? He was taking his own cross that the Holy Spirit gave him in following our Lord Jesus Christ.  He somehow saw the filling up or completing the body of Christ in his “thorns in his side.”

In Corinthians, Paul was asking for the removal of these thorns in his side. Now as time went on he started to see the purpose of God in having them.

It has to be the cross of Christ before us. What does the message of the cross mean to us?  Yes, it should mean our salvation which we are very grateful for…… but there is more……

In Revelation 6:9, When He (Jesus Christ) opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.

There are numerous brave Christians in prison in countries where Jesus Christ’s name is forbidden. If you have a bible, you a marked man or woman for prison or death.  They are in great persecution, even unto their life….. However, the growth of Christians in hiding is growing in these countries. Jesus is appearing to many in these countries….. What are the prisoners suffering doing for the body of Christ?

This coming year, may we know more of the meaning to live a life unto God in Christ in complete abandonment to His cause.

Let us prepare our hearts this season to follow our Lord, the Lion of Judah. In Romans 5:6; For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 

America, please I pray make room for the King in your hearts this day. There was no room for the Babe Christ many years ago…… Let it be not seen by Our Heavenly Father in this day that in the hearts of His people there is no room for His King, in Jesus’s name, I ask.

Remember, Jesus Christ had not risen from the dead, yet. Jesus Christ had not ascended into heaven, yet. Jesus Christ had not been glorified, yet. The Spirit of Grace had not been sent to the earth, yet…. when Jesus Christ was born in that little town of Bethlehem….. America, there is no excuse  for  us now.  This country was founded on our belief in that Baby King born over two thousand years ago….. Clean out our hearts and make room today! Let us have ears to hear His Spirit TODAY!