
I Turned To See The Voice…. And Saw

Little Person and Uri were grabbing a meal together since they could not ride until the frigid temperatures rose.  

They were both staring down at their coffee cup because of the shift of atmosphere, and their loss for words…..They had the rolling river singing it’s praise to the Almighty. They had vision of the eagles flying in unison. They had the view of the distant mountain, which they pretended to be Mount Zion…. They thought they were there but they were coming there too as scripture stated…. There were so many things to look at and hear on their ‘The Hill Of Meeting’….

They never had to have a conversation looking at each other….. Another change or shift out of their comfort zone.  

Little Person was searching his mind like it was Google to find something to say…… Nothing…. Nada……

He finally asked Holy Spirit…. Help, what do I talk about….. I am mindless now…. And does she see my hand is shaking from this uncomforting zone I put myself in?

Why are you frightened of her? She is wondering if you regretted asking her out for lunch?….. Ask her how college is going?  What classes is she taking?…… Quit thinking of you and think of her….. Now open you mouth and ask about her…..

He silently answered, Yes, Sir.

So he proceeded to ask her about school and how it was going. 
Uri smiled, all okay….. I think I am wasting time though…..

Little Person asked, why?

She replied, My heart is not in to the school stuff right now. I keep getting a sense that my place is at His Place all the time.   My heart is with the lost and help them be found straight and in Christ.

Though my Dad wants me to stay and finish at least one year before I make my decision.

Little Person replied…… Hmm, I had no idea that is what you wanted to do…. I thought you wanted to be a judge to help send the convicts to His Place for help…..

She answered, I do, but it seems forever to get to that place from where I sit now in first year of college.

Little Person offered, well, Uri, you would be an outstanding judge…..You are outstanding now….. You can show kids where you are in class….. His Place too, you know.

Uri said, I know I can, but there are the cliques and clubs which all party and I do not want to partake. 

Little Person spoke up, Yes, that is right, but, they will come to you when the bottom falls out because their lifestyle…… Just wait and see…..They will be knocking on your door or tapping on your shoulder very soon.

Uri’s eyes got wide with disagreement just as the food was served. She was going to open her mouth to argue….. when her plate of a cheeseburger and fries and her chocolate chip mint shake showed up…..

Uri thought, is there an expression, saved by the plate?

Little Person smiled and said, this looks good.

Uri agreed and they took a bite of their fries and sipped their chocolate mint shakes together.

Then Uri spoke, Okay, I will hang in there until spring.

Little Person heard her let out a huge sigh.  Then he silently said a prayer to Holy Spirit to confirm her path as His path. Thank You.

Then Little Person said, this is really good. I was starved.

Uri smiled and lightning struck him, yeah, it is good, he heard her say.

So,…. what is the adventure God is taking you on this time? she asked.

Well, I am still learning what He is revealing….. I have some points of clarity in His Word on what He is showing me. I try to find numerous places in the Word where He is showing the same thing but maybe hidden before Jesus Christ came in the flesh…. However, I do not know why the reason is for this revelation at this time.  If that makes sense,….I just got through this door and I am still getting all the scenery in my focus, if you get what I mean….

I see all the dots connected by His secrets being revealed…… and am still under the understanding mode….I guess.

Uri looked really concerned as she crinkled up her nose and forehead….

Little Person clarified….. Okay, I turned to see the voice that spoke with me….. -with me-….and I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band, as written in Revelation 1:12-13.  

As written in the same chapter and the last verse, which I think is 20…It is written that the seven golden lampstands are the church…. That’s us….. We are the ones who are His light now and His voice….. For it is written His sheep hear His voice……I guess what I am saying…. Just as He is so are we in this world and to this world…. 

We hear Him and speak His Word to the lost. We are His light to the world who walks in darkness. We are His fingerprint of love showing all that He loves us…. Look what He has done to us and for us… We are His showpiece.  We are His anointed ones….. that is a little o in ones…. because we are in Him and He is in us. He will do the same for you….. just believe is what the lampstands are speaking with words and without.

This all happens if we carry our cross as He carried His…. We do not die as He did as Savior of the world, but we die daily in Him and for Him and then we grow in Him. The lampstand gets full of His oil. We are  a new creation, new lampstand or vessel  filled with His Spirit alone…. So daily we die to the old man and rise to the fullness of His measure as written in Galatians 2:20.…..But the die thing is not that dreary, infact, I get more joyful in Him, as the discipline occurs. The relationshiop with our King grows deeper and closer.

The questions- is this Him or me.. end…. We know and discern the difference from meat and milk, from flesh and His Spirit, from unholy and holy. We discern truth from deceit. There is a clearer view of truth when Holy Spirit has more power to govern us and move through us.

A golden lampstand is a divine lampstand full of oil and a fire, His Spirit…. We are the vessel and His power in us is Him….. Never us, is the power from…. The fire grows brighter from Him flowing through us as we die daily in every act of yes to Him and no to us according to His Word, as it is written…I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me, as written in Galatians 2:20. 

Do you understand what I am sort of getting at?… I am praying I have the right interpretation of what He showing….. People do not know Him…. But they know Him through watching us as His light. His life flowing through us like lampstands and His love revealing His fingerprint of the miraculous and new creation He has done in us…..

When they hear His voice,.….. the ones He is calling, will be looking at the lampstands, which are us.

That is pretty awesome.  He really expects us to be as He is in this world. I mean I have heard and even said that I am as He is in this world as I was coming against evil.   But as He is in this world, we are….. Not we are to be, but we are now….. After all, we are now as He is…. I AM that I AM….. NOW. They will turn to the voice they heard and they will see the lampstands and the Son of Man in their midst…. Dwelling within us…. This is measure He is calling us to today.  The measure of the man will be the measure of the Son of Man in each one of us. Alive, fully alive in  and to Him and dead to the world….

I guess He is showing me what He sees of us now…..  Makes me step up to the plate and know I will hit a home run…. Because as He is so am I  in this world…… All He has called us to be….. is done….He has completed us for the day today….. and He has fitted us perfectly for the morrow…. Each day has it’s own troubles and He has fitted us to be as He is for each day and trouble, but not in ourselves, our help and hope is in Him alone.

Little Person went on and on as he does….. Uri was listening intently to every word and she started glowing….. As she noticed, he was so bright and she was glad to be hearing all this word and words of life. Her insides were bubbling and she wished she could hop on her stallion and ride like the wind…..

She glanced out the window and saw the snowflakes billowing through the air as if the wind was guiding the exact location for each one’s placement.

Then she proceeded to speak up saying, Yes, as He knows where each snowflake is to land to it’s perfect purpose for today and tomorrow, He may have a fuller purpose  for it as it melts and fills the river. But each day His purpose is completed in each snowflake…..because He has created it….. His fullness is reached each day in His purpose in His creation….. We do not need to be like a cat as it raise it’s hunches up to scare off the evil one, but we are to be as His new creation because He is in us….. We just need to believe what He has given us in Himself is in us…. And by faith be all He has created us to be in I AM because He is the I AM that I AM.  He knew we would be eating here this day….. We are all complete as He has made us to be in His purpose for today…. Sort of as taking our daily bread…..Each day’s bread is sufficient as He is totally sufficient for and in and through us.

Uri smiled, does that makes sense what I just said? Wow! Where did that all come from?…. Man, sit next to you for a minute and I feel like I am in the heavenlies looking over all time.

Little Person smiled and chuckled….. I think I got what you said…. Perfect analogy, Uri!

They both smiled and let the thoughts of their King flow their minds as He was renewing each of theirs unto His…Just as a mother gently tucks her child into their bed for the night…. He was gently tucking His revelation into their minds and wills and emotions. All the angels cried holy as they witnessed His smile as He alone knew the foundation of their lives He was etching for His purpose, only He could hear the snowflakes swirling around this restaurant singing His greatness as they climbed their descent from His chambers.

They both munched on their French fries and sipping their shakes as they turned and watched God’s hand putting each snowflake in it’s proper place for His glory and purpose. They saw His handiwork making a beautiful winter wonderland. The land as far as they could see was covered in His pure work as both their hearts. He took their hearts, as only He can, from brown and cancerous, and gave them hearts as white as snow….They both now abide in His righteousness. Now they were His burning lampstands speaking and showing the world—-pointing to– Him…. THE I AM THAT I AM.

and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 

 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Then he turned back to Uri and said, there is something else, I have been shown…. It was almost as a curtain was drawn back and I saw something that I never put together before…. I am not sure on all of it yet….. but……


Tune in again…. God is willing…..Know Him…. He loves you much more than a snowflake and is waiting to lovingly drop His thoughts in to your heart at any time…. Give Him your time….. He will give You His eternity in return…..

Love you all!  Keep in Him!