
In The World You Will Have Tribulation; In Me You May Have Peace!

You are in the Lord’s boat now. He gazes at you. You wonder why the knowledge of His love  is not penetrating through you like last time.  He asks you, why? He asks you, where have you been?

I have been waiting and watching you, child.   He is asking even though He has been watching you. He already knows where you have been….not with Him…. not living in His love.

You swallow hard because  you forgot to concentrate on His love. You tell Him, the wars, the crime against one another, even amongst Your people, the abortions, Lord, there is soo much trouble out there. I have been praying to You to do something about all the evil out there now….  Don’t You see it? Almost out of your mouth comes, aren’t You going to step in and stop this evil? But you stopped yourself.

 He is sure and calm.   Then you realize what you just said and to who…. Another hard swallow and gulp, the dampness of your forehead comes back….and the waiting keeps on going as He just gazes at you.

You then look to Him to see sadness briefly touch His face as He breaks the gaze for a second. Then You hear His voice asking you a question.  His voice has a different note than the last time…. He asks you, what is My will for mankind?  Whew! At least, this question I know, you think to yourself…. He says, then say it!   You forgot that He knows your thoughts. Stumbling and bumbling comes out of your mouth the words, to love our God with all our hearts, minds and all we have, which is from You, Lord.

Yes, child, that is correct.  Child, is that being done as they steal, kill and destroy one another, even among those who call on My  name?  You answer, no Lord. He speaks further, is it not written, child, in the books from the prophets, Isaiah 26;9-11, about those after My heart that, with their soul they have desired Me in the night, yes, by their spirit within them, they seek Me early; for when My judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let grace be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he will deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord, of Me.   They ask of Me, when My hand is lifted up, they will not see. But they will see and be ashamed for the zeal of the people; Yes, the fire of My enemies shall devour them, (Psalm 29;9-11).

You continue to ponder on the Lord’s reply, trying to comprehend His words thoroughly. He kept His gaze steady on you.  Child, My judgments are in the earth and  mankind will fall into them. Each will be rewarded for their works and beliefs.  My work is finished. I am the answer to all the evil in the world before, today and forever. Rest assured, I AM God and I will be exalted among the nations.  It is written that the earth will be full of the knowledge of Me as the waters cover the sea, (Isaiah 11;90).  I have not remained hidden, for all have heard of Me. Remember, the Seven Spirits of God has been sent out into all the earth, child, to show the Salvation of God to mankind.

You started to regret bringing up the unrest of your heart to Him now. The answers from Him were more than you bargained for. There is a lot to think about in every word that comes from His mouth!

You get the courage and blurt out….. what can I do?  His gaze steady on you, says- love Me. Those words almost knocked you off the boat that you forgot you were even in.  He continues, in  love and faithfulness of your heart towards Me, I will strengthen you to follow My words and commands in your actions. Your love, child, draws Me close to you. Love Me. I have been banished from the world that I created. What do you think, child, will draw Me to come back? Do you think it will be the judgment of the nations or the love of the ones that call out to Me with a pure heart? Your love is what I desire, child….for your love covers a multitude of sins. Your gaze towards Me, blesses My heart. This is My command to you, to live in My love for you. Then as you do, you will allow Me to live in yours. As you grow in My love, you then will be able to love as I.

Now you are sitting on your front steps  of your house…. Wow! You think you better write this happening with the Lord on paper. This was a heavy meeting. Father, please help me understand what You are showing me by Your Spirit, so I may love You and Your Son as I should in Jesus’ name, I ask.  Then you realize that your whole body is reacting to the presence of this Great King.  It is almost seems that you are waking up from a deep sleep.

As we read and study the 5th chapter of the Book of Revelation, we witness those  before the throne of God bowing down and worshiping, Almighty God and the Lamb of God, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who has the Seven Spirits of God, who has been sent out into all the earth.  All are bowing and declaring a new song as one before the throne in verse 9-10,

You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. 

The number of the redeemed that love God and love His Son are ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands and thousands saying in a loud voice, in verse 12:

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!

Then every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such are in the sea, and all that are in them we hear saying in verse 13:

Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!

Beloved, we are all a  part of God’s plan. When we are worshiping and giving honor and glory to Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and King of glory who sits on the throne or not.

As we  worship Him  alone, we are also with the whole family at the same time in the Spirit.  Yet, He knows each one of us by name that love Him who strive to live a life of righteousness towards Him. We are a part of a zillion billion people in the  family of God, but He chose you to know Him now.  He wants to be with each one of His chosen, all ten thousands times ten thousands….. Allow His heart to have His way with His beloved. Only a God like ours could work this out that we are all precious to Him, yet, when we are with Him, we  seem to be His only kid!

Hear His heart of love speak to you, beloved. Let us learn how to love our God with all our hearts, minds and everything we got. He is worthy. Selah!

I leave you a question to meditate on, what does it mean to worship God? Is it just singing a song to Him? It is written in the gospels that the devil worshiped Jesus…. What did the demon do before Jesus? Did he sing a song?What did he do?

As things in the earth are shaken before us, the knowledge and understanding of God’s love for us will keep us steady through a rocky and unstable world…. In Him, the Lord, we have peace…. in the world will be tribulation….  Jesus told us in John 15;9-11, As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

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We are entering into  Revealing of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, from the Book of Revelation. Join us as we journey with the King on His boat, as His Spirit illuminates the symbols and meaning of the knowledge of God Almighty and His Son…. and His creation.

My book, Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation goes into further detail for each chapter of the study of the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ….so jump in and get a copy and join us. We are not complete without you!