
Is The Cloud Bringing Rain Or Snow On Us Today?

Is it raining or snowing as we climb the hill to see His light in the dark of night?

Can a used dish be sold by someone who does not own the dish? If you have not eaten from that dish how can you sell it? If you have not drunk from the Lord’s hand His favor and strength for suffering, how can you teach it? And how can one know His drink or meat if they have not themselves drank from His cup or ate His meat from His hand?

If you have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death with Him, how can you tell of His greatness and gentleness? If you are now sitting at His table set before our enemies, even….enjoying His cup and meat and all the reproach that it brings…… How can you show the way to all of His faithfulness and endurance in which His embrace brings?

Drink from your own cup discipled to you from Holy Spirit. Only He knows what your purpose is for His glory….. Let Him speak to you what He has intended for you from the foundation of the world.

I can hear you all ask- huh? Ask Him to reveal His Son in you and you won’t say huh? You will shake your head up and down and mutter- hmmm. Thank You Lord for Your showing us Your way for each part of Your body.

Are we trying to make God into a Hallmark movie?

Into our idol of feel good and fluffy duffy feelings?

No real substance but a beginning of a romance…. They never show the trials of following and marrying a Leader that was rejected by all mankind and still is rejected…… And so shall we be, if we are not yet.

Yup, it will be as written so strengthen the weak knees and limp hands. He is a mighty God to bring us through it all for His glory and we get to partake of His greatness.

I know the End from His Beginning and I join in His rank for the long haul…. Not by my might shall I be found in Him, but by the strength of the King of all kings, shall I be there…He never let one of my hairs perish. His faithfulness will be glowing for all to see what He had done for me.

Not by my own merit….But by His name and blood, I will be found hidden in My King in God.

Glory to Him alone.

All said shall be of His grace and Spirit of mercy. Glory be HIS forever and ever!

Did not Jesus say to us in Matthew 8 :23-27,

Now when He got into a boat,

His disciples followed Him,

and suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea,

so that the boat was covered with the waves.

But He was asleep.

Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, Lord save us! We are perishing!

But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?

Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea,

and there was a great calm.

Seek the Lord while He may be found,

call upon Him while He is near.

Let the wicked forsake His way,

and the unrighteous man his thought, but;

let him return to the Lord,

and He will have mercy on him;

and to our God,

for He will abundantly pardon.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher then the earth,

so are My ways higher than your ways,

and My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,

and do not return there,

but water the earth and make it bring forth the bud,

that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

and it shall not return to Me void,

but it shall accomplish what I please,

and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it, ( Isaiah 55:6-12).

The manifestation of His Son in us is as written in John 14:23-25:

Jesus answered and said to him, if anyone loves Me, He will keep My word;

and My Father will love him,

and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.

These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name,

He will teach you all things,

and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

We need His Word in our hearts and then obedience shows how we treasure and love Him.

In our western culture, we go out to restaurants.

We usually go to a restaurant where we enjoy the food. We do not go to a restaurant where we think the food stinks, right?

So if we like fast food, we frequent those type restaurants.

If we like sit down, the same applies. We will frequent the ones we enjoy.

So, what if our body is missing certain needful foods that are to enrich our bodies so we function at the best that God has determined? If we only eat out once a week at a restaurant, what happens then?

Would you frequent a restaurant that uses someone else’s dishes but not their own?

Would you frequent a restaurant that serves the full essential meal that is required so the body functions as we should? What if it was hard to swallow?


Okay, aren’t churches or gatherings like a restaurant? We go there to hear the Word of God. We get to eat a meal there for our spirit man……..

But the service that we attend should not be the only meal we eat all week, right?

Some folks only eat one meal a week for their spirit on Sunday mornings.

Only if you are partaking of a fasted lifestyle and sort of miss meals, is the above normal in natural food, not spiritual.

In fact, fasting aids in putting a plug in the flesh to enhance the avenue of our spirit man to hear from God……. We do not fast to make God move, but widen our ear to hear and receive His Word in our hearts. It closes one avenue and opens up His.

But I bet you, we eat more meals than once a week for our bodies, right? What about our spirit man’s food? Just let him starve? You did not for your natural, why for the spiritual?

This should not be….that we only partake of our King on Sunday am. We rarely sit down at His table to feast with Him in His presence and allow the Word of God become us in the flesh Monday through Saturday. We forsake allowing the Spirit of God to increase in us and the flesh starve itself.

Many have a spirit man which are starving….but the flesh is way too strong and stifles the Spirit of God within them. They do not hear- Come to Me…… Feast with Me….. I want you with Me where I AM….

What if restaurants only made desserts, or just salads or just served eggs? Well, you say, you would go there when you are craving that particular food….. But you would not make it a steady diet, right?

How can we expect a 20 – 45 minute serving to our spirit man enough to satisfy and keep us on the straight and narrow in His will?

How do we know the Word of God to abide in Him?

If we do not know the Word, we cannot abide in Him and it is written – 1 John 2:24-25:

Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning.

If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you will also abide in the Son and in the Father.

And this is the promise that He has promised us-eternal life.

The written Word of God, the Bible, is the full counsel of God. All of His Word came down to us from heaven as the rain and snow and will be fulfilled in time—– if you believe, in you and me and others through out time.

But it is hard to believe when we only eat once a week on a meal.

We do not even know if the restaurant is still open if we do not go there to partake regularly!

Do we study His Word as we would a love letter from our spouse or our loved one?

Why not?

Okay, hard to read?


Is it like eating only vegies, when you are craving sweet and soft food?….. Is it hard to digest?

Do we need to cleanse our pallet, as if we would start a new drawing or painting.

We get rid of the old pallet in the death of Christ, we died and now……

We now allow the written word of God to start His own color scheme and drawings upon on our heart so He may show the Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus written on our hearts?

This is written in 2 Corinthians- check it out. He wants to do a TA-DAH!

Let Him make the Word in us.

If His ways are above ours, why do we neglect to ask the Holy Spirit to make the conversation from heaven into our heart here on earth easier to comprehend?

Remember, ask and you shall….. what—- never get? Or is it written- receive?

We need His Spirit to understand His Spirit which is the heart of God shown by the Word of God.

But as all children show their hearts to their father and mother…… We ask for what we want and not necessarily what we profess or need.

We keep wanting the Holy Spirit to come down, when He has in Pentecost….. Yes, He does manifest in different ways and measures at different times. However, He is here….. He should be residing in us mightily.

However, He has come to bring us up to the heavenlies and view the earth from God’s point of view…..So we may see as He does and speak as He does…..

So out of our mouths comes the word of God as the rain and the snow that water the earth thus He fulfills His word.

Out of the abundance of our hearts our mouth speak as written….So our hearts, our minds and thoughts must be filled with His Word.

Not the media….

Not the news….. But His….alone will never fade.

We need to feast on Him, the Word of God, more than we even eat our daily bread….. We should be eating the Word of God in greater measure…and be in prayer in Him more than in television or media.

Remember- in His trial- He spoke- Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God!

Let me ask a question, does anybody see this day may be as a trial run for preparation as we get strong in Spirit to come out in all power of Him? Lay down the toys and be clothed in His armor?

There should be no comparison, in where we should be investing our time. The balance should be in favor of His Word and in prayer with God. Our scales in our hearts and ears should be tipping in God’s favor. Not toward the world.

May it not be as one day approaches, we think and regret, why did I not take good counsel?

Why did I not turn off the world as if my life depended on it? ( P.S. Your life does depend on it).

Why did I not sit before Him with my ears opened to hear His Word spoken to me in depths of my heart?

Why did I not waste my time in Him?

Why did I not give Him the preeminence then when I could?

Why did I not work my faith muscle when I could ?

Yes, it is hard.

Learning a new language is hard. But worth it, especially when you hear Him speak words which settles things that rise up before our face.

Yes, to know He will send one angel to bring down the rising tide……We wait!

Yes, to know His word has gone out and will not return void…… and to know You never sleep or slumber, Lord. We trust……. as we give Him our all.

We thank You that all things work together for those who love You and are called according to your purpose.

Lord, thank You that You are working in me to fulfill Your good purpose on the earth…..

May my ears be tuned only to Your frequency…of majesty.

So as I close my thoughts of His greatness and our need for Him which is great, I encourage you to first make sure your restaurant is serving the full counsel of God….

You will only know the full counsel of God if you read and study His Word…… I think that is a no brainer!

Know the Word so you may know what you are feasting on Sunday is from the truth and grace of God……

We need Holy Spirit so He must be talked about by those who have eaten from His cup and drank the wine of His death and resurrection.

We must know the image of Christ is God’s purpose to be found in us when it is His Day!

Now allow Holy Spirit to do His work> Do not quench the Spirit. Sometimes we think the devil is doing the uprooting when it is Holy Spirit bringing His grace and strength in us to be as Christ’s building, His foundation….. So we may stand strong on His Day leaning on our King……

Knowing He knows us and we are His! He knows the house we are in- HIS!!!

All the struggle and discipline in following His footsteps will be so worth it and not one tear of regret will be found on our cheeks……..

All will know as our adversaries will see how He loves us.

Please do not be religious in sitting with Him, go to your secret place or while your driving or cooking….

You do not have to kneel while engaging with our King….I mean if you want sure- but do not limit your communion to that pose…… He speaks in the shower, cutting the grass….. as well as, dreams and visions…..sitting or sleeping on the couch.

He is earnest to show you all things.

Do not limit the Holy One displaying His love for you.

He wants our ears to hear while we live our day….. He wants us to hear His guidance through our life…..

We are One in Him and He likes to pop into our thoughts as we pop into His!

He is a real God and is God over us all day and all night….

Be open to hear and then write what He says……

Ponder it in your hearts….Know His life in you as your testimony.

He is knocking……

Open the Door to His heart and yours and eat like you never have eaten before.

So when all else may be gone, His relationship with you still goes on…..Beloved, you have been established on the Rock.

Eat from His meat for you and drink from His cup for you……. What is it to you what others are doing in Him……. Remember the body has many functions…..Keep in obedience to where He leads you.

Be encouraged to hear and see Him, then act accordingly.

See Him smile as you make His day by supping with Him before the day fades away.


When the cloud is dark that came out of no where. Luminously following you as you may be walking. You are led to climb the hill of His light. You see through His shining the cloud bringing the billowing white snow flakes dropping out of heaven… This is way out of season now to be His season. We will know and be ready for His Words to be fulfilled. Smiling we know, it’s time, His time.


Psalm 81:13-16, Oh that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! I would soon subdue their enemies. and turn My hand against their adversaries. The haters of the Lord would pretend submission to Him, but their fate would endure forever; He would have fed them with the finest of wheat ; and with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.

Jude 24: Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen!