
Is There A Trumpet Blowing In Our Midst?

The first time we read about Elijah, he was known as the troublemaker to the King of Israel. The second time as the same Spirit in Elijah was established in John the Baptist, another king, actually his wife, was disturbed with the Spirit’s presence through John who spoke and conviction fell…….

The same Spirit that was in Elijah and in the John the Baptist, beloved, is in us…… The Spirit of the Living God resides in us……

The first time Elijah spoke of who are we going to serve Baal or the Living God…… The second time, John the Baptist was crying out to all, to prepare their hearts for the coming of the Lord. He cried to repent to all…….because we all serve someone…….. Today, repent for the time of the Lord is at hand.

The Lord is in our midst and is soon to return…..So do we sit and wait for His return or do we do our Heavenly Father’s business? Who got the memo that we are to sit and relax until His return? Where is it written?

What distraction shall we put before the Lord for our hardened unrepentant hearts? It was the Super Bowl party or wait until March Madness is over……. Or when the kids are out of school, this summer we will make time for Him in our days……

May I put before the Spirit of Elijah saying to us……. You have set up the altars for sports. You have set the altars up of your games, social media in the tekie world. You have set your altars up with your materialism. You have set your altars up for your lack because of hurts when you were a child.

Now the altars are set. So what do we actually see here….. Our altars are surrounding one thing…… The one our altars are surrounding is each one of our desires of the flesh…….. Who is being idolized and worshiped from the altars?

We cannot serve two masters as the Lord said…. We will despise one and worship the other. As Elijah called out to the people in his day——- Make your mind up to day…… The valley of decision is coming forth before us again…… Who will we serve? The One True Living God lit the fire of the altar that His prophet prepared……Our altar is our hearts….. If we destroy our altars to our false worship, our hearts will be open for the Lord. He may receive the sacrifice and light our altars or hearts with His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lit the altar prepared for the Lord in Elijah’s day……. We are the altar today…. We are either setting up idols before us and deceiving ourselves that we are okay with God as we do not bow to obey His last command to us……. Love God with our whole heart, life, our everything- my paraphrase.

If we do not prepare our lives as a living sacrifice, do we really deceive ourselves that the One True Living God, a consuming fire, will not render an account of our obedience or lack ? We are completely pleasing  the devil as his deceptions are bearing fruit for rendering the saints ineffective.

As written in Zechariah 4:6-10, So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.

Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of Grace, grace to it!!

Moreover the word of the Lord came saying: The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it.

Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has send Me to you.

For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumbline in the hand of Zerubbabel. These are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.

The Precious Holy Spirit is here governing us, the people of God, the lovers of Jesus Christ. We must be quick to repent. We must be quick to keep the mind of Christ in all humility. This is all done through us by the presence of His Spirit within. He brings to our memory the words of our Lord so we may escape all the corruption of this world. His grace is sufficient for us to be overcomers today and continue until our days are complete.

The fire of the Holy Spirit quickens the offering of our lives as a sweet smelling aroma sacrificed unto our God.

Let us destroy the false worship of ourselves. Let us tear down the altars we have built around our lives. Let us repent of being led astray and turn back to our King. Bow in repentance. Ask the Lord to give us eyes to see Him. Open our ears to hear Your beckoning us to return…..

He is waiting. His blood cleanses us from all sin. We bow at the cross and we bow in His sovereignty over our lives….. Do not be concerned, for the Lord’s mercy exalts His majesty. His mercy endures forever. If we mean business with Him, He always means business with us…. He delights in His abundant mercy.

His mercy endures forever. His love for us never fails. So ……His grace will carry us through to the end, if we gain it in our hearts with audacious faith.

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son he recieves.

If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?

But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.

Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?

For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of holiness.

Now no chastening seems to joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather healed.

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest any one fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;lest there be any fornicator or profance person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.

For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears,          ( Hebrew 12:5-17 ).

See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

For our God is a consuming fire, ( Hebrews 12:25-29).

Who are we as clay to complain or to think we can stop the hand of the Potter? He is making us into vessels of His purpose and liking…….. If the clay is not plyable, will He not toss it aside for one that is?

Will we allow the chastening hand of the Holy Spirit to work His work so we are an acceptable sacrifice unto to the Lord?

Will we turn from our desires, learn to die daily and live for His desire as our only focus?

Who will we serve? Who are we serving? If we do not radically destroy our idols and time wasters………… Do not be concerned, the Lord will as He has promised—— all things will be shaken. He is a Jealous God and will not allow any god to stand but HIM…..

We must remember He is in our midst. His eyes go to and fro through the whole earth, even ours! He sees our homes, our hearts and He still stands on the outside knocking?

Do we hear His soft footsteps invading our lives and knocking on the door of our heart? Hearing His voice say turn to Me. I AM is sufficient….. Try Me.

Beloved, we cannot miss our Lords beckoning to become wholly His…..

Today is the day of grace and His Salvation to us….. Today is the day of His rendering the heaven open for our behalf….. Are we not interested in knowing the Kingdom of God and heaven or are we so attached to this passing earth that we do not even crave for His presence?

Let us be seen by our Lord as firefighters…… They run into the fire and so must we!

God please forgive us. We are sorry and turn to you with guilty hands and hearts in neglecting Your great Salvation….. Please we ask for Your Grace to come upon us. We ask You to remove our hearts of stone and give us a heart of flesh with Your laws and commands within so we may obey and learn to love You with our whole heart, mind and soul and body.

Please forgive us in putting unimportant things before Your face as our heightened desire. Please give us the grace for You alone to be our only Desire. You are the Desire of the Nations….. Give us revelation of Truth: You are our breath. You are our Life and our only hope of any glory in our lives.

Your precious blood speaks today as we cleanse ourselves by it. May we keep Your Precious Blood covering us as we live to honor You and Your sacrifice for us. May we learn to walk as this may be our last day or our last breath and live fully abiding in You, the Word of God. May we grasp for all that You died to give us.

May we not rest until all have heard of Your Greatness of Your Majesty, of Your Beauty…… We will not rest until You have drawn all to You by our lives lifting You and exalting You.

We are sorry and turn our ways from taking for granted Your grace. Please release from Your Holy Spirit a never ending hunger for knowing You for it is written eternal life is knowing You, Our Great God.

Give us ears to hear Your coming footsteps. Give us hearts that know the Spirit speaking. We need Your grace so as we hear, we will not shrink from Your chastening but delight in the love You have for us to be called sons and daughters of God…..and obey any rebuke and corrections. We can take it because we know how You love ……..

Father, fill us with Your fire so we may love You with an everlasting love. Thank You for hearing and answering us…… We bow our heads and wait on You. We love You and are so sorry for hurting Your heart. Please forgive us.

We ask this all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

O Lord, who is man that You are so mindful of us? Only our God could love us as He does. We thank You, Heavenly Father, that You are our God. We are grateful that You have never let go of us.


Come to Me!

Hearken to My call! You do not know tomorrow….. Alas, I AM is there. Be with Me in all of your tomorrows. See how your tomorrows will slowly become the eternity that you dwell with I AM today. Do not presume you have the morrow. Remember, all of your life is in My hands.

Wisdom reflects the use of your days and nights as they turn into months as they then turn into years and then…… your time stops. Oh yes, you will see My face. Rejoice, there is no veil of time covering as shells over your eyes any longer. Nothing will be hidden, your joy will be abundant as you see things as they are and join the saints in great celebration. Come into the joy of your Lord, My bride.

Alas, My heart breaks if we have not met and not spent your time with I AM. My heart will weep as you go your way as you chose your way in your time given….. There will be no match for tears that fall for your not entering into the joy of the Lord as the rain that filled the earth in the Flood…….

You will live eternity with out I AM because you chose not to live in the Salvation of I AM in your time given……You called on My name often in slander but not as Lord and King….. You never came to I AM and ate with Me. I AM has called you from the foundation of the world, yet you did not enter in.

To all that have ears to hear what the Spirit speaks this day and every day: Come to Me today. Do not allow your hearts to remain hardened towards I AM. Come I AM calls you……. Stop, turn and come to Me. Turn and destroy all your idols so you do not forsake the mercy of I AM. I AM longing to be I AM for you. I wait…..