
Isn’t It Frustrating When….?

I know all of us can fill in the blank here….. And maybe go on in detail over our deal, however, I was thinking the other day……

I really hate it when I am speaking and the words I speak are not heard and then told to me that what I said is not what I said…… When this occurs, I almost wish I sent an email instead of using my mouth… At least, I would have proof.

Then, I thought of our great God……. Most people quote words He never spoke and misinterpret His words and bring them out of context.

Well, He did speak of ones who are running when He has not spoken to them to run…… He does not appreciate His Words being spoken wrongly in context nor does He like it when His Words are ignored and not brought out to view because they will not be as honey going down- maybe more like vinegar…… Sometimes truth hurts but cleanses and gives much freedom of peace.

Now He does have proof of all He has spoken to us. These precious Words have been recorded in the Bible. So we have no excuse. NONE. If we know how to read. Then read the instruction book! If you need understanding, ask the Author!

We must find and seek the Words that He has given to us as His creation to know Him.

I always say if you know God, you love Him. If you do not know God, you will not love Him…….

But His Spirit has been shed abroad all over the world and even in our hearts as written 2 Corinthians…… so we may know Him and let others know about Him……

I pray it may not be said of you, they liked the darkness more than the light as written in John 1….. Check it out. This means those who prefer to stay in their sins and not draw close to Jesus Christ like to remain in the dark. In Him, we see all Light for He is the Light of the world as written in John, Check it out.

He is God and we are not.

When all else seems to drift away and be shaken. We must stand on what our purpose on this earth is…….

Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the Prophets, ( Matthew 22:37-40).

So when all else is different as day is from the night….. Remember His commands to us and sit before Him and understand His Words….. For our time may be short but His Word will never fail as scripture states.

So as Hosea says to us: chapter 12:6- So you, by the help of your God, return; Observe mercy and justice, and wait on your God continually.

Hosea also states earlier in chapter 11:12: Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.

And also in verse 7: My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High, none at all exalt Him.

If Jesus Christ has the preeminence in our lives, then we exalt Him….. The presence of God in all His greatness and goodness to us, we just obey and lift Him up……. My heart gets overwhelmed with Him as He presents Himself as I call unto Him…..

He shows up to us…… How cool is that we have such an awesome God who makes the earth tremble with His thunder and lightning and also makes His abode in us. This is written in John 14….. Check it out….

There is a condition, we must love Him. This brings us into His obedience and then BOOM! His grace falls as we say, Hey, I do not know how…… He give us the grace to obtain the knowledge of Him and then love Him.

But He does manifest to us when we call out to Him, like all the times we called for help….. He comes……. Where sin abounds grace abounds much greater…… See the scripture in Romans.

If we need answers, He reveals His mind to us. If we need a Redeemer, He pays the cost. If we need supply, He always gives us the way. If we need light, He shows up and smiles. If we need strength, He shows us His strength is in us. If we want Him, He comes and sups with us. If we think we are alone, He taps us on our shoulder and whispers I AM.

He is all we need….. Our breath in Yah- and our breath out -Weh.

This is the foundation where I can always be grounded in Christ, no matter what comes…..

He is steady and trustworthy. He is gracious and kind. He is loving and forgiving and His mercy is endless….. His love never fails to those who call on Him.

A few weeks ago. I prayed—– Do I know You? Or do I really know You for what others have presented Yourself to Me as You.

I sat and studied Him…… I listened….. I learned… He chuckled.

I want my relationship with my Lord to be authentic- not passed down by a man but God’s Son revealed in me.

When all is said and done….. This is what matters.

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you no know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? unless indeed you are disqualified, ( 2 Corinthians 13:5).

People tend to be more concerned about their ministry and status then they are about hearing and seeing from the Uncreated One. My concern is how He sees and thinks at this time on the affairs of men.

Two times in twenty four hours, I heard preachers misinterpret scriptures and leave very vital ones out of their message.

How does God see that? Foolishness is messing around with the Word of God. The result can be cancerous. We may have a good showing and a great following but what if the One who sees all is not okay with the message. What if it has been perverted in His eyes?

He is the same today, yesterday and forever as written in Hebrews—– He is the Word…… Keep His Words His words.

Well, I wouldn’t want to be around any lightning storms uncovered if I were in that spot of misquoting for interior agendas. What if they do not understand? What if they leave offended? What if they get convicted? They better or the Holy Spirit is not there! We all get cleaned by Holy Spirit and correction and chastisement is proof we are sons and daughters of God……as written in Hebrews.

We must know if God is speaking through His Spirit.

The fear of the Lord is still the number one basis of having Holy Spirit moving through our lives.

Preach the whole counsel of God.

Many times He spoke that the ones that were not called to speak were called, they would have made all turn from their wickedness and iniquities and be healed.

Please, I beg of my brothers and sisters preach the truth of God. Do not hold back and do not quench His Spirit. Let the fire of God through your lips and be His fire. Then those who have ears to hear can also be ignited.

My heart breaks as I hear and have been shown our state before the King of all kings and who rules in the affairs of men.

Then on the other side of the fence to the hearers……. Let it be not on our soul these words of, Jesus in Matthew 13:14: And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. The ears are hard of hearing. and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand and with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.

God is God and we should not take Him lightly. His promises are going to be fulfilled. They are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus as written in Corinthians……. All of them. The ones that makes us shout AMEN! And the ones that make us gulp as we say, Please, Lord, give me Your strength in grace….. Thank You Lord.

Romans states in chapter 11:22-23: Therefore consider the goodness of God and severity of God; on those who fell severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you will also be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted them in again.

Times of threshing have arrived and He speaks for us to arise and thresh.

Do not speak what He does not speak and speak all of what He speaks in His Word.

Do not add and do not hide His full counsel.

His lamp is a light unto our feet representing His presence and knowledge of Him within us……We have His Spirit of oil sautéing our hearts in His fire revealing the Lord Himself so we are a fragrance of Him wherever we put our feet.

Saying yes to Him without having His Spirit revealing His Son in us as we are being conformed to His image… as a foolish virgin who took no oil in her vessels…. She knew the King but because the oil of His Spirit was not in her vessel…… He did not know her and was cast away in Matthew 25.

God is God and we cannot make Him in our image…… He is not American or Chinese or African….. He is Himself—- The Uncreated One who is our Audience of One….. If He is pleased…. then we take another step closer in the fire.

If not, we bow and wait until we understand His ways. We do not want to be a Uzzah……

He is going before us to make the crooked places straight for all of His children in every nation, tribe and tongue.

Father God, we bow our knees and our hearts to hear and wait. We are listening and do not want to take a step without Your direction in this new day….. We need Your Spirit to open the Scriptures to see You more clearly than ever before.

May we have ears to hear and a heart to receive all You have planned for You to accomplish and become in Your grace- the image of Your Son. Then we shall know when to speak and His Spirit will flow from our lips as hot oil to the hearer entering into their heart the Words of Life- Jesus Christ.

God will use all that is meant for evil for the good of His purpose.

This is scripture as His words never fail.

Psalm 18:25-27: With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful;

With a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless;

With the pure You will show Yourself pure;

And with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd.

For you will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks.

God is full of justice and mercy but most of all…. He is God nd will not be mocked, people will reap what they sow as written in Galatians. Check it out.

This written scripture is not heard very much but it will come to pass when the Judge takes His seat: This is the Truth of God….in the next verses.

So many are fearful of COVID….. Why? Death? Death is inevitable. But where you spend eternity starts today……The decision you make today may change your eternity because you decide to know Him who is eternal….

Revelation 21:5-8:

Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold I make all things new. And He said to me. Write for these words are true and faithful.

And He said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and He shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have thier part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Our God will not be ignored. He is always trying to obtain our eye and ear for us to turn to Him and receive His goodness and life which is found in His Son, Jesus Christ.

If you choose to walk away from Him….. Your missing out on a whole lot of love and kindness and strength and peace, most of all, the chance of our lifetime to know God who beyond any thing of this world…… His Spirit always tells us what is to come……. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is prophecy…….. He always was and is and always will be to come………

Join Him this day and hear what He has to say. He is not quiet at all, but what may be keeping His sound from entering in today is the iniquity that is found that you play today….. Repent and turn from that and turn your life to Him and see the turn He will bring you around in His plan enfolds….. Your eternity has been changed if you invoke on Him this day.

He says to you- See my brow where the I took the thorn of death on for you…….

See My hands where the nail marks were placed so freedom is found in Me where your chains would have been for all eternity.

See the marks from the nails on My feet, where I AM will lead you from the fire of death and will be with You today as we walk in the fire of My Spirit lighting Your way.

See the slash in My side where the soldiers made sure I AM was not alive….. This place, My beloved, is where you reside as My bride as was a given promise before you were.

Come to Me today…… Your story in Me will make My History……Change the place where you dwell and let Me in – I AM has much to tell. Turn away from death today and come to Me and live a life abundant in I AM. There is much more to know…… Understand and knowledge be given unto you and then you shall start to understand what My presence in you brings you unto.

Come to Me and know Me and then, child, you will be with Me in eternity today….. Do not wait and do not hesitate.

My love for you never fails…….. Check and see My arms are open wide to gather you unto Me this day.

Are you decieved to think behavior that is not of Me will be accepted into My domain? Nay, see what I AM has spoken through My son years ago. I AM does not change as the times do before you…… Be sober and diligent to know the time and not fall away to the evil one’s plan of demise.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetousness, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioner’s will inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Turn to Me. Watch and see how I AM makes all things new. Leave the death trap of sin and enter into My arms of life and knowledge of your God. Be My son of whom I AM says, I AM is well pleased.

Be My daughter of whom I AM says, I AM well pleased.


Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Son, Our Lord and Savior and all. May we have the ears to hear as our eyes perceive all you show us to live and be so we may adhere to you completely.

We love You and lean into You today and always in Your grace we shall stand and see the morrow of Your promise as through the night we plow into the day Your ways on this earth for all to adhere to and partake.

Your Son, the Lamb of God, is here to give us a place in His Kingdom that has come, for the Lion of Judah as become the Keeper of the Keys of hell and death……. Hear the click of the keys as He has opened His Door of life to all who chose to believe.

We love You, our God. Three in One. What a delight to know the God of this mystery tonight.
