
Lions, Tigers and Bears…Oh My!!!! Trials, Sifting And Testing, Oh My!!!!

Most of us are familar with the above saying from the Wizard of Oz.  The above statement started out as an outburst of fear then turned into a song- of course, it was a musical. But let not the cry of fear of hardship be heard from the body of Christ. It must not be so. There is no where written in the New Testament that life was going to be a bowl of cherries when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. In fact, He warned us all in John 16:33, these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

I left you with some questions regarding the denial of Jesus Christ by Peter the night that Jesus Christ was betrayed.  Peter had been with Jesus Christ for three and a half years…. Why didn’t Peter have the strength to stand against the words of a maid saying she knew that Peter was involved with Jesus…. Do you know? Why did Jesus allow the sifting like wheat from the hand of Satan on Peter’s life?

Here is Peter, but not the same manner of man, in Acts 2:36,  saying, therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. This is the same Peter now testifying of His King before a great crowd. I want to highlight that Peter was not denying His Savior this time…. What was the difference?

Take note another place in Acts 12, Peter was arrested before the Passover by King Herod.  This man, Peter, was put into prison because of the testimony of Jesus Christ…. Nothing frightened Peter any longer…..He walked now by the Spirit of God. That night an angel of God freed Peter. Peter passed his test…. He trusted God. Instructions from Peter are in 1 Peter5:6, therefore humble yourselves before the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

Then shortly after this, Herod was also visited by an angel. The crowds treated King Herod like a god and the king did not give the glory to God…. King Herod failed his test! This angel smote the king. It is written the king was eaten by worms and died.  HEAVEN RULES!!   

Jesus Christ as our Leader, Peter, John, Paul and Job, all these men show in scriptures that there are hardships and trials that come against the people of God.  Why? So we can be proven in sonship under pressure.  However, God has supplied us with all that is needed to overcome these trials.  He has given us the strength in the baptism and fire of the Holy Spirit.

The changed man of Peter happened during Pentecost. The Holy Spirit, symbolized as a tongue of fire, came upon Peter. The man became a bold, courageous, walking testimony of Jesus Christ because the Holy Spirit dwelt within  Peter. 

Peter understood the testing of the Lord better than anyone. As he wrote in 1Peter 1:6-9, In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,  whom having not seen, you love. Though you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith- salvation of your souls.   

Jesus allows tests and trials to prove our faith in Him under pressure…. hence- a trial is born into our lives.   Our response according to Peter is to REJOICE! WE SHOULD NOT BE SAYING – OH MY- TESTING, SIFTING AND TRIALS– OH NO!

The way I see the  life of faith is living on a boat, the waves come. We go up and then we go down…. but what is steady is the Boat that holds us: the Love of God. I trust that the God that had His Only Begotten Son lay down His life for me is also the same God that will give me the strength to finish the test or trial or sifting. If I ask, seek and knock  for Him as my Answer and Solution.

The testing  reveals in me stuff that I do not know is there, but the King sees. His refinery techinique is to make sure there is no spot or blemish in my heart.  So I  wait and trust Him in full dependence in the  down and ups of this journey as I keep my eye on Him.  I will obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit during the fire and the water of purification.  I wrote about this in my book.

He is the Author and Finisher of us.  We have to live out our faith in obeying the two commands He left us…. Love Him no matter what comes to us or against us…. and treat each other as we would like to be treated! Proverbs 20:27, the spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart. 

He is still and will always be the same. We are better for the stretching of the hard climb of patience that comes at the end of the testing. We are stronger in Him because we allowed Him to deliver us again by strengthening our trust in Him. He is our Savior one more time in our lives……. He is always there. Our lives may not turn into a musical, but we will develop a deeper song to our God after every victory.   Our fruit will be known by the song we worship our King or our lack of song of praise and thanksgiving….. our choice again! 

Hey, did I say that apprehending the Son of God as He apprehended us was going to be a piece of cake?   More like joing the United States Marines—- Hoorah!  Christ is our Champion and…..Christ in us is our only hope of glory!

What  are we to do when we are sifted in the waves of  testing??? … Tune in next time for some secrets to overcoming strength!!!   Thank You  Heavenly Father that Your Love Never Fails.

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