
Lord, Guide Me With Your Eye…

So logs on fire burning lobsters…..Now send this word to all in charge from headquarters…… what???

We look at Revelation chapter 17 in the book of Revelation. We witness the great harlot in the wilderness that all the kings of the earth have committed fornication.

So what does that mean?In verse 4, the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.

As we backtrack a minute to chapter 1 of Revelation, I remind you by scriptures 5 &6: and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

One woman is clothed with stuff of this world which is going to pass away. The stuff of this world is the pride of life, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes. The bride of the Lamb is clothed with His shining glory forever because she does the will of God. The view of her is withheld until later in the Book of Revelation. In fact, both women cannot be  seen by the eye of the flesh only by the Spirit of God.

There are set before us the ones that have chosen the mountain of the flesh or the world instead of Mount Zion. According to God, they have committed fornication with the world against Him.  There are kings and priests in both camps. God still is separating the different waters ( nations) as in the second day of creation.

What would we think of someone who knew our brake fluid was leaking out of our car and never said —WATCH OUT! Get out of the car or stop the way you are going… You will die in a crash…. We would not think so highly of that person for not warning us.

Well, God is not angry, however, He is holy.  He delights in those who seek Him with their whole heart, their life, everything. Don’t be concern, His grace and Spirit carry us through the tough times of obedience.

The logs that are burning are false doctrine that the Spirit of God wants burned now. Hey, better burn false thinking and correct our living now then get burned later!!!!!

The only way to worship our God now is by Spirit and Truth as Jesus said to Nicodemus, a leader, in the Book of John, chapter 3.  Jesus also stated that unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.   Check it out!

The lobster being burned is the affluent style of living of those in the church. A storm is coming. Look at the signs of the times, a storm is coming, people.  Jesus Christ, our Victorious Champion, was counted with the transgressors. He was betrayed by His own. He was beaten and bruised for our sakes…..  The followers of Jesus are to take this route.  Or do we not go this way because of what people may think? Judgment starts at the house of God. It is coming, people.  He is here in our midst…. He who creates the ear, can He not hear? He who creates the eye, can He not see?

Our life in Christ is not an amusement park ride. Some people want to feel their way through the Spirit on their emotions. He is not there in our flesh. He is not here for amusement. He is here for us to learn to  adore  and worship above all else our Lord King Jesus Christ as we learn to die to ourselves on the cross, as He.

Have we, church? Have we counted everything loss to gain Him, our King? Paul said that all will suffer persecution that pursue godliness…. if we are not suffering any kind of persecution, then what are we pursuing.

Affluence and wealth, and good opinions will fade away. Only what we do for Him in love will remain….Let us sharpen our sword of the Spirit. Let us set our heart to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. The Word of God is our greatest need as well as our greatest and only  Solution.

Let us cast as dung anything that keeps us comfortable, thinking highly of ourselves and feeds our emotions. There is nothing righteous in ourselves, only in Christ do we have His righteousness.  Only in Him, is our salvation, our rest and our true place in God…. Forsake all else to stay there, my sisters and brothers in Christ……

for a storm is coming.