
May We Have Eyes To See The King In His Beauty

The above word is from Isaiah 33:17, Your eyes will see the King in His beauty. They will see the land that is very far off.

We are now ready to finish the last of the love letters from our King Jesus Christ. This letter is to the Laodiceans.

The land in the Isaiah scripture represents the promises of God that are available to us in Jesus Christ. I know our inheritance is great and beyond our comprehension. For our inheritance is Jesus Christ and we are His. We cannot exhaust all of eternity to explore the uniqueness of our God in Christ Jesus that we are called to in our inheritance.

I wrote in chapter 8 how to  check our hearts to make sure that they are beating in rhythm and living to the sounds of heaven.

What did Jesus mean when He said- you say you are rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing in Revelation chapter 3:17? What does the eye salve mean?  What is the gold refined in the fire mean to us?

In my book, Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation, chapter 8 goes into detail that we may receive Jesus Christ’s exhortation with understanding. Then we may turn and obey the discipline.