
My Soul Waits For The Lord, My Soul Waits!

My soul waits for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning- Yes, more than those who watch for the morning, ( Psalm 130:5).

For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: This is My resting place forever; here I will dwell for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation. And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

There I will make the horn of David grow; I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, but upon Himself His crown shall flourish, ( Psalm 132:13-18).

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor percieved by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, who acts for the one who waits for Him, ( Isaiah 64:4).

There are many brothers and sisters in Christ who are waiting on the Lord in very hard places…. Before my heart starts to feel fustrated on the goings on, the Holy Spirit puts their faces before me to lift them up by praying the Word over them. There are many heroes of our faith in the making today.

Their faces shine with the light of Christ even amongst the horrible treatment as beatings, lack of food, terrible conditions, but they shine. They shine the life of Christ because He is Eternal….and so are they. Oh how I earn the Holy Spirit that I could be as brave as these heroes in our family of God. May we be as strong in Christ so that His power be perfected in our weakest moment in our weakest place as the days unfold.

Remember the story of Elisha helping the prophet’s widow get out of debt in 2 Kings 4…. She was told by Elisha to gather all the neighbor’s vessels to be filled with oil…. So she and her son obeyed the prophet…. The little bit of oil never ran dry but continued to fill all the vessels…. She was able to get out of her debt.

The presence of the Holy Spirit within us is exactly the same spiritual meaning as the woman or the church getting out of sin….. The Oil is always represented as the Holy Spirit in Scriptures. If we do not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit within us, we will live without the empowerment to keep out of sin and darkness. We do not lack any good thing because of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God Almighty.

So as we wait before the Lord, may we ask Him to continue to fill us with more of His Spirit. He increases the room by our experiences of faith. We let go of what was for more of I Am. We live by experiencing His greatness and then we grow in His knowledge…

When we wait upon the Lord, I think He jumps for joy for the one who doesn’t have a list of wants and needs, but wants to sit before Him because Who He is and they desire to hear His words…… We desire His presence as our greatest need and our want list is an after thought…. Now do not get me wrong, we all have petitions and supplications that only He can answer. But to sit at His feet in rest is an answer already….. As we sit, somehow all the petitions and supplications are answered as we are caught up in Him….. That is the God we love and serve.

As we sit with Him, we love it when we turn in the Word and find out an answer there…..It is our answer whether we like the reply or not…. The word is for us to obey. Or maybe we find an answer through another persons speaking to us….. or He may just speak to us while taking a shower or taking a walk. We learn to have eyes and ears open to His words all the day long.

We have Him by His grace so we never lose. We are winners in all things because of our Lord. We win….We overcome…. The prisoners of the Lord and those that are cast out of their homes and lands have the marks of the Lord on them….Do we have enough of Christ within to carry His marks if we find we are in the same situation here in the west?

When the wall is before us, do we first go to the grace of God as our Answer and Sufficiency?  Do  we allow the grace of God which I believe is the strength of God to carry us and keep us strong in all situations. Will we live as He is our Sufficiency and in Him we can do all things? Sometimes, the truth seems to appear He is doing all the things as He desires within us, even though we are acting out His instructions. When we really really know, it was not me, but Christ living through me, we can say, we walk and live by the Spirit of God in faith. Amen!

We have current martyrs that are the living sacrifice of the Lord……and they shine! If we are to ask them about their afflictions, they would say, if it were not for Christ……….I would not be.

We have the good news from the Lord that His grace is sufficent in all things, whether it be trials, health or persecution…… He will bring us through all things if we keep our eyes on Him and hold on to His love….. Let us live this promise out, beloved. His love for us never fails…. The only way His love will fail is on our end in not receiving Him in our hearts.

The best place is be is in a hard spot. When we find there is no help but God. When we find there is no solution or answer found on this earth, but God…..When we turn our gaze from ourselves and the chaos we find ourselves in, He is there waiting……He is all our need and all can be found in Him and He has open arms…..

His greatness is unsearchable…….. No matter how much we search for Him and find Him…. There is more to find out about this Great God…… He is our comfort through the night and our strength and song in the morning…. He is our cloud of cover during the heat of trials. He is our fire protecting us from the cold of evil and all it’s hate.

All the transformation experiences which the Holy Spirit takes us through reveals more  attributes of our Lord Jesus Christ and our God Almighty. As they are revealed, we then partake of those attributes or greatness of our God as the strength and might  in our lives and through us to others…. Only God could take our waiting on Him and turn our gaze into living a heaven filled life… Only our God, for there is no like Him. No one. Amen!

In your mind’s eye, children, do you see me on the cross? Do you see My life dripping out by My blood from the wounds of whom I love? They are for you. My love is so deep for you. Please know Me, then you will understand My love that is neverending. I Am there as Your wounded Savior. I Am there sitting on High as Your King. I Am within You as Your Guide and Teacher. I Am where you are and need to be….. I Am your all. Lean on Me.

My Blood is Eternal Life cleansing you even today, if you will come and take Me on the cross as Your need. Your needs are many but My love is greater, stronger than all weakness of men. Come to Me, as you stand under Me and allow My sacrifice to cleanse you, you are made brand new. My blood covering you know this as being washed with My everlasting love, if you believe…..

Come to Me. Know Me, then you will know My love for you which is greater than the all the universe. Come, enter in My Everlasting Covenant with Me….. I will not let you out of My hands or fail you. Do not struggle to get out of the hands of Love…..I will not let you go. I Am the Strength you desire. I Am the Hope which restores what you are losing in your living away from Me.

I Am aware that you do not know your next step, I Am does…..Take it with Me for I Am the way…… I see the works on digging youself out of the pits your hands have put you in…… I Am will walk with you through the harvest you have sown.

Take My Cross and Sacrifice as yours. The power of My Sacrifice has cleansed the way for you to follow. There is new harvests to reap as My Seeds sown come from your life….. Come to Me…..

The Sacrifice of the Lamb of God on the cross and the Holy Spirit are your Forever Friends.  Allow the road of your days to wind upward to the heights of the heavens, not by your works, children, but by My Spirit.

I Am Order and Peace. You walk with Me, My life will overwhelm your chaos. We walk through the valleys, My Life will enlighten the correct paths for you to take. We ascend to the hills, My Provision will give you vision in the heights of battles. I train you to keep your peace in the midst of turmoil. Keep Me, keep your Peace. See Me, keep your place in My love. Love Me, keep all the promises of the Godhead counsel in you….. Always know to be still, I Am God…. I Am exalted among all!

Do not fear of the morrow, I Am with you today…. Live with Me today, you sowing the seeds of My Life, My Word, will reap everlasting life in Me in the morrow….. Obey Me today, the morrow will be blessed in My strength and joy….Even the hard winds adversity pounding on your faith will not deter your place in My Life…. in Me. Come to Me…..

My Cross and Sacrifice are your Refuge and Strong Tower to hold. My Cross is yours. Allow My Cross to be your heart. Do not fight the hardness of learning and living My Neverending Love. If you embrace My Cross, all the rocky cliffs made for stumbling and falling will be made smooth. I Am will be the Bridge across or the path of Refuge.

Wait on Me, and as you wait, your strength will mount up as eagles wings and soar in My Spirit. Come to Me, we walk together and the darkness part way for the Light of the World.

Come to Me, the depths are the heights in My Kingdom. The lowest branch bowing is the highest among the sons in My Kingdom. The forgotten and cast aways are the most known in My Kingdom. The laying down of all for Me is the Most Beautiful and Brightest in My Kingdom.

Ask Me for the understanding of the wise in heart. However, they are never found sitting on comfort, but the wise in heart have been forged in the fires of My love. They are learning the cross and they shine Me.

Will you still come to Me? Come to Me….. I Am, Creator of you, has made you for such a way. You are My chosen vessel….. Trust Me…..Come to Me….

Today, behold, the valley of decision is before us……..Let us take another bite of His neverending Love and say, Yes, Sir….. we come. We come to learn of the King and His ways.

You, Oh Lord, are willing to lay before us all of Your Mighty Love as You work and establish You in us. Thank You that You supply all the grace for us to come and to overcome so we may continue to eat at the table You have prepared for us before our enemies. We come, Lord, hungry for You and Your ways…..Have Your way in us.

Lord, we come…..
