
No Sharks Allowed Here!

In  chapter 15: 2 of the Book of Revelation, we witness  the finished product of those who has victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.

I want you to note something, a harp in Strong’s concordance means to twang.  I looked up the word twang in Webster’s dictionary and it states to be released or to resound with a sharp, vibrating sound. Now imagine a sea of glass ( His nation) mingled with fire ( the Holy Spirit) resounding a sound of the song of the Lamb and Moses.

Now to God’s ears these words are as a song, but His nation is resounding a sound of glory to God and His Lamb for all the world to hear as we speak the next verses of exaltation to Him who reigns…..

These are also standing, they are establishing the kingdom of God by overcoming the mark of the beast and the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death….

I saw a shark today very close to shore as I was walking… I was praying on the sea of glass as I saw the beauty of the glistening water reflecting the rays of the sun… It was breathtaking, I would never think that under that beauty lurked an eating machine that has no regard for anything or anyone. He is doing what God created him to do… devour.

I  started to contemplate the book of James chapter 3.  He mentions how man can train horses and control ships….. he does not mention how man can control a shark or our tongue.  The best way to handle a shark is to kill it, I may be wrong.  However, I look at sharks as the same as a poisonous snake…. just kill it. What can be done with our tongue?  Selah!

A sea of glass is transparent, nothing hidden in its midst.  No tricking, no deceit. No leviathan or sharks here, thank God!  The people who are standing on this glass have no deceit, nothing is hidden in their lives. They do not live to trick, manipulate or lie to God or others…. They have overcome the nature of the beast.

This clear sea or nation now reflects that SON, because He is in her midst.They have been purified by the fire of God….now.

They chose the narrow road…We don’t know what is in our hearts that is against the nature of God…. but He does and He is faithful to show us and give us a chance to change…. from glory to glory… His grace and Holy Spirit.

The ones standing on the sea of glass praising and sounding the sound of heaven have said yes to His cleansing fire now…..

See what is around the corner for those who have not said yes to Him…. Selah!

As Peter warned us in 1 Peter 1:10, Therefore, brethern, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.

What things is Peter saying we should be doing?  …..Check out his instructions…… Until next time…. Be strong in the Lord and all His might!