
Oh! Wonder And Wonder On This What If……..

First, here is a question- Were the acting rulers and leaders changing their ways when the Lord in the flesh walked around Israel?

Who was known as turning the world upside down after Pentecost?  Just asking…… And why?……Just thinking….A wonder makes a ponder and then can turn in to a place of thunder!

Check out Book of John chapter 5….please.

Everyone sitting around waiting for the angel to come and  move the water in the pool to heal those who may enter the water quickly.

Hope we also  are not doing the same waiting as those did in the temple as Jesus walked the earth.  He is walking this earth in us now , isn’t He?

It is what the Word says in Revelation chapter 2- Right? As well as we are seated in heavenly places in Him as written in Ephesians, right? As Jesus also states in verse 5: 19: Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner…….

What if you were directed  to go to a house. You climb up the front stairs and look in……. It seems this is a clinic…… There was not an empty seat to sit in….It was packed like sardines in a can.  A voice calls your name and you are told to sit at the desk of the doctor…… People are just staring at you like you are the doctor…… You just look at them and wonder……Why do I see no hope and why are their eyes glued to the television…..and on me? I am not the doctor but  the Healer is here  if they will believe. Why do not they come to You?  Your hand is not shortened……

As you study their eyes, they watch the screen of the television- waiting…. There is a boredom and dullness in their eyes……. You notice the nurse passing out little cups filled with  little white and blue pills like it was hors d’ oeurvres…….Wonder- why is she doing that? They are taking these pills like they are candy….. Sweet to the taste and there was no cost.  A quick fix to feel good, you wondered……..

Then you hear from the television a man’s voice bellowing out: We have lost the life we have now !   The whole set of humanity in this house stopped in their stupor to hear what was yelled from the television……….All ears perked up and eyes turned to the television………Was fear sent out in that statement ? Maybe that is a good thing.    You say- huh? Not that fear was sent out but  things were changing…..

Sometimes when we lose we gain as scripture states in Philippians 3:7-8 : But what things were gain to me,  these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ……

Oops, there is that word we do not want to be included in the Gospel of Jesus Christ—– sufferings…….Another is fasting….. But we won’t go there today!

Back to our scene……. Maybe the life that is exiting is to initiate  His life  into the fullness which is originally intended  by our Creator….. Just a thought……. We always want to upgrade—-Well, where did the original thought  of upgrade come from?  The Creator of all!   There is nothing new under the sun.

We always want to upgrade our things but change our lives?- Whoa horsey!  Things okay but to upgrade into the heights of the Holy One….. Hmmm….He is calling us up and by His Spirit….. Come on, horsey, move on….We are ascending in the Rock.

This  reminds us of chapter five in the Book of John…….. Waiting for the angel to give a miraculous healing…… and now from the human doctor. Is it not by faith  and by His Spirit? Just thinking as you look on ………

Now, you just shake your head and decide to go out to the side back yard. This yard is entered from the back door but it extends out to the road which is seen from the windows in the front of this house……..

It was very neglected. You are walking and wondering….. As you are walking towards the front, it turns into  an incline. You hear crunch as you slip here and there on empty boxes. There was discard of empty boxes and lumber…. You wonder still…… They didn’t fill these boxes, our hearts?  They were building once and quit? They have a full house though????  Why?

What am I walking on?…….. This incline leads you to a concrete wall that you will have to climb out.    You wonder again…… What is this wall and how did it get here and why?  How am I to climb over this misplaced wall?

You then see this black cover that was crumbled up under your feet……partially wet.  You lift it up and are trying to figure what this black like tarp represents…..

As you are wondering, guess who shows up to lend a hand ?   Jesus Christ…… Yup… The kind and gentle Man/God/King shows up as no big deal.

Astounded He was here with you and not inside. He knew your thought and answered, you are the one talking to Me.   You were also amazed He was aware of your investigating  this scene and showed up in Person!…..…..He reaches to also get the black tarp…. You say to Him it is filled with dirt and water. He takes it and tosses it to the side. Then He swoops you up in front of Him……He slowly and gently leads you with His hand on your shoulder through these evergreen bushes / trees.  The branches were soft as they brushed against your face and arms.

You get through the other side of the trees as He leads you through as your Rear Guard.  You then wonder why you can breath again. The air was cooler and fresh. Breathing was easy. Hmmmm…. You wonder what trees mean and why it was so easy to breath on the other side of them.

You wonder and wonder. He reveals to you the area that was filled with debris and black heavy tarp was an inground empty pool…… It was at one time a swimming pool, but no longer.  The black tarp covered it at one time and it was forgotten……The swimming pool represented baptism and being immersed in God and swimming symbolizes flowing in Holy Spirit or He flowing through us.

The worldly ways and unbelief will always stop the power of God through His Spirit…… As written do not quench the Spirit in Thessalonians.

Our God means what He says and says what He means…… Zechariah 4:6: So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.

Jesus Christ is here…… If you believe and I believe in Him……He is within us.  So all that He is- so are we in this world as written in 1 John. Check it out.

He said it – so this is  truth…… Television for our eyes will not be the vision of the Father, our Father……To behold our King is to become in the image of Him….This is His rule and His plan……Christ in us must be treasured and protected, ( Colossians 1)…… This is an outstanding Truth that the church seems to negate……. His plan is completed that He has given us all power to achieve a godly life as written in 2 Peter…….(my paraphrase)…. Check it our yourself-chapter one.

But by My Spirit says the Lord- not by fixing our humanity….. We have died and have risen in Him by the power of the Holy Spirit…..The life we now live is by faith in the Son of God who loved us and died for us………… How can we take the reigns and try to live with out His Spirit leading and guiding us….. How can we be led if we do not spend time in His presence and do not partake of the world?

If we are partaking of the world, will we value any  gift given to us by His Spirit?   Won’t we count it as worthless and let is pass through our heart? Where our treasure is – is where our heart will be – Check it out—– Chapters 5,6,7 of Matthew gives us a good heart check up….. Gets rid of the plaque!

Jesus spoke to Phillip in John 14:9-14, Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, so how can you say- Show us the Father-?  Do you not believe that I AM in the Father and the Father is in Me? The Words I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father.

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do  that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

May I submit to you, in our humanity,  as the world sees us they see our Boss, Chief,  Commander, King Jesus. If people reject who you are in Christ, do not worry, you are in good company…… The same rejection happened with our Lord—- Can any good come out of Nazareth?  I know His family….. and as it is written, the Lord could not do many works there for their unbelief…… Is the same happening to day?  You bet….. The narrow road is hard to walk on as the wide includes many.

People turned Jesus Christ away because they could not see the Invisible God in His humanity though He did many works. They just blamed his works on the devil…… as if the devil redeems and brings life to the dead…… Yes, they studied the scriptures but refused the One the Scriptures pointed towards.

Why Lord are there many waiting for the doctor as they were waiting for the angel when You walked the earth? Why was Your Spirit despised? The result of Your Spirit quenched closes their eyes to You in their presence?

Do they not know as written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18;  Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Jesus asked the man waiting to fall in the pool in the chapter…… Do you want to be made well?   In our waiting, we must discern if we are waiting for Him to come through the door or if we are waiting on something and we enjoy His presence because we know He is here and within us… He is working out the something.

Yes, sometimes we need to wait, but I have to say, sometimes my waiting times are the busiest with Him….. I am waiting in my actions but He is always busy with His kids…… He loves to talk and for us to learn Him….. In His presence is life and life abundant….. We have to learn in our waiting to  appropriate Him…… He always supplies a great Meal of Him in the presence of our enemies. He is all we need- so taste and see how good He is!

Our waiting is not without hope as were the hopelessness in the eyes we saw in the house…… There is a difference of knowing He is with us and in us now in our  waiting from waiting for Him to show up…… HE ALREADY HAS……Say thank You to Him for being so close and sorry, my unbelief has shut the window for us to fellowship for You are here and so is heaven within me.

How hungry are we for the impossible to be possible because of His love?   Reach out and take Him and His hand.

People may have let His Spirit leave and cover the Living Water in the pool, but He will come to us if we speak to Him and call His name……And make room for Him in us by dying to the world and allowing the world die to us. It is a matter of our will to turn to Him by faith. This is an everyday work of faith on our part.

He has brought heaven to our earth…… His heaven is within us…… We may not see it.  But have you ever seen heaven on earth?    Jesus Christ is our heaven on this earth and He lives within us today…. You and I are the heaven on this earth now…… Do not wait to see Him to believe….. Believe and then we will see as our belief removes the scales from our eyes.

Remember our God’s intent here for us….. Yes, salvation is God’s name for His plan….. But we are to grow into the sonship He has called us to for the benefit of the world….. Why go to the Empire State Building if you are not going to the top to look out? Can we see His vastness? His great plans?

Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of Almighty……It is written we are seated with Him in the heavenly places….. Do you not want to look out from His view?

As written in Ephesians 3:8–12: To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known BY THE CHURCH to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and ACCESS with confidence through faith in Him.

I pray as He returns He sees our great  abundant faith in Him. I pray when He searches this world…… He finds the faith and enjoy His fruit of His sufferings because we hang with Him 24/7.

It is hard to have faith in any one that you do not know.  As we know a person we have faith in their faithfulness or faithlessness……. Knowing God the Father, the Son and Spirit means there is fellowship with the Trinity then we are experiencing eternal life! We spend our time with God and our faith produces His  resurrected life in ours…….  When we eat food, the food becomes part of us….. Cannot be separated once digested as  in our faith in Jesus Christ is perfected through our life  and acted out as divine nature. He has become our history and we are His story……Walking by the Spirit are the sons of God…… Look it up.

We then are swimming or flying in His Spirit- Dive in to His great clear presence.   Do not put the tarp of the world to stop or quench His Spirit……and His ways……It is not by our might or our strength or our power that brings eternal fruit that our God desires, it is by His Spirit who works through and in us.

The praise is His and His glory……. AND we live in His glory!!!! Come on let us go into the everlasting love and walk only by His Spirit and not by our eyes of the flesh.  Ask the Lord to refill the pool of our heart with His Spirit so we may swim in His knowledge and dive in His greatness and rise in His love for this Salvation is by His Spirit through His Son, our High King Jesus Christ.

Divine Intelligence is leading us…. We must obey and turn to do things His way.

His hand is on our shoulder gently leading us into the high ground…… He has called us up here.

You coming too?  Yahoo!   Let’s really screw with the enemy’s mind!




I AM has called you My own. Why do you wait for what you already have?  Live out what I AM has made you to be….. I AM with you.  See what I AM sees and then do as I AM speaks to you.  Do not hesitate and though you may take a deep breath- you then breathe more of Me in and off you go. Heaven is with you and all see.

You are not alone, the King of Judah is closer than your breath…….The way is made before you and I AM behind you all the way……Where I AM the air to breathe has the fragrance of Me.

Do not be deceived, those who are of Me, follow Me and when you see them, you should see Me.

Take and eat what I AM has placed before you…..The path is revealed as you step to wonder and then believe all I AM for thee.

Just believe My everlasting love for you. Always and before and will be forever in My grasp.

I AM cherishes His own as a husband cherishes his bride……. Do you not yet see that I AM has called you always to be My side?

The Stone may have been tossed away but as It landed in the sea of humanity.

The waves are ruffled by the  weight of It’s presence as a  never ending tide arising toward the Rock.