
Only Him Do I See!

Little Person conveniently stopped at the barn often on his way home from work. 

This was about the same time too that Uri was washing up Prince after their ride.

He would stop by and hope to talk to her.

Sometimes Little Person asked to ride Aaliyah. Then they would ride the fields. They had long conversations of everything and anything while they stopped to water their horses at the river.

Little Person was very intrigued with Uri.  She seemed to be friendly but very focused on her goals. She kept her eye on the prize of what she thought was His plan set before her.

Then one day, Uri asked Little Person, do you dream a lot and remember them?  Little Person said: yes. Why?

Just wondered, she answered.

She had a stick and was making signs in the dirt.

Do you see people in them, crying for help? she asked Little Person.

Sometimes. I have learned they come before us because God wants us to pray for those who are in a terrible place.  We cannot fix them but He only can. They need someone to stand for them before His face.

Hmmmmm, she answered.

Then shut her eyes for a couple of minutes. Little Person knew she was bringing them before Him. He prayed also.

Then she looked up and said He cares and really loves us. He also wants to establish every member of His body in love for every other member and also those which are to come into Him. Right?

Can I tell you something? Uri asked.

Yeah, Little One answered to both questions. Her mind was like a heavy rain. It never stopped thinking and meditating. He would catch her somewhere else in thought though she was with him.

I do not feel okay going to church.  The people see my arms and like look down their noses at me. Then they gather their family away from me.   Really, I think? The marks are slowly going away and I refuse to hide what God has done for me.  I will gladly speak to anyone about being saved in Jesus Christ, my King.

I do not see many using junkies or addicts or drunks sitting in the front of the sanctuary to hear His Word. They are in the gutters of death row. Death is waiting with open arms for them.  They do not show themselves in church. If they do, it is when it is empty.  Either to ask God for help or pass out.

I remember one day about a month before I cried for help from a God I did not know. I was high and walking nowhere. I saw a church letting out. I sat down to watch them.

It was somewhere in summer because I was hot and barefoot.

I saw these perfect families. They were dressed all pretty.  It really made me feel like a loser and dirty.  Well, I was in truth but the contrast at the time was very striking.

They all passed by me to get to their cars. Not one person noticed me. Neither did they offer help. Not that I was yet ready to receive it. 

When everyone was gone but the doors were still open. I guess for the next service, I went in, barefoot and all.

Little Person said, Wow!

Yup! I wonder often if God was directing me to Him then by someone’s prayer. I wonder if I showed up in someone’s dream.

Anyway, I went into the sanctuary. I did not feel okay to go past the corner seat in the last row. I looked up and saw the cross.

I asked Him: If You could not save Yourself. How can you help me? I have no hope.  I started to cry and left.

Then as I told you, I got to the point where I needed more stuff every day.  I was escalating quickly towards death. The devil thought he had me and won over my life….. But God had different plans.

So I still feel very uncomfortable going to a service.

I do not understand some ways of people. We all are sinners.

Some sin is not worse than other sins, right? Sin stems from unbelief in God. We do not believe He is there so we do things we know are wrong…… Sin is an abomination to God- whether it is addiction or lying against someone, right?

We all fell short of the glory of God but in Christ we are all winners. We died with Christ and rose with Him. We all have resurrected blood flowing through our veins.

There is no room for pride in our righteousness, right?

Yes, replied Little Person.

Our righteousness is as filthy rags. This truth is for all of mankind, right? I mean, we are all on the same playing field.

Aren’t we as humans all sinners before God?

Yes, replied Little Person.

Then what is their problem? Their sin is more righteous than mine? Really? That is plain dah!!!

I am so grateful and so excited to be His, tears running down her face.

Some, I guess, are proud of their righteousness of Christianity, he spoke out.?

I smile at everyone because they are all my brothers and sisters. I am so grateful that I have a large family here and in the cloud of witnesses, said Uri smiling.

Little Person had tears running down his cheeks too, which Uri did not notice. He could not fathom her sitting there and no one reached out to her. It cracked his heart open. He thanked God for His mercy on her and those who were in church.

But God’s mercy and outstretched arm grabbed her.

Uri said, I hold no one at fault. I looked like a dead person. I might have scared people. God stepped in. As I am forever grateful and thankful to Him.

Little Person spoke in unison, me too!

Then Uri spoke, I go the rehab to speak to the ones who are where I was once. I speak the Truth about addiction to drugs. I tell them the devil is in them and has them forever if they are not honest with themselves.

They cannot put the drugs or alcohol down without God. They must ask His help and quit now.  God will give them the strength and power to be straight and live for the Truth from now on. I guess that is the truth with any addiction.

I also speak of the games, girls play which lead to death. The lies and manipulation of their crocodile tears. Females will play enticing games to get what they want….. Hey, I see girls playing these games that do not even use drugs…..

I know one thing. Honesty is the way I want to live in Christ.

Females that do not have Christ in them are dangerous.

So are males, said Little Person.

Hmmmm, replied Uri.

I have even heard Christians speak God will not hear the prayer of the wicked. He is far from them.

Yes, it is written in the Word, said Little Person.

He heard mine though, she replied.

Yes, probably through a son or daughter’s prayer of intercession over you, spoke Little Person.

Hmmmm, she replied. But Jesus ate with sinners in the New Testament. He came for the sick not the healthy.

Are we not to be the same as Him to all?

I know He has appeared to many far away in other nations in dreams. They call Him the Man in white, spoke Uri.

He came for sinners. We heard His call and we are His prize, said Little Person.

All I know is I was blind and in death row. But, because of the God-Man, Jesus Christ in which He died on that gruesome cross so I also may die to my sins and old ways of life with Him.  He also rose from death and in Him I rose……..from death warrant of drugs and also in to the newness of His life in me and me in Him.

I am His new creation and learning to live according to His Spirit’s lead.  I pray these marks on my body will always remind me of His strength of grace and the height of His mercy. I belong in His body as He is in Me and He is the head of all.

He is the Lord that healed me.

He is the Lord that restores me.

He is the Lord who is always with me.

He is the Lord that continually shows me His mighty plan of salvation to me and all the people He has chosen before the foundation of the world.

He is the Lord that manifests Himself to those who love Him.

He is the Lord that perfects every single thing that concerns me.

He is the Lord who hears my supplications and gratitude for Him being mine and most of all, I am in His grasp as long as there is eternity.

He is the Lord who teaches me all things that are to come.

He is the Lord who dwells in me through the power of His Holy Spirit.

He is the Lord that has cleansed me from all unrighteousness by His shed blood.

He is the Lord who has called me His precious one.

He is the Lord who sings over me.

He is the Lord of the whole earth.

He is my Lord who enlarges my heart to learn of Him and know Him.

He is my Lord who never looks away from me in distaste but treats me as His friend.

He is my Lord who calls me His own.

He is my Lord whose voice to hear is my one thing.

He is my Lord who is my Audience of One.

He is my Lord who helps those who I pray for.

He is my Lord who sends angels to me to help and protect me from all evil. Some have even surprises with them.

He is my Lord who visits me in the night seasons.

He is my Lord who gives me dreams and visions.

He is my Lord who takes me flying on my horse and through the nights by His hand.

He is my Lord who is my song.

He is my Lord who is my all and soon to be in me all and in all.

He is my Lord who leads me into all righteousness.

He is my Lord who gives to me the desires of my heart.

He is my Lord who comforts me.

He is my Lord who has given me His family and body to be a part.

He is my Lord who stands over me and before me and behind me.

He is my Lord who called me to be His.

He is my Lord who sees me as who I am in Him.

He is my Lord who smiles over me.

He is my Lord who knows all things and sees all things.

He is my Lord.

He is my Lord who was and is and is to come.

He is my Lord and shows me all truth of those who are in need and those who think they are not in need.

He is my Lord who puts down one and raises another.

He is my Lord who regards the humble.

He is my Lord who prepares a table in the presence of my enemies.

He is my Lord who awakens me into His kingdom.

He is my Lord of everything.

He is my Lord, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

( She thought, hmmm, is that my tribe?).

In her hesitation of thoughts, Little Person broke in with a shout, Hey, I am with you on all this.

Wow, he thought, as he saw she was covered in her armor and swinging the sword as she spoke though her arms were elevated and her finger was pointing to heaven above. She was shining brilliantly. Her face was that of an angel with a glow from Him.

Her voice seemed to fill the earth.

He was taken back by Holy Spirit showing Himself through her declarations.

She climbed on her horse. They took off in a whirl of dust as she left. Little Person was trying to keep up with her, but she went flying. She was praying again.

They met at the barn. He asked her, what is up?

I saw His face looking at  hurting folk coming to seek Him. Some turned away because they felt not clean to enter. I saw His tear fall, she replied. But He spoke, I AM has a place for them. They are part of My side where the sword pierced My body. All those who seek Me shall find Me. Woe to those who turn away a hungry needy soul to Me. My family is to grow with all from everywhere. No greek or Jew or female or male….. You are now One in Me and I AM is in My body.

I AM does not know you are unclean without Me? I AM also knows you are to bring to My face all.

I heard Him also say: religion kills and lifts up the haughty, but empty of My heart.

My love brings peace to the redeemed of My kingdom.

All that receive Me and My salvation are made new because of I AM.

No one may enter the kingdom of God if they do not have My thumbprint upon them. They have been washed by I AM, the Lamb of God. My blood will be found on them by Me. This is My thumbprint.

See the new creation of I AM and be in awe of My never ending glory that now resides in My children.

My children who My Father has given Me for signs and wonders.

There is no one who can enter in to My Kingdom who is made of self -righteousness.

The tares will be made manifest to all who have My Spirit within them. 

These little ones of Mine are My inheritance.

Their righteousness is of Me.

They may be not be of noble stock from the world’s eyes, yet they are Mine.

They are now My priests and kings.

Dare anyone cast a stone at a sinner? Show I AM who has not sinned. Come and show yourself to Me. 

There is no one who did not sin on this earth. The One who is worthy to open the scrolls and who sits at the right hand of the Father God, the Almighty, is the spotless Lamb of God.

Hear our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roar!

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you!  Look upon your own heart. What is it to you what I AM does to My own redeemed little ones…… You follow Me and see I AM’s Spirit is within you unless you be disqualified.

Welcome I AM. Those who are for Me are gathering. What is the job of My own….. gathering or judging the ones I AM has My hand on.

Wake up to My righteousness. All other is as dirty rags. All have had dirty rags before I AM…. Are you now clean those who throw stones and slander My chosen ones?

Be wise for the time is short. Shorter for some than others.

Come all and gather to I AM for My glory. I hear them say for My glory, but many want the acculations from men. They then have lost the honor from Me.

I AM and I AM will not share My glory with any flesh.

Do not allow the devil use his wiles in invoking your prejudice.

I AM’s choice is laid before the foundation of the world of who I AM calls.

Did you help build the universe to second guess I AM’s choice?

Be humble and be lifted by My hand. Keep your eyes on Me.

All hail our King of glory!!!!


We have to remember our own prejudices may put a big lock on Holy Spirit’s move in our midst.

Remember, ask to give me Your eyes to see how you see them in Christ. Then we may speak the scriptures over them that bring His heart and mind out in His kids.

Remember the choosing of David…….. Not man’s choice, but God’s.

Let God be God in our gatherings…… Please do not let them be a country club or an elite club……. That is not God’s thumbprint. I mean, really, look at us! We are the motley crew that worship a great God.

There is no good in us…. EXCEPT that He is in us and called us to be His. The goodness is found in Him alone.
Without Him, we are all sinners and our righteousness is of dirty rags.

We shine because our King’s Spirit is within……. Praise Him !!!

We want more of You because we know there is more!

Enlarge our hearts. It does not matter where we came from but where we are in You today!

May our focus be on our King alone.

Oh, Lord be our vision.

Glory to You and all our gratitude and thanksgiving.

Bless the Lord all my soul and bless His holy name.

Thank You for putting Your Holy Name upon Your children.

You are awesome and worthy for all our thoughts to be of praise of You!
