
Our Chance To Live A Life Of Heaven IS Now TOO!

What does the Gospel of John 16 and Revelation 4 have in common?

Let’s see, Jesus is speaking to us in both chapters, but what is He preparing our heart to receive?

What does that open door mean to us spiritually in Revelation 4:1? Paul had witnessed the presence of new life in Christ Jesus,           ( Ephesians 4:24), as well as the witnessing that we have now the mind of Christ in  1 Corinthians 2:16.

I believe that I am safe in saying that Paul who was once Saul of Tarsus is experiencing the effects of his new life in Christ Jesus and witnessing to us to grasp and apprehend this Promise of our Heavenly Father to us NOW.

The next chapter of my book, Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And Lord Of All Lords, Judge Of His Creation,  we are surrounding the throne of God. We can learn what  is opened to us now while we are here on this earth.

It will take an eternity to know the height, the depth, the length and width of the love of God that we have now in Christ Jesus.

Let me know if you found the connection between the two chapters! Happy exploring as we keep growing in our understanding of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.