
Our King Jesus, The Christ, Is Worthy Of OUR All!!

Give ear, O My people, to My law; incline your ears to the words of My mouth, ( Psalm 78:1).

Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice, ( John 19:37b).

Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and your footsteps were not known. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron, ( Psalm 77:19-20).

Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed saying, Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, You are My Son, today I have begotten You.

Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. He shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Now therefore, be wise O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little.

Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him,

( Psalm 2).

Our Lord is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega. There is no other god but our God. We praise the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD. He is worthy. He is sooooo good!!

Our Lord always has something up His sleeve. He reveals His plans.  Those to whom His plans are revealed are as to their hearers  a pretty song which they love to hear the words but arise and do not heed them….. And it is written, when this happens, know a prophet has been in your midst.

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

Remember how Jehovah had a showdown with Pharaoh of Egypt through His men Moses and Aaron?

Remember how Jehovah had another showdown with the nations that He was displacing for His own people? The people were called Israel and then the country or land became known as Israel.

Remember how Elijah had a showdown with the priests of Baal…. The showdown brought the fire of God showing who was Jehovah and who was a false god. Then the people knew the One True Living God.

Remember the showdown of our Lord, Jesus Christ on that Thursday through Sunday regarding  His cross, death and resurrection? The earth quaked at His death and the earth quaked at His resurrection……. Who won? He triumphed over evil displaying them all to see!!

Is there any need to fear at all?  Is there not a greater need to remember and exalt our God who has been for us through all of time?


We must learn of His ways. I pray we learn to change our sightseeing to seeing from His view…..

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him,               ( 1 Corinthians 2:9).

Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: Behold, a sower went out to sow. And he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them.

Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth

But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away.

And some fell among thorns, and thorns sprang up and choked them.

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop; some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear, ( Matthew 13:3-9).

Now the Sower knows where He is throwing the Seed and still continues knowing the outcome…… Hmmmm. Let’s take note on His way!! Now all the hearers are responsible for what they hear and act on or do not act on….Hmmmmm.

Our sight to all we see is linked to our heart. Our ears are linked to hearing what we also desire……. Maybe we hear a dentist drill and we turn that off as we do an alarm.

However, if we do not heed to the drill of the dentist, we may lose our teeth…… If we do not adhere to the Word of God, the desires of the world, such as riches, ambition, name and fame, cloud and may destroy the connection we have to Holy Spirit. Then we lose the vision and purpose of God.

There may even be offense to trip us up….. David had an adversary named Saul. Saul hunted him through the mountains and the valleys…..

God never left David’s side.  He told him to go or stay……. so Saul never caught or destroyed David….. In fact, David grew stronger under the hunt.  Just as Israel grew in Egypt under great duress from Pharaoh……

God had given David an opportunity to slay Saul while Saul rested.  David did not but brought the judgment of this antagonism to God and Judge of all……  David went on to become King and Saul was slain in battle.

So between all offense, we should lay it down before the Lord and forgive all knowing justice is in His hands and He is a JUST GOD. Holding on to offenses, riches, etc keeps us on the earth ground.

We  then can go on His way and be free to ascend where He wants us to be- by His side.  We rest knowing He is the God of Justice and is faithful to Himself.  He will be faithful to allow us to know to act when we need to, if any action is needed at all. He is quite able to reign justice and mercy.

Look what He has already done!

If we are running a race, we do not carry extra weight if we want to go very far…… In fact, we throw down all extra weight….. Actually, we are running with the yoke of Jesus Christ….. His yoke is light and His anointing is also ours covering us…… We  run with His Spirit on us as the armor of God…..

In actuality, if we would see us in the eyes of God, through Christ Jesus, He sees His Son…… not us….. Now He knows us, but sees us in His Son……We have been clothed with His blood unto all righteousness….. We have been given the armor of defense and Holy Spirit against the schemes of the devil.

As we see His children, we should listen to the delight of His Spirit giving us His words of knowledge and wisdom…. Readily giving His gifts to His children. Seeing them as God sees them…. Or not…. our choice….We live and speak not to deny His power among His children.   We do not deny His power on any occasion.

We are a new creation- in Christ Jesus…… Now we could be walking on old ground in our thinking but this is not according to the Word of God……Or we could chose life. Resurrection life is the ground we walk on…in Christ, where the new creation is and is also being formed and completed.

This resurrection ground, we should be found celebrating and experiencing our  new lifes which are found in Christ Jesus…… We are not on our own ground anymore…. Or at least we should not be if we say we are His……

Do we live as we know- there is nothing good in our flesh. We can only truly worship our God in Spirit and Truth….. That is the Lord Jesus Christ….

If we step out of Noah’s ark, we would have been killed in the judgment of the Flood.  If we stayed in the Ark of God, we will live…..

In Christ, is the new ground, His resurrection ground…. Out of Him, we are on our own ground- where He has judged for we died with Christ and rose in the newness of life….. We must adhere to His purpose here, beloved. We must abide in Him which is the newness of His life within us.

We accept the salvation of God so we may live and by Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. He is the ONLY WAY.

Knowledge and understanding are some of the gifts of Holy Spirit….. Knowledge and understanding of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ is everlasting eternity…..

If we do not know Him because we do not study Him and spend time with Him,….. we forfeit our rightful place in the revealing of God. He has it on hold, but the chance of worldly things  or traditions to usurp our seat is very real as in the parable of the Sower of the Seed.

The truth is we are seated somewhere- either at His feast or the world’s….. You choose this day- life or death….Remember our God will not be mocked nor will His Son’s travail.

God give us all things to enjoy, but all things are not His best.

Let’s say someone took our place away from the dinner table as a great meal was planned- well, we would fight and shout,- Hey!! That is my seat……

Beloved,  let us not allow the vain empty things of the world, keep us from our place in our Lord and feasting with Him….

He has prepared a table for us- shame on us if we are too busy or tired or too self important to get to know our Divine Romancer….

This Creator is who  wanted your nose to be just the way it is. He called your height and color of your hair to be just as it is. He placed you into His creation at this time for His purpose…He has called you by name to be His….. You are loved greatly.

Do you know your purpose in His great plan? Come on and see!

Our God loves us with an everlasting love.  He wants His bride to be with Him and this is possible by Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.

Let us not forsake such a great salvation……..There is more to know in Him, beloved, He is as a land of great and wide distances…..

As we know Him, we remain at peace—–knowing Him.  There is always opposition in the world going on…… We will know what is up His sleeve. He shows us great and mighty things, if we ask Him as written in Jeremiah 33:3.  So we always look expectantly and never fear.

What happened before with our Lord, will be again…..He always wins….. There will never be any glory but His now and then and forever more.

Things looked pretty bleak to the Israelites before the Lord bared His arm to Pharaoh in Egypt.   Things looked pretty arid when the land was in a drought but one man prayed and remained steadfast through it all…… The drought was broken as the fire ate up the sacrifice from His man standing for His rights as God.

The Friday that the earth broke open and the sun hid its face when our King suffered that horrible death and all deserted Him….. But He had a plan up His sleeve and He does now for all who believe. That day, the earth broke open once again but  in victory.

Who thought on these shores long ago, the Lord’s favor was for those who established this country- United States.  Remember how those brave ones stood against a well established regiment. We are here today because of those brave souls and their faith in an awesome mighty God.

Stand for the liberty we have in Christ this day, beloved. His plan and purpose goes on and on.  His heart beat goes on and on.

As He arises, so do we….. As He stands so do we. As He continues with His plan, so do we. All is accomplished by us in Him.

Do not let any offenses, nor the thorns, nor the heat, nor the black loud mouth crows turn us away from such a great God and fantastic brilliant salvation in God. Know He is increasing and so are we- and there is more to know and see in Him…. So come on….

Millions travel tons of miles to visit Disneyworld or Disneyland…. That land as fun as it is, is fiction….. Some exhibits are science and history based but most is fun day but cannot be carried forward except in memory. There may be debit carried forward for the loss of tons of money that it cost to visit the mousey place!

Our King’s kingdom is real and it behooves us to visit Him and to know His kingdom and ways. His adventure taking us by His Spirit is everlasting and does not fade as a vacation would…. He is real and so is His kingdom….. Holy Spirit takes us in the high country of our Lord. Much greater ride !!

We must worship Him in Spirit and Truth- and that maybe with out music…… But music may help us get into His realm and forget ours….. So be still and let Him be God, today!  Do not fear anything or anyone. Let our fear be a healthy fear of God which is the Beginning of Wisdom.

His glory and knowledge  was and is and will be known to all mankind as the waters cover the seas! Amen and Amen!

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your great salvation.  We glory in Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our King.  We rest in all You have given Him to be for us.  We rest in His strength of the grace You have given us in Him.  We rise in the hope You have given us in His resurrection.  We also are seated with Him now in His resurrection…. For Who is and was and is to come, we dwell in now by faith in Holy Spirit…. You are the best ever! We thank You for us to walk with Holy Spirit on new ground we have never walked before.

May we see the greatness of Your love and vastness of Christ Jesus that we never stop coming to the table. May we always relish in delight of all You have given us in Him……Thank You for increasing our ear capacity to hear and our eye sight to behold all the beauty of our Lord.

Holy Spirit, please come and burn up the sacrifice of the offering of our hearts to have the audacious faith to say- we will not falter on who is God- Is it Baal or the One True Living God?

We will say- water down the wood and then you will see who is God over all here and through all eternity!!!!!

The Fire is sent……

Come out of the cold and get hot again…. Burn from within where His Spirit is…..The day of burnings are again. Do not get caught in the length of stay where you have been.

If it has not been in the fire with I AM, it is in vain. Do you not see that is pride rising in the flesh for I AM to hear and see? If you have not been in Me, all is vain…. Vain things seems to build our eternity in our pride and not in the King of all kings!

Have you let your fire dwell down to nothing within?  Leave the way that you have known so well it is rooted and grounded in flesh but not in Me.  Choose life this day and you shall be made new unto Me.

Thank You, Holy Spirit for always igniting the  burning desirein us for the Lord, our King.

Heavenly Father,

One more thing, please

We stand on Your faithfulness and Your Word, Our Lord…..Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world, have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!,  (Revelation 11:15).

Let the shakings and bakings awaken Your bride, Your people to loose their double mind  and be sold out for You. Let them lose their cruise ship sight seeing  and join the Worship- warship Bride who speaks what You say and sees the picture of visions that is before us this day….. We arise to the pattern set before us  because this is Your day…We know You have strengthened us mightily by Your Word that is abounding in us today.

May Your peace and strength flow through us greatly as we lift Your name above every other name.  We stand strong because of You are the One True Living God and there is no other.

We will not bow to another and burn away from You. We chose You to reign and be glorified  You have strengthened us to be true only to You.

In Your grace, we will stand and not by our might but by Your love in Your Spirit in us, we will look back and know if it not for God- we would all perish, but by Your great mercy we stand here to praise You this day!

Please let us stand in the armor He has given us and fight the good fight of faith….. What He has spoken is and will forever be…. in us and around us for now and all of eternity,

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to Holy Spirit, our great Three in One God….. who is above all and is worthy of our all!


My Children,

I AM the One who changes not. If you are established, you are not found in Me.   How can you be changed into My image from My glory to glory if you are established and set in your ground?

Come up here to My place of Spirit…. You come close to Me and you will be ever changing.  Stay away and your traditions are as old as the sycamore. Their roots will hold you down and then topple upon you to the ground.

What  I AM speaks that your hope of glory is Me within you.  Mankind may lean to good works, but of Me, My works are the ones I AM sets forever to be fruitful unto Me.

There are plans that I AM has set you there fore…… My voice of authority rings out on the land by My bride who is set to My stride. She remains close in My side, from her birth freedom in her reigns but not she goes but by Me all her days of liberty.

My hand guides her and leads into My path. My gentle Voice quickens her to see the plans I AM has for her and through her presence in the land….. She reigns in victory from My hand.  My blood protects her from all astray hands.

My bride is the one who saw My eyes before I AM died on the cross. She saw My eyes from then she has never stopped  setting  her sight on them again.

Yea, ask for the salve so you may have eyes to see.   Pray that you may give Me the one hundred fold victory.  Pray that all you do glorifies Me.  Pray for the courage to let go what must go.

Trust Me for I AM knows what lays in the morrow.  You may not so live as you do not know and be full in the day and do not put off I AM till then….. Then may never come.

Big is only big and large is only large….. Great is from Me.  Yea, the greatness of My own is never known by the world, for they see humility unto Me as weakness. I AM lifts up these one unto My arms  for they come to Me and I AM is found with them .

Remember, little children, who exalts himself and puts others low will be also put down, for he has sowed and he also shall reap.

Those who hear My Voice and My Spirit carries them far, see how they are bowing before their King….. They have wept and they have sown My plans and purposes to be  upon the earth then  I AM known. The knowledge of I AM and My glory is on display for all to see then come to believe because My bride remains close to Me.

There was  a day where as My son Moses said who is on the side of the Lord, come stand with me…. The valley  of decision will be….Whom do you serve I AM or  Baal…… Which will you put your trust in?   This day was and is and will come again for all.

My city has a wall made up of precious stones who all came to be fashioned according to My call.  They are shaped and molded in the fire and in the water. Their testing is beyond any that can compare for My hand is laid on them showing all of I AM. My everlasting love is shown in and by them.

Wanting riches and holding riches are the thorns that bind My Spirit out of man….. This is Baal- can you not understand? Idols will topple.

My seven eyes will burn the seven mountains of Baal built by man’s hands.   They are there to distract and serve man so he may be god today…..

Oh, but watch, o man, what will come your way. The wind and earth will shake those idols. They will not stand…

Then come running to Me and do not  hide. Come to Me and know My mercy covering you in My Son today.  Do not run away but come to Me.  He has arms set wide to embrace you.

The mixture of clay and iron will not stand, do you not believe that out of the mountain  came I AM and  I AM now stands?  Those will fold and crumble in My Day.  So be found in Me for the remnant will be those in Me on My Day.

The Ancient of Days will blow the whistle on time. The trumpet will sound to gather all unto Me who sacrificed for I AM.  Come and be found in Me this day. Here the sound of My heart trumpeting this generation to come to Me.

Allow I AM to love you with My never ending love.

Do not wait and throw out this great opportunity to meet grace and truth today. Throw down your idols before they crumble and decay at your feet. Do not let My Day find you naked and not clothed in humility. Clothe yourself today in Me and glorify your King. Allow Me to inhabit the beauty of your voice singing praises unto your King.

Love is I AM. My beacon of light, all shall see the love I AM has for you and you to Me. Then pouring  forth My fountain has cleansed all that you  then point to Me.

Why look through the windows of My own and think you cannot come to Me?  Nay, come to Me and be with Me in My throne…. Do not stand out – turn about and come in and see why she is singing and standing for Me relentlessly.

She has seen the everlasting love in My eyes which My desire has burned for all of mankind.  She will not rest until all come to know and see I AM are for all too. She knows I AM wants you all to come to My home. Come home, children, I AM calls you to come.

Envy and jealousy has shut the door on Satan for all of eternity with Me and who he can deceive to fall into that rut – they too will never taste of My love.  Do turn away from all that envy turns to green and come to Me and learn of all I AM has planned for you.

You are special in My eyes but turn from your wicked ways…. Turn to Me and be covered in My blood and be made clean.  Come to Me and see all that I AM has planned for thee in Me…… Please come and see and know My table has a place for you always.

The secrets of My fellowship is all I AM has planned from the beginning of time…..I AM speaks and shares with man the plans I AM has for the earth and as it in heaven…..  Unity is found in Me.  Stand in My counsel and intercede for the decisions that lay hold of Me through the day…

Thank you children for keeping the faith to be all I AM is calling you to be….. Do not shrink back nor stop going deeper and longer to know My love that never stops.

Keep learning of the love that keeps burning the mountains of idols away to bring My bride that I AM has called today.

Be consumed with your eyes on I AM.  Yes, I AM rewards those who never stop seeking Me.

Stay away from those whose eyes are on others who speak as the whisperers. Why are they busy on others and not on Me? May it be, that I AM will point out their hearts are far from Me?

Why be busy staring at a tree?  You know what they will be. There is no surprise or wonder but in I AM…… Do you know what I AM has in planned for the morrow…. Be busy studying the great I AM for in Me are all the answers the tree cannot give….. I AM the Creator of all, come to Me……

If you have been given a mountain or a sea,…… will you study them or their purpose that is found in Me.  The mysteries have been made known to you…. Life in Me reveals more of My Wisdom  to fill the mosaic stones of your next foot fall.

My Word does not change…… The wind cannot blow it away or delusion or wickedness, will not change My word that is upon this earth today in My children.

The days have been decreed long ago how men would be.  Do not be deceived, but alas, I AM has given golden opportunities for My bride to speak and act accordingly.

I AM always calls Mine out and to bring them in… Alas, this day, know where you be and not do……. Be in Christ for only this will be your victory.  Rest in Me and not in yourselves…. then you will be found  in Me…. I AM the resurrection ground.  Behold, I AM makes all things new…..

The Last Tabernacle was not built by man… Take heed to the place that I AM has made for you, be found in Me as I AM then will be found in you. Learn to see My eyes that day and you shall never leave Me.

Know this is My way- you are in Me…. See then the rain fall heavenly….. A reviving of hearts has never bestowed by Me without the mystery revealed in Christ. For in this is My Bread given to My children….This discovery in Me will bring the rains abundantly. Abide in Me.

Live in the mystery of I AM unfolding in man and man abiding in I AM. This is I AM’s plan before all of time.

Thank you children for listening. Know My Words for in them is your understanding and wisdom for the coming days.  You know the secret place of the Most High.  Abide in Me and I AM in you.

This life is found in Me. Abide in Me and see My peace prevail abundantly.

Rest and abide for these are the keys for great trust in Me as those things which are become not and things which are not are seen. Keep your eyes on Me. Come to know the fire of love in them for you and for all…..

Rest in Me and My love that fails not. Find your place that I AM has called you to be with Me.  Come up here and see!

May you see My face shine upon you and know My hand upon your back guiding your every step.

Bless My children for all to see their victory is found in Me.

SELAH!!!!! SELAH!!!!!!!

Now therefore, listen to Me, My children, for blessed are those who keep My ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it.

Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the posts of My doors.

For whoever finds Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord; but he who sins against Me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death, ( Proverbs 8:32-36).