
Revelation Versus Tradition……

The abuse of authority to maintain its traditions  have been proven throughout the time that God has allotted to us.  Does mankind really think the power belongs to them? They turn to usurp the authority that God has given them to oppress and steal from those who they are ordained and called to protect?  This pride  has been known from the ancient days through the time of Jesus Christ in the flesh on this earth and to even now.

Can I point to the reality  of our days are as the grass on the ground- here today and gone tomorrow.  Does not wisdom cry out in the streets? Look for the everlasting way that the Ancient One has proclaimed….. Please take the high way to love.  Do not beckon to the ways that man thinks is great but leads to death….Beckon to the way that leads to freedom and peace and forsake the rest….. Darkness draws you into the snare and binds a lot of chains on you, which are made of despair….. The air is heavy and sigh is ever there, but,  cast your eyes  upward and see, If  you turn to Me and say I am sorry- I believe. Then My beloved child, you will be set free……   Come join the rest that shine the way to the Best….. I AM calling you forsake the world and join everlasting Love- for I AM can only give you  the best of rest.

The eyes of Love pour down His  tears as rains cover the earth.  As we see the rain in our day,  we  point to the Great Lamb who is seated on the right of the Almighty.  This One did it God’s way.  He went and took the hard way. Hear the sounds of heaven saying:  Mercy is calling and saying turn in here before your exit draws near.

Nothing that is done in the dark will not pass away but have it’s time in the noon of day…… Be still, my heart, do you not know? Almighty speaks out loud and clear through the years- I AM God  so then do not fear.  I AM and there is none other….. Be still… Your tears are in the bottle which is in My hand and there they stand.   They cry out with the Love for I AM.  I AM sees the faithfulness of My witnesses to the end of the earth…. I AM with them to give all new birth….. Many may turn from their destruction.  So come today and do things My way….. The love that does not shatter or withhold is beckoning you to turn and behold  I AM in a new way.   Do not hold what will pass but become as I AM has called you…. Only this shall last….. As I AM has decreed you will become and be.  I AM has made you free. Alas, you are with Me.

Can we really be alright in our sleep at night if we turn away from the Greatest Love that has ever been presented to us?  The God who came and took our punishment that we could not be away from Him. He longed to draw us to His side to be His bride…. We stall and turn to our way.  We think our way is better. Do  we burn and then we can never turn if the day is over…. We wonder why we are stress and under duress because we have turned our back on who is our Rest……

Those who strive for power over all  will  find their place last for they wanted theirs first above all .  If they choose to be servants, alas, they will be great. Those who steal to gain what others have- are forsaking all that He has called them to be. Do those not see His greatest Gift to them is free?  He has put a great price on their head, beloved, He gave up Himself instead. See our worth is above all that can be stolen on this earth……  We can have all we desire in the King who is so gracious to His love…..But we must do things – His way. Be heaven ward and leave the world.

The Book of the Ancient One is plain for all to see.  The words for the simple so we may believe.  His love goes forth for all mankind to see….. We must turn to Him on our knees and behold the One who died to set us free.  His blood stained eyes and His pierced hands and thorned brow is proof enough of a love so great.  Alas, He did not stay in the grave.  Hear His voice, the evidence of His Spirit whispering to us through the day and through the night – Come to Me- You  are in My sight.  I AM calling you to leave the way that leads to no where you want to be found by I AM… Come to Me and the way will be much easier for you will hear My sound.

Traditions hold us bound by what has been. Tradition does not make room for a new day…. for it says what was then should always be…. But the Spirit is saying yes, I AM and will always be but I AM says I AM does a new thing…. Will you not make way and see what I AM has called My people to be……  I AM says you will do from what you are in ME….. Do not be deceived, I AM is calling you forth into greater things for I AM increases and the growth comes from ME….. So do you not want to leave behind the old and let new growth be formed… Alas, My servant, suffered until Christ was formed in his friends….. Do you not see the End shall be as the Beginning?  Do not forsake the timing of the sound of My call going out.

Revelation of His love is worth it all. Do you not see? Come to the King, beloved, and remain in His keep and be free. His rest and peace is above all. We can not understand how in the midst of the world, the peace that He has bestowed on His beloved is sure.  Hardships may come and hardships will fall for those who beckon on the King will stand through it all.  If we fall, we arise again with healing flowing through the wings of the Wind…. So come today and see the Great King.  Arise into His stained arms and brow.  Be cleansed by His blood and then you also shall  live by His Spirit.  You will hear the sound of joy as you join  the kingdom of the Ancient One.

Put others first and pray for the lost and those in prison are the first to be mentioned and do not count the cost….. Seek those who are alone and forgotten to be included. There are no orphans where I AM has been found.  We are all One in Him so then there is no first or last- we are  allowed to be part of the BEST…. He has called us -let us be found by His measure to be chosen and found faithful….. Through it all He has won our hearts…..

O Mighty King, You won our hearts …. You are our Everything…. In You, we live and move and have our being….. You are First among us all….. Only in You are we complete and found in the blessing of the Great King….. So we bow before You in awe of Your beauty and Greatness.  What a King we have in You. We pray right now, we may be true to You.  Heaven rules and knows all things, You bestow on the mighty and the small the same thing….. Your love to carry us through.

You are our Forever Valentine….. Be blessed in the praises and love of your people this day!