
Ride Unto The Hills

Little Person arose in the middle of the night. He awoke as if it was 7:30 in the morning.  He quickly dressed and grabbed his coat….. He started out the door and returned to look into the drawer to find his hat and gloves.  He wasn’t going to freeze today, he thought.

He got in his car and drove silently to the barn.  He heard the nickers of the horses greeting him as he pulled up….. He fed Aaliyah her grain and hay first…. As he was waiting for her, he dropped the feed and hay for the rest of the horses….. They all heard her munching away at her feed and were anxiously awaiting their own….. He did not want to disappoint them…..

He went out to the riding corral after putting a note that they were all fed in the feed room. He leaned on the fence looking at the horizon slightly getting lighter as the dawn quickly approached.

He thought of all that he was shown the night before last on the porch.  After working all day yesterday, he felt he needed to go to the hill again to be before his King.   He was pondering all that he had written as he carried his notebook in his coat.

The morning was crisp. The fall had fallen and the horses’ coats were getting thicker by the minute. He wondered by all he heard that it might be a hard and long winter.  He climbed up onto the fence and sat for awhile waiting for the food to settle in the mare’s stomach before he headed out with her.

He loved sitting at the barn and listening to the munching of hay, snorts and sneezing as the hay tickled their noses.   It was very peaceful as he sat waiting.

He prayed for His will to be done in all the things that he was shown. He prayed that all would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

We all thought we were the good and we thought wrong. Our King has called all, the good in their own opinion, the bad and the ugly…… We all were that until we saw His face….. Until He showed Himself strong on our behalf. Little Person could hear His call to all…. Come to Me then come up here with Me. See the cross which I AM came for you….. Now see Me where I AM is where I AM wants you to be…. beside me.

Little Person felt what was  given to him was the live scenes from the book of Revelation of His Son coming to pass before his eyes.

All scripture must be fulfilled as he heard his King’s voice.

The sun just started peaking it’s face above the horizon. He checked his watch, had another twenty minutes to give Aaliyah.

He wished he had grabbed some juice as he headed out…. Maybe there is something to drink in the refrigerator in the office….. He had been given a key. He went to check it out….. He opened the frig door and was startled. There was a hunk of bread and a can of orange juice.

Okay, Lord, Little Person spoke out loud.  I will celebrate You now.

He took the bread and broke it in half.  He lifted it up to the heavens. You, My King, broke Your body for all to come and find their home in You….. First, You took us and all our sins and iniquity with You to death. This is now my celebration as I drink the cup of salvation from You and eat the Bread of Life of You.

You are my salvation. I eat this bread and drink this cup to proclaim I am yours through Your broken body which You died for me and all my sins.  You are my Bread of life. You are my all. Best of all, You are returning.  I am now part of Your new covenant…… I thank You and proclaim Your death, Your resurrection and Your coming return….. Lord God of all, I drink this orange juice and proclaim that Your blood has washed me clean as the new fallen snow.  You shed Your blood so I am covered by Your blood.

I have overcome by Your blood and the word of my testimony of Your greatness, Your unfailing love and Your never ending mercy……. You are My God. I live now by faith in the Son of God who died and has always loved me…. I have been crucified with You and the life I now live is in You by faith……I do not hold my life in greater measure than You, My King….. I submit all into Your hands.  I pray I apprehend You as You have apprehended my heart.

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus, ( Philippians chapter 3).

He ate the broken bread and the cup of juice.

He heard, thank you for coming to have your break the fast with Me, Little Person.

Come up to the hill. Your mare is ready.

Little Person spoke, Yes, Sir.

He locked the office door.

He went to the barn and she was looking for him.  Little Person tacked her up as he was singing….. Holy, Holy, Holy is my Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come.

He mounted Aalyiah and off they went.

He warmed her up slowly and then headed into a gallop up over the craggy rocks and hills to the meeting place which was away from the world to Little Person.

The wind was behind them pushing them forward up unto the heights. The crisp air now turning into the dew from heaven as they rode into the mist as if they entered the clouds themselves. The light from the sun was breaking into the mist slowly.

Little Person’s face was wet and very cold. The temperature dropping as their climb ascended.

Little Person could hear the flow of the river singing it’s praise to the Creator of all.  The sound of its joy toward Him was so joyful…. This sound brought a huge smile to his face as he knew he was at the meeting place of his King.

He jumped off the mare and released her bridle and attached to her the halter and lead. He let her graze and cool off. He did not think she needed water as the grass was heavy with the dew from heaven.

He sat down now and waited for the sun or the Son to beckon on the heights of his heart.

He opened his notebook and read…..


More to come- God is willing…..

Hear His cry to all. His call to beckon their hearts to the heights. Leave the noise behind and meet with Him where He is…. He is waiting….. Do you not know the time we have is no longer but the shortening of the days are upon us…..Meet Him on His ground……Allow Him to show Himself to you which is beyond the box that He may have been put into by our comfort.

Jump on His Horse and allow the ride of your life into His heart take over….. This must be, for do not you know if there will be tomorrow….. Only the One who holds all thing in His hands, when tomorrow’s are or are not….. Know now whose name is written in the palm of His hands.

Ride now on His Spirit into His place….Do not fast to move His hand….. Sit with Him in the heavenlies and pray that there is no interference of His move.  We are no seated with Him in the heavenlies…… Behold what He has done for us.

Know Him…… Then on His day, He will smile for He then will say, My beloved, I AM is well pleased by your faith in seeking Me while you did not see Me….. But then, ahhhh…. You saw.

Awaken, My loved one, from your sleep, do not fear for I AM has always been here….. Come unto Me for the day is short and the winter approaches….. Hear My voice as I AM calls you near. Beckon to My voice while I AM near.

Are the footsteps I AM hears are the den of thieves arriving? See the plan they plot is the well they have fallen into themselves….. Beloved, you are Mine and all that come against you is for My glory to be known and seen as the waters cover the oceans is as the knowledge and glory of the Lord is and will be. Though you may be as seen as little and one….. Your Lord God Almighty is standing right here…… Here My roar blowing the smoke of the hiding thieves of lies and terror away. Rest in My peace as My glory is known and seen by all those who have manipulated and oppressed My kids.