
Save Me, O God!

For the waters have come to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into the deep waters, where the floods overflow me,    ( Psalm 69:1-2).

But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,  where she is nourished for a time and half a time, from the present of the serpent. So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.

But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon spewed out of his mouth.

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, (Revelation 12: 14-17).

But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than ox or bull, which has horns and hooves. The humble shall see this and be glad; and you who seek God, your hearts shall live for the Lord hears the poor, and does not despise His prisoners. 

Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them. For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it. Also, the descendants of His servants shall inherit it, and those who love His name shall dwell in it,   ( Psalm 69:29-36).

Well, we know the end of the story, the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of the Lord and His Christ for He shall reign forever and ever…. Amen and Amen!!  Thank God that He chose us to be on the winning team!

Well, so does the devil know the end of the story and as usual, he is a bad sport! He will try to do anything in his power( which is limited to the authority given to the saints of God in Jesus’ name), to destroy the people of God of whom He loves and who love Him….. So many promises are given to those that love Him…. check it out for yourself!

It is written in Psalm 23, You prepare a table before me in the presence of His enemies…. The devil has no clue as why the table before us is so powerful…. Sort of the same as praying and speaking in tongues….. Evil has no understanding to the power in the table of the Lord….. celebrating His death, His Resurrection and His coming again… As well as a secret language that we pray out into the Father’s ear….. or the way the Father through the diverse tongues speaks to His children.  The evil one has no comprehension of all the gifts God gave His children through the Son of God.

How awesome is this that God has prepared all we need to strengthen and feed us on our journey through the inner court of the temple of God…. our Lord, Jesus Christ….. Only God, beloved, only our God could think of everything we need so we may be the overcomer He has called us to be…..

Do we see an orange sapling and say that is not a orange tree because it is not full grown? Well, we are what He has called to be….. EVERYONE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST IS SO IMPORTANT AND VITAL TO HIS TESTIMONY.  What would we do if we had no ears, or eyes, or feet or arms or a heart!   We would not function very well or not at all…. But we are all differently blessed with God’s power of His Spirit in manifesting the Lord….. Let us embrace the difference and learn the manifold wisdom of God through each other…..

Jesus Christ was so different that He was a threat to the leaders in their temple. He was found as a delight to the folks that needed a Savior….. They loved and marveled over Him.

He operated in the fullness of the Spirit. He was able to know people’s thoughts and their intent from their heart- which are the words of knowledge. He also knew the ways of men being fickle…. which is the wisdom of God….. He knew when the Father spoke a secret word to Peter regarding the revelation of, Himself, Jesus Christ.  He did good everywhere He went by diverse healings and miracles….. all directed by the Father….

He loved the Father more than His life….. He spent His nights with the Father. Is that when He spoke in tongues, hidden from us…? Hmmm…     He wanted the Father to have His kingdom, His children of His own…. the only way was for His life to be laid down and redeem us to Himself….. He then gave us the gift of being born from above and filled with His Spirit after we acknowledged that we died with Him at the cross in our sin…

We are born new, a new creation, a new sapling….. The Seed in us is incorruptible…. We are His…..We are kept by Him, watched over by Him, He is in our midst…. He is in us! No matter what comes our way, He is here to guide us through the fires and waters. These adversities make the sapling grow strong and produce much fruit as long as we eat from His table.

His table is in the Spirit, where we live and abide in Christ Jesus.  Our joy is His strength. We are nourished in the Spirit and by Truth of God’s Word which makes our roots in God go deep. Our faith to know His word is for TODAY and for you and me TODAY! Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God is our nourishment. It is life and health to our flesh (Proverbs 4).

The Spirit of God carries us into the Truth of God. He is our Guide and Sustainer for us while we are here in this world. However, we  abide in Him, which are the heavenly places and not the world! The heavenly places are given to us by His Spirit. He carries us there so we may partake of the inheritance we have in Christ…..

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,  having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to His will, to the praise and glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved, (Ephesians 1:3-6).

There is a battle, but we know the end….. He is here.  He is our future and He covered our past with Himself….. What a God we serve….. What a God we have to love and adore forever!

You were studying the gifts of the Spirit and the gifts that Jesus gave unto men as the Lord instructed….. You were seeing how the gifts reflect God’s character as we know  Him through Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit.

You were thinking that the life in Christ Jesus from our Heavenly Father is every day being Christmas….. well, it is!  You knew  on Christmas morning there was not one gift left unopened that had your name on it….. Never! You had to open every wrapped secret gift….You had to know!

Well, you wondered what gifts you had left unopened from the Holy Spirit to help manifest the Lord…. You asked that you would not be blind to the importance of these gifts that our Lord died so that we may have and live and operate in. You prayed for the understanding and wisdom of Him to take hold of your mind…. You prayed that the mind of Christ would take over in you as Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 2 :16.

You were wondering why so many are not aware of  the written nine gifts of the Spirit.  Why there is no prophecy allowed anymore in most gatherings? Why there is no mention of the other gifts of men from Christ Jesus, but Pastors, you heard some mention of evangelists ?  Why? What have we done to the Spirit of God today?

The state of things are not good in our country, we need all the help we can from You, Lord.   You read in 1 Corinthians 14:39-40,Therefore brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order. 

Lord, it is written that You are the Spirit of Prophecy. If people forbid prophecy, they are forbidding You….. The Lord of All Creation!  Lord forgive us.

As Paul chastised the Galatians, is that where we are now, Lord?  This only I want from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by the hearing of faith?  Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He did it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?, (Galatians 3:2-3,5).

You know how gentle the Holy Spirit is with you. How He has taught you so much on the ways of God. He speaks faith in to your heart and by His Voice, the fear flees.  You are saddened that He is not more known by your God family….. Yes, He is strict and demands obedience. You know it has all been for your growth and victory in overcoming the world’s spirit.

You want everyone to know the Spirit of God, the third Godhead of the Trinity. He is so…..well, God. He tells you to go here and not to go here. He instructs you in the Word, then as He teaches, He gives the experience to live….He is busy making the new creation that God has spoken from the beginning in you.

You know when He speaks your heart soars. When He moves the world in answer to your prayers, you fly high on His love. There is no comparison of joy in that you have been given the Spirit of the Living God to dwell in you.

The secrets that are given, the plots that are revealed and then He stops. His love pouring forth  through you over those that He puts before you…. You thought, only God, only God could give you the Best for some one as lost as you were.

Please, Father, may the resistance against Your Spirit  and His work in the body of Christ be stopped.  I pray Your will be completed by the Holy Spirit and His work that You have planned from the foundation of the world, in Jesus Christ name,  you ask. Amen.

I pray that Your love may abound by the power of the Holy Spirit so all may glorify You, our God, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.





