
Seek Him…… YOU ARE……

You are a wise person, yes?

Jesus was urged to go the feast at the temple, but he spoke as follows in John 7:

So Jesus’ brothers said to him, “You should leave here and go to Judea so your followers there can see the miracles you do. Anyone who wants to be well known does not hide what he does.

If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” (Even Jesus’ brothers did not believe in him.) Jesus said to his brothers, “The right time for me has not yet come, but any time is right for you. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I tell it the evil things it does.

So you go to the feast. I will not go yet to this feast, because the right time for me has not yet come.” After saying this, Jesus stayed in Galilee. But after Jesus’ brothers had gone to the feast, Jesus went also.

But he did not let people see him.

At the feast some people were looking for him and saying, “Where is that man?”

Within the large crowd there, many people were whispering to each other about Jesus.

Some said, “He is a good man.” Others said, “No, he fools the people.” But no one was brave enough to talk about Jesus openly, because they were afraid of the elders. 


When the feast was about half over, Jesus went to the Temple and began to teach. The people were amazed and said, “This man has never studied in school. How did he learn so much?” Jesus answered, “The things I teach are not my own, but they come from him who sent me.

If people choose to do what God wants, they will know that my teaching comes from God and not from me. Those who teach their own ideas are trying to get honor for themselves. But those who try to bring honor to the one who sent they speak the truth, and there is nothing false in them.

The pressure from people is outrageous. People are running as like a herd on the large path seeking to get something or anything from someone instead of God. He alone is God and no man can come close to guide you and love as He alone can and does.

People say I am in trouble if I do not write…. as I am sure they speak of platform people too……

The trouble comes from the world and I am in Him. Yes, it can be a pain, but……. …Does the Word say blessed is the man who tends to everyone’s business but their own heart and walk in Him? NO!!!!!! REPEAT NO!!!! A slanderer will not be established in the earth and will be open for judgment. Take heed to be about business in Him and His kingdom. We all have mothers…. If we are an adult, we now have Holy Spirit….. He always points to Him and His Word, not us…… Keep our eyes on Jesus. Please!!!!!

No one but the Lord of all and you will be in the meeting on His Day…… Know His business and get in His footsteps. Cherish this time when you may sit with Him and only see His voice make all else be removed. Cherish Him and His court. Cherish your place in Him and never let it go. Keep the vision. No matter what comes against you. Keep what He has spoken to you in the quiet of your heart.

Blessed is the man who rests in Him from now on as written in Revelation 14:13……Then I heard a voice from heaven say, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Yes,’ says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.’

He lets me know when trouble is coming and He allows grace to be poured forth so I may remain in Him which then allows me to get His instruction.

His life is greater than life and yet draws many opposers.


Oh well, ….there are critics everywhere, but there is only 1 Audience of ONE. We all should be aware of Him. Then receive His peace for His thumb up or hear His chuckle as the enemy is held in derision.

Many times I do not write for I have not received instruction to reveal. For this reason, everyone should be holding His court on their own.

I pray that what is spoken through this blog, is a confirmation of what you already received from Holy Spirit.

I do not write to get a following. I write for you to follow Him. He alone is worthy and He alone has your answers and guidance. He holds everything in His hand that is His heart for you.

Wise men still seek Him.


Where will we stand if one day the social media is gone…… Who do we seek?

His sheep hear His voice….. If you are, stay in His audience….

If not, seek Him NOW!!!! Find out why? Find out how? Find Him now!!!!!!!!!

He is not hiding, you may be but He knows exactly where you are…..Look Up!!!

Wise men will seek Him now while He can be found.

Find His rest in you from Him and not others. You will then taste His honey that is not from this world.

Taste and see how good our God and His Son are.