
Shhhh!!!! It’s A Secret!

As we follow the opening of the seventh seal, there was silence for a half an hour…. Why ?

Why is it written here about the prayers of the saints being released?

Our prayers are as incense to heaven. Our prayers carry a heavy fragrance to our Lord…. My hope is we are like little smoke burners of prayers before Him.

Remember what was written in Luke 18, Jesus exhorted us that we should always pray and never lose hope. Then He gave an example of a woman who bothered this judge until he rendered justice… the judge gave in because she was in his face constantly! ( my paraphrase).

I believe I see our King’s scepter held out to us, He is hearing us before we even ask in prayer…. Come on let us ask for the impossible and live the incredible heavenly life multiplying His kingdom!

Get my book, Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, The Judge Of His Creation. Join in on the study!

Remember Jesus Christ hears us before we even ask as written in Isaiah 65:24, It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking I will hear.

So let us never be still in our talking to our Judge and King and Advocate, Jesus Christ, the Son of God because He hears!