
Sign, Sign, Everywhere Is A Sign!

When I was on the young side of a teenager, there was a song by Five Man Electrical Band which is titled: Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign……. I state this because this song which I have not thought of in decades has been flying into my head as I started to write this blog.

Signs are everywhere. Most of the time, we  are dull to them because there are so many noises and distractions out there before us….. Signs to stop and signs to go.   Advertisements signs are everywhere.  Most important are the signs from our Creator…. He is always speaking through signs… We see His signs, right?

There is a saying known as the signs of the times……. I know you will agree with me there are a lot of signs, right? But how do we know which ones to put our attention to?  Which ones point us in the right direction and which ones point us to the edge of a cliff?   Which ones point of things to come?  Our help is in the Word of God…… He always confirms His Word by signs and wonders.  We have God and His Word, our King Jesus, telling us the Truth if we know Him. Study the Word of God.

We wonder at the antagonism towards the sign of the nativity at Christmas…. If you think of it, Christmas season is a sign in itself……A King born in a manger.  The cross is a huge sign which is being fought against being displayed in many places and countries ….. Why?

There is no hate towards the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause. You never see petitions or class action suits against them.  Why? No threat. They represent a  false ideology.

Bring God into His creation and His creation balks at His reminders. He is the reminder that He is and was and will always be AND man will be accountable of his actions at the end of his life.

Reminder : Alert!!! There is more than life here…… God desires to be known and glorified by His creation. All creation worships Him but some of mankind have a hard time worshiping the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Psalm 19:1-4, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night knowledge. There is no speech not language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

Things are not okay here and humanity always tries to improve our state…….This is okay, but we are best instructed  when we include and listen to our Creator….. He is the maker of all and wrote the plan for the best way to live this life on earth……Shouldn’t we listen?

He leaves us His signs so we may be sure that we stay in tune with the Truth and be reminded of the Truth. He is a good God and desires that no one will perish and turn to His Son…….He is the Answer. Obedience to Him is the key to all the problems that face us in this generation.

The answer is not found in this world. We can try to make adjustments here and change this or that, but the Answer to  government is Jesus Christ.  His governing will never end because He was and is and will always be…… He is the perfect authority over mankind……Listen to what He says…….Can we hear Him?

It is vain to ignore the God and King who reminds men in every generation that Heaven rules in the affairs of men….. No matter how much man thinks he is in total control, man will see His hand and bring man’s doing before his eyes.    A sign of His hand is always writing on the wall of our heart…… We may think we get away with unrighteousness but it is noted in His book and will be displayed before all…..When we act in His righteousness, there is peace in our hearts…. and also displayed before all. There is peace in the land.

Signs like the bible, the empty cross reminds the world- there is more than this day and near future….. There is a King and  He is returning and will hold everyone that is mankind accountable.

Surely men of low degree are a vapor, men of high degree are a lie; if they are weighed on the scales, they are altogether lighter than vapor. Do not trust in oppression, nor vainly in robbery, if riches increase, do not set your heart on them. God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that the power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; For you render to each one according to His work, ( Psalm 62:9-12).

Psalm 66:7, He rules by His power forever; His eyes observe the nations; do not let the rebellious exalt themselves.

The world shows the signs of the now. Evil loves to hide the future so we act only with now in view.  The lake of fire is a miserable place and misery loves company…. If we want to get so involved with the world, evil will be thrilled that we  missed   the signs and warnings  from heaven…..We must remember heaven rules in the matters of mankind. God knows all and God sees all.  He keeps His eye on His creation. Do we not also keep an eye on our children?

We see how the real sign of Christmas- the birth of the Savior of the world is now covered by commercialism and gifts- sort of setting aside the King who came to us…..The same is happening to Him as it was the night He was born. No room in the inn and no room for Him in our hearts or lives……. Why?  Wisdom speaks with the knowledge of the steps we take. Wisdom shows they lead ascending higher or descending to a lower destination…..

I was a stray puppy and He walked by and held me. He made me His so I couldn’t see anywhere else to go but be with Him. Then Holy Spirit revealed His Spirit within and to then dwell within Him……Heaven on this earth now? I’ll take it. Get instructed with all the decisions on this earth I have to make?  I’ll take You Lord anytime and all the time. I will listen  where you lead me.

I saw there were great strings attached to people who seemed to have the American dream…… They didn’t shine as the dream said they should be…… Why?  This world does not have the key to our peace and our eternity.

The King that shed His blood for you and me whose eyes of fire show us the truth and leads us in His strength into His love. His love and care is the total satisfaction for any soul through anything this world throws against us.

The sign of being totally loved and cared for by our God is the answer for every soul on this earth……. If we really believe Him- the anger, the chaos would have no place in us….. His love never fails us. I double dog dare you to try Him and see how trustworthy He is to you.

Yes, He is our sign of a future after this time in this earth expires.  The trump of God then sounds and all things will be known and revealed. Most of all, the King of all, the Lord Jesus will be seen by every eye ever born of man.

The Word of God is the Truth- As written in Galatians 6:7-8: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.  For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit reap everlasting life.

These God signs remind people of the truth- There is a hell and there is a heaven…… There is a final resting place for every person that walks on this earth…. Their actions are known and recorded.  Just as the sacrifice and the blood that flowed that Friday for all mankind’s sin.  That precious blood was spilt on all the earth from the beginning to the end of time….. The blood of Jesus Christ is a sign that heaven and His people hold precious because His blood speaks of a finality to time and what comes to man next……is death eternal unless you turn to the Lord. Take His cup of grace in salvation in Him from death eternal….. Live beloved, come and know Him and live.

He loves His creation and wants all men to be with Him. The open of heaven was made  by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ took all our sin. Our sins lead to the ultimate death of being away from Him from all eternity.  But God had a Sign, His Son to turn to then receive His Son’s sacrifice in our place…… The cross is a fantastic sign to those who believe. The cross is a sign for the world to know the mercy of God, their Creator.

Satan’s best tool is to remove all Christ’ signs or drown them out before the generation on the earth. Why?

The Word of God is the Truth and as it is written….. Many perish for lack of knowledge.. Satan is miserable and  misery loves company…… so many may join him in the lake of fire.  There are signs everywhere, but let us pray for eyes to  see and follow the Truth which His signs lead us!

The lake of fire is very real and the shed blood for all of mankind is very true….. This is the reality that is forever beyond the creation we now know.  Take heed to the Wisdom given by God through His voice on the earth….. Hear and believe though you may not see but as you believe you then will see all things from His sight.  Let us use our time to get the salve He offers.  Let us heed to the signs.

Every generation has signs given to them. The signs are shouting to repent and return to God. Your true purpose is found in Him.  There will be no utter complete satisfaction found in this world….. It will be fleeting…… There is a huge hole found in each person as we are built to be a temple of God….. When we try to fill this special place with anything but His Spirit, there will be emptiness. disappointment.

All of mankind’s problems could be solved in one name- Jesus Christ…… and His Spirit to fill us….. His love solves problems.  If we really knew His love within us- contentment would reign and then the  words and hands to lend help, heal and lift up will manifest.

We are consumed with the answer to our problem is more money…… Nope!!!!  Prayer and supplication to our God by His Spirit’s help will give us the Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification which Jesus Christ has been made to those who call on His name. He is a great Guide and Leader…. He is excellent in all His ways with His children for He cares for us….. Trust Him.

I heard a conversation of some clergy discussing they needed more money for their ministry…… One humble guy said, boy, what a simple time Peter and John had when all they needed to say was Jesus Christ’s name to minister the Truth.

The days of Elijah, the days of faith, are still the best pleasing way to our God…… No other name does every knee bow to….. but our King Jesus.

On the day of 9/11/01, America will not forget….. but, many of His people were led by signs and His voice not to go to work or take another way, etc.    His ways are  signposts before us.  His love is so great. He also wants to see if we are positioned to hear and watch at His gate posts daily for His wisdom as He leads us.  His ways are perfect.

Let us hear and watch for His signs and become dead to the signs that lead us to death, eternal death.


Ask Holy Spirit for a soft and easily taught heart- ask for humility.  We may think we are at the end of the caboose but find that Holy Spirit put us up in the engine leading the ways of His signs.

As written in Isaiah 8:16-18, Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples, and I will wait on the Lord, who hides His face from the house of Jacob; and I will hope in Him. 

Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given Me!   We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.

Now we are also a signpost for the generation we are before stating God is calling all to turn to Him and receive His Son- His Sign of forgiveness and freedom from death eternal……Remember judgment starts with the house of God…… If we are before Him daily, teaching will always be in our hearts so we may stay so close as to hear Him sigh or chuckle.

There is much more than just receiving our forgiveness of sins. We get to fellowship with God- the Father and the Son by His Spirit every day!  Even every moment….. This is where He speaks to us in His way of signs to lead us and guide us on our journey.  Now, we must be tuned into His speaking to us in the heavens and the earth and by His creation and His people…..Quick to obey when we hear.

We must watch and listen… Ask and seek every sign until you understand the meaning…… God never wastes His ways of getting our attention…..Talk to Him often—- That is prayer!  There is supplication and there is fellowship…… He will tell you what’s up with your spouse, kids, job…….The conversation with Holy Spirit never ends…… God is so wonderful!

What if you see a bluebird  stop before you or a blackbird or a magpie?  What about vulture or a eagle? What if you are in a hurry and you keep getting in your journey stop signs?  Maybe stop and slow down and hear His Word right now. Why? There might be an accident ahead….. or a drunk driver behind the wheel….. He cares for you and me.

What if you are going somewhere and there is a out of the blue a black cloud that just showed up?  What if every time you saw the time it was 333 or 730 or 111 or 911?  What if you keep running into people that are named Isaiah or Peter or Mary?

Yes, sign, sign, everywhere is sign….. There are signs everywhere and we must not be like an ostrich and hide our heads in the sand thinking that is just stupid……..or irrational……God is in enmity with our reasoning carnal mind- that mind kills faith and is disobedient to leading of the Spirit of God……

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God  dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His, ( Romans 8:5-9).

Holy Spirit confirms His Word by signs and wonders.   He confirmed His Spirit coming to take His position in our hearts by flames…… Then there were and still are signs of healing, miracles, words of knowledge, words of wisdom and speaking- praying in tongues and interpretations of tongues in the midst of His people, because He is with us and in us.  ( According to scripture in 1 Corinthians 12- John 14:17. John 15:4- check it out!).

So we are a sign of Jesus Christ coming into the world to save sinners- we raised our hands and said uh, yes, Sir, that is me….. Now we are a living testimony of His love and His Spirit is among us…… Calling all to turn to Him and know the time that we are now in….We are a signpost, too!

Do we know when the storm is coming or do we know it’s evidence is here?  When Jesus walked the earth prior to  His resurrection, He said, do you not know the signs?  The sign of weather we can prepare, but can we ever be prepared for His judgment? Yes, if we are found as His.  What about His return?…… It is written, His Day is awesome for those who know Him and terrible for those who do not know the King of all kings.

Being prepared is accepting Jesus Christ this day and to become His….This is not lip service to the One who knows all and sees all.  This is not a card you can show to get out of jail or hell…….. You must set your heart to know Him for in His knowledge is eternal life according to John 17.

Can we be prepared for earthquakes and tornadoes?  They come without warning and BAAM…… In the midst of chaos, we know Him and we call out His name……. Let us prepare today in calling on His name for in the day of trouble, He will then hear us and save us as scripture states in the Psalms.

Our souls are His treasure.  He wants us to be preserved in Him….. Let us see His smile as we bow and turn our souls and life into His hands for He cares for us.

Freedom of life in the Spirit is an adventure with the Uncreated One—– We learn who we are in Him and learn what it means  to be His forever.

Come on in and hook up with the One who has been tapping you out of your slumber!  His land is wide and deep and His love has never failed us….

Let’s pay attention to the signs before us….. Lord, please give us eyes to see and ears to hear You. Let’ s be alert and know the path You have prepared for those who love You.

Shine bright for He lives in you.  Oh holy temple of the living God, go deeper in His love.




The night comes quickly when one does not see their steps leads them into a deep chasm.  The sun is shining now for all to turn to the One who is calling their name.   I AM longs for them to call My name as I AM desiring them. I AM never ceases calling their name.

A child may shut the door in their room to keep their parents out but they do not know that room is their parents- Is not the creation Mine?  The open door is found in My Son to enter in to My Presence .  There is never anything hidden in My sight…. The lost have shut the door to Me as I AM sees  always but know them from afar.  My blood is watering their path to Me this one day. Do not block their way.

Do you not know what happened when the God of Jacob hid His face?     I AM sees yours.  May all return to Me. This is My hope stirring inside of Me……

Blessed are those who’s tears water the earth of the horrors that take place in the bright of day, praying for help that may come to the helpless’ way.  Lot seeing the horrors of his day and are here again. Does not time repeat time and again?  So if the hands of time are repeating the depravity of man’s will – Do you know I AM will be as then as I AM was and is  here again- for I AM does not change…..

My blood cleanses the earth and holds the martyrs in My hands but the rewards of all shall be given unto them….. As I AM was and is this day and will always be I AM that I AM.

Does man stand and think the cold north wind he will hold back by his hand?  Does man stand and say in his heart, there is no God and He does not see?   How is the man of the time so blind and not see I AM the One who made the eye. Does man not see the fire is set and is greedy for all….? If his greed leads him astray- fire is his match for fire’s greed never ceases and will not stray consuming the path he chose this day.

Let I AM’s fire in my heart burn away your chaff before the time has got you bound in a plot that you may never be found. The signs of the time are saying there is no rewards for any action taken against the love of your God and for your fellow man.  The bud has bloomed  in selfishness as  king that reigns this day. Corruption appears strongly before the path of death.

Will you lay all your eternal life on the wrong teaching of humanity? The road is wide for all who call on death as their friend.  Narrow is the path to eternal life….. Life with I AM is abundant indeed.   Do not fall prey to the schemes of the enemy…. He sets a web for you to believe and then casts the net so you may never get free.   In Me, you are free and free in faith to believe all I AM has for thee.

Watch the leaders and their friends calling honor to each other and not to Me. I AM has called My closest  holy because I AM in them and they in Me….. There is no place for deceit before men as you represent Me, I AM will allow them to find out.  Your ministry is not for Me but for all to see.  Do you not know how deception has round around thee?  Oh beloved, how much higher has I AM called you to be.   The honor from the One who has called you is what you should seek and not from your brethren. Do you not know this should not be……?

What shall I AM observe  now in their temple…….Wash and then be clean of your plans that are against Me.  The temple of God has no place with any vain plans of man. Turn and repent and hide with Me and leave all behind.   How do you forget you must carry your cross if you are My disciple?

As I AM has said  beware when all call you great and mighty. Their words  speak to raise you high for great is the fall of pride of life even among those who say they work for Me……For I AM has spoken what men call great, I AM speaks is an abomination in My sight.  None are exempt from My sight nor from carrying  their cross.

How hard it is for when the north cold wind blows at night.  Those who smile and delight in I AM when the wind blows and the sun shines. The fire and the water made them shine bright as the stars in the sky in the night. They allowed the working of My heart to  burn in them…. Yes. they are kept close in My sight for they are My delight.   The cross has never left their sight, yet you will find them resting with Me. Hidden in Me, but as an arrow, in My quiver, to penetrate the hearts of My enemy.

You want a sign, then listen, My Words  shall never pass but stand firm across this earth for the heaven rules in everyone  born of man.  The sign shall be you will all see a burning tree.  But then most you will not believe because you have not spent your time with Me.  In front of all is always where you want to be…..  I AM was not your desire but fame and fortune was your want for your hearts weren’t made clean and new in Me.

Born again is the narrow way to My kingdom…….. All other are of a different flight… Not of My Spirit do they soar but they take after the spirit of greed and wanting more and more.

I AM is more than you can imagine. My little ones who are as flowers but strong as lions; You shall find them staying on the lines of My testimony and point all the stars to My heart.    I AM has much to say to enrich their hearts and make them strong into My body they belong…..They sing My song…… Hear My heartbeat this day…. I AM has much to say but to keep your name in the lights you will stray and not again turn My way.

Is it not better to be My light then be in the limelight of men?  Who will carry you through the night?  The ones who want the show or the One who poured blood for you all?

Remember what men think is grand, God sees and smells as abominations…. Those who lie against the little ones who are blameless because ones who hearts are hard cannot believe there are some holy and pure because I AM has made them to be. I AM reigns in these.  If you speak for Me, then believe My Word and what I AM has come to be and make into Mine. In My new creation is where I AM, the resurrected life is Mine to give…. They bring much delight to Me.

These little ones are willing to go farther and deeper and go into unknown paths because they see My smile and pleasure. Do not step in their way and block their sight.

.… For then I AM in the fight.

I AM loves you with an everlasting love and desire you all sit at My feet and then the tide may be held back for your names have then the second spot…. Fasting and communion in Me, then  these come out.  Take My sign and turn yourself about and be before Me…… This is the One who needs to see you see Me……I AM that I AM.



Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord. and their works are in the dark, They say, who sees us? and Who knows us?

Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay; for shall the thing made say of him who made it, He did not make me? Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, He has no understanding?

Is it not yet a very little while till Lebanon shall be turned into fruitful field and the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest?

In that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness.

The humble also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

For the terrible one is brought to nothing, the scornful one is consumed, and all who watch for iniquity are cut off- who make a man an offender by a word, and lay a snare for him who reproves at the gate, and turn aside the just by empty words, ( Isaiah 29:15-21).