
So…… Did You Seek Him?

So are you in His grasp now? I pray you did not seek shopping or football…..Those are not evil to speak of….. but, they will not fill the hole in your heart that is made for the Creator alone………

I cannot remember what I shopped a year ago, but I do know what He spoke to me a year ago at this time……. I do not know if you remember who won the games a year ago this past Saturday or Sunday….. but I know His promises to me are real and fill my heart with His fullness and joy. I do not have to wait for the days of shopping or games, I have Him now and for all eternity……to hear the secrets from His throne……No competition in my book. I will gladly be found at His feet and miss the passing things of this world…… You and I were made to hear Him….. Why pass our days on stuff that has little value……..

He is God and there is no other…….. He is worth our time and as time was given to us as a test of what we do with the days allotted to us……Hmmmm.

The world cannot fulfill the Creators place in our lives…… It was never meant to be —- Our sight of this world was to bring Him glory and praise forever from our hearts….. A simple life of gratitude…..

His breath fills our lungs and His voice fills our hearts with His words.

Our sight sees what is not seen so we may bring in to the realm of sight that which is not so it is…… We walk by faith in what He says and not what media says….. We can hold a strong pure Light of Him against the world’s voice and see His truth and see the lies ….Peace reigns in our hearts because we know where we are and where we are going.

It is so peaceful to know that He shows us the Truth and we do not need to figure all things out…. He leads us and shows us all things to come…… We are prepared in His sight and never taken aback from what comes our way.

Our enemies prepare their hearts for a pit they are scheming for His people to fall into, yet they fall into their own plans for this is the judgment of God…….They do not know this truth because they do not know God and His Word……

As written if the devil knew that when He caused people to crucify Jesus Christ that He was right in align with God’s plan for the resurrection of Jesus to life eternal…… He would never have done it.

The wise know their God and fear Him….not afraid but know who He is and how His truths and judgments are manifested in the earth…… We see His hand working and His love and greatness all around…..He is a great and mighty God.

We see His protection and strength over His people today.

I pray you keep seeking Him and do not turn back from His face. He is closer to you than your breath…… Maybe He is asking in your heart to leave some ways of the world behind that you already know in your heart is contrary to His will for you……. We know ….. but He will also give us the power to walk in His way and leave our old paths of waywardness.

The grace of God has poured forth now to us. His blood has been poured forth to cleanse us, if we say yes to Him. We speak that He is Lord over us now and our hearts are repentive and sorry for not turning to Him and repenting of our sins …..He will surely forgive us as written in 1 John….. Check it out on line if you have no bible….

But I do strongly suggest to go buy a bible……. The Bible is God’s love letter to us…… He reveals Himself to us through His Word and His Spirit and His creation. You can mark the places where the Word leaps out to touch your heart…. You can make this love letter yours….. Just between Him and you.

Do not be hesitating to turn completely to Him……. Don’t….. Turn to Him with your whole heart……He is speaking to you. Hear Him and obey.

As written: But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels,

to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven,

whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire, ( Hebrews 12:22-29).

He is closer to us than our breath and is offering His breath of Life to be in us when we accept Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Lord King over our lives….. It is time……. Hear the sound of distant thunder…….. He loves us so much He does not want anyone to perish…..This is mercy.

Sometimes we are cruising way above the speed limit and then you see a police car- Guess what, we slow down and correct ourselves…The car is there to stop us from getting into a crash or accident of dire consequences….

God gives us speed bumps to check our lives with out Him so we may turn and be with Him and align our hearts with Him…

He is worthy for us to walk in His ways and allow His love to enter your hearts….

Check your speed!

Are we drawing near or far to Him…..

His love never fails and His mercy is renewed every morning.

His countenance is shining on you…. Look up and receive His forgiveness as the grace to repent is pouring like a huge waterfall-….. Do not hesitate….

Do not turn away from such a great love of this Creator……

His arms are wide open and His blood speaks to you this day….

Removing your sins from the east to the west can be yours today….

Turn to His highway and walk and see Him carry you through to the end.

Start the greatest adventure you can ever have…… He knows from the beginning of what you did and did not do….. But He still chose to die for you……

You are His joy today when you turn His way. Bow your knee to the King of kings and Lord of all……

This is the Beginning of His Life in you if you choose…..

This is His Beginning in you and He is the End as He is also Eternal.

So much to see and learn and hear from Him….. Come on, Holy Spirit has called the class to His Open Door…… Hear Him call- Come up here and leave the world behind……. See and learn of the eternal so you may learn all that He has died to give you now….. Welcome to eternal life in Christ Jesus…

Rest in Him and let His Spirit take you into His heights of His kingdom.


Listen to what His Spirit is saying to you today. Ask for your ears to hear.

Then fall into the greatest love affair of the universe……

He is counting on you to know His love today.


His love never fails.
