
Something Was Hidden And Is Now Revealed….

A mystery hidden.. the first broken seal is due to the revelation of Jesus Christ….. What does that mean? Want to know a secret?  Was the first seal a hidden weapon of God Almighty that is now revealed to all mankind?

Yes, and His name is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior, our King of all kings, Creator of the universe. His Spirit is now revealed and released  to the world as the first seal is broken.

As foretold by the prophet Zechariah chapter 4;6-7, So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel,( this was a king and governor-symbolic of Jesus Christ): Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”  Verse 10, continues to reveal the plan of God, For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerbubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan  to and fro throughout the whole earth.

There is no need for arrows with the white horse rider for with God’s grace all is conquered, death, hell and the grave by our Mighty Warrior and the Spirit of God.  The hand of the Lord is revealed…. The power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Spirit. God’s love and mercy is known by the world now.

Rejoice, all who dwell on the earth, for our King has come and delivered us! For the fulfillment of time has come, to reveal the Son of God and the Salvation of mankind by His strength that never fails….. His love.

You are sitting in His boat. Something is different, though the Lord’s position is the same. You are pensive this time. Something is up.  You sit and study the Lord….. and wait……..

You see the Lord’s eyes shut and His head bow. You see a tear flow from His eyes down His cheek.

Then you notice the boat is heading upward but the water seems to be flat and level…..You sense a gravity pull on your back. You know that you are positively moving upward. Then you come back to the Lord’s tear. You wonder what is going on…. What was He praying? Why?

You notice, He is not looking at you…. Does He remember I am here? Sure, He does, He is God.

So you wait…..You start to talk from your heart to Him, Lord, I love you. I may not be the loving you the way I should, but I do need You for everything. Please teach me to love You as I should and follow You like You want ….. You know I am not very smart and I need to be taught everything by You…. You know how I failed in all things in my life before You…. You are my only Hope.

Please do not allow me to fall away and be the cause of one tear shed by You…. For You have shed everything to win me…. Let me not hurt you, Lord, please hear me. Please allow me to bring you great joy. Though my love may be little, you can enlarge my heart as you did to a horse named Secretariat…. Please enlarge my heart to run the race of living Your commands and bring not a tear but a smile of joy to Your heart. This I want more than life because I love You, Lord. You are My everything. Lord, teach me Your wisdom. Please give me understanding so that I may see and know You…. to love You better.

This time with You is all I live for and desire….. I go to sleep thinking of the words You have spoken  to me. I wake up in the morning, waiting for You so I do not miss you…. I wonder what you have planned to show Me of Your great and mighty plans and thoughts. Your words to me are my nourishment even more than food for my body. The peace and joy that is mine as You spend Your presence on me keeps me wanting more of You…. Lord, this is a brand new life that You have led me into, I want to learn more of You and Your kingdom…. Please help me….Help me die to myself on the cross…

Give me the strength to be brave when opposition comes against me. Give me Your Holy Spirit so that I may loose myself in You so I may live only for You. Teach me, Holy Spirit, the full meaning of worship according to the Holy One.  You desire for me to have truth in my inward parts and a broken and contrite heart…..Let it be done in me, Lord. I want to know You, Lord and all of Your salvation. Let me live to die to this world so that I may live from Your Resurrection Life in You, forever.  I cannot live without seeing Your gaze of love showering me. You have captured me with Your love, I pray that I be forever Yours… By Your grace be it unto me.

You keep going upward with Jesus Christ in His boat, though the waters look the same…. You are never going to be the way you were……He hears your prayer.

You wonder why the boat is going up…. You wonder if it had to with the prayer you just prayed? No, it can’t be that….. You think that your prayer was not that important…. It was just about you. It was not a big prayer for the nations as you have witnessed from other saints.

You wonder…. You hear Him answer you: child, your prayer is  important and it is answered. Be blessed in My Love….. You answer the Lord, thank You. You wonder still as you are suddenly back in your garage sorting through things as though nothing even happened with the Lord, but you did have a happenstance with the Lord.

The Seven Spirits of God has been sent out in all the earth…..

To enfold the ones that believe that He has captured in His love…

To testify to the ones that still remain captured in the folds of deception and death.

Beloved, our lives reflect the love we have for God and one another that we live by in Jesus Christ….. The testimony of Jesus Christ is revealed by us and through us for His name, His fame, and His gain alone. Our testimony of the Salvation of God is by His Spirit through us, not  by might, nor by power but by His Spirit. Praise be to the King on the throne forever and ever. Amen and Amen.

What is revealed by the second seal?  What came shortly after the release of the Holy Spirit on the earth? Is the second seal another secret weapon of the Almighty?  What is the weapon of the Lord’s when the current day church is stagnant or lukewarm? What changes the course of a lukewarm pot or vessel?  You turn the heat up!!!!!!!!

Let us pray as Paul did in Thessalonians 3;5, Now may the Lord direct our hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.