
The Days Of Elijah? What About The Days of Nehemiah And Ezra Too?

Yes-  The brother books of Nehemiah and Ezra….These guys are very well to note and listen to what Holy Spirit says to us regarding these two books. Their loyalty and faithfulness to God midst many obstacles are worthy to take note for us today.

The Days of Ezra and Nehemiah…… Let us make a song of victory for their name sake for they show us our way in restoration and reformation of today.

‘The walls have been broken down….First of all, I am not talking about any literal wall in this country. So let us not get political and in offense. My thinking is the spiritual state of our body in any country, our country.

The spiritual walls of this country which is body of Christ, the church, are as the walls in Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra….. The rebuilding of what was lost is the place we stand this day…. Restoration of the high place in Jesus Christ we had is lost or much lower in standard then where we should be. The standard be Christ Jesus, our King……

When we study the Word especially in epistles and in the Book of Revelation….. Why do we settle for status quo?  There is so much more to know of our King and experience Him in greater measure than most stand  in Him this day.

Is not reformation and restoration the task of our day?  Restoration to the heavenly sight of God that He has for His people in this country any country….. in HIS SON.

The cross is our key and the link to restore all unto His glory.  We speak of what we see instead of what He spoke to us long ago but still speaks to us through His Spirit this day….. If we listen, we will hear come up here…….and see what I AM has planned for all that enter into the Son of God.

Sometimes our agenda and His are not in alignment. That might be an understatement…..Man has preconceived ideas and  we must drop them and take His….. Make room for the King and His kingdom today!

We must go to the cross and lay ours down.  He will not lay His aside for anyone, not even His bride.  We must let go all preconceived ideas and allow Him to tell us what is on His mind….. Be still and listen.

The idols of this land follow more to the Greek side of humanism. Human reason stands strong against the God of love.  The god of me and my wants…. Then there are always the idols we raise up to serve us as being our own little god…… Which is NOT to be! When all is said and done the True God will only stand.

The reason for the departing of the spiritual plan of God for His people is due to idolatry. The people put before God other gods. They followed the ways of other nations….Gave ear to lying snakes and false doctrines arose for tickley ears. Beloved, man always will be as he was and is and will be without redemption and salvation of our God through Jesus Christ, a surplanter and deceiver.

The written word lets us know what is to come and history has repeated itself once again. However, we have been given such a great salvation…. Let us not rest a bit in the worldly soup that deadens us to His call today!

Let us rise up and restore all He has died to give us as well as live in the greatness of His fullness available to us as Christ is with us and in us…. Yahoo.

We have more to work with this day than our brothers, Nehemiah and Ezra, did….. We have the living presence of God in us thus directing us and protecting our soul from the culture of the day.

Nehemiah and Ezra saw what was and how things are and was determined to bring restoration to their country because God had put this in their heart. They had His vision and then received the courage and boldness to accomplish His task for they knew they had the victory for He was with them.  Do we not already have the victory?

Now our God is so great that even when we fall as His people- going astray from the heavenly calling…. He is strong to bring us back. As we know Him,…….we see the place of restoration is greater than the place where we fell…… He is so awesome!

There are many oppositions within the camp as well as outside the camp in any restoration. Study Nehemiah and Ezra for the days we are in. See the stand we shall make.

We must put any weakness of unbelief,  disappointment- for our appointment in the Lord is at hand….. We must put away our feelings representing what we hear and see with our natural eyes. Replace our earthly sight with the plan and vision of our King. Get His Son glasses on and keep them on.

If you do not know the vision- go to Him and be with Him!

A remnant won the battle against the Midianites with Gideon’s obedience…….Midianites represent strife and contention…… Get it?  The glory will be our God’s and not by man’s ingenuity or skills but by the God and the Lord of hosts….. His glory be known before all men on this earth today.

We must remain through the holidays steadfast and take the time in the rest of God- which is prayer- communion- so we may know His plan as in the taking of Jericho….. Only God and not by man nor by might but by Holy Spirit. Be clothed in His Spirit and know that Christ is in us for our hope in glory. May the new year be the new you in Him emerging for all to see.  Holy Spirit fire is all they see….. Be clothed in His victory.

We must put on His view of His Son…. There is no other god. There is no other that will be found all and in all but the Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of all lords this day and forever.

This includes us burning what is not His this day- be prepared for battle- plow in one hand and the Sword of the Spirit in the other. Really the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God in our mouths to speak to His Words to all about…..

But first remain in prayer and then as He has spoken, the Words then will be the hammer and conviction that enters in and takes the root. We are His sowers of the Word….. But our heart must also be fertile ground for His fruit to grow….. Into His presence we must go!…… AND STAY!

Willing to the do the task and sacrifice for the generations to come!

Our God is a just Judge and all will see His glory!

All things that are will not be as those things that are eternal will always exist.

So strengthen our hearts and be strong in Him for who is mighty. Let us hear His laugh that holds His enemies in derision as written in Psalm 2.

His story is always redeeming and restoring mankind to the place He has called us- reigning and ruling under Him and with Him. the Word of God, made flesh. Jesus Christ is the Standard and Banner of His people….. His government rests on His shoulders and will be forever and ever.

He wants a people on this earth to represent Him and show off the glory of His Son, the King of all nations, even ours.

The fire of God will burn away all that stands before Him now and forever in the hearts of men and in their nations….. Idolatry is the fall of any man in the sight of our God.

May we meet with our King in Spirit and Truth and let Him burn His truth into our lives. Let the fire remain in ourselves by destroying all things which are greater importance than Him.

There can be no compromise or mixture of the world in His people….. If there is any mixture, the faulty line of the wall is there. Eventually, as we see today, it  weakens the wall of protection and eventually  that weakness makes the wall crumble and fall.

The same principle stands if found any compromise and mixture in man and his desires and it shows in past times- which are time wasters. Our time is His….. Remember we have a Redeemer……

Laodicean church that they had come- to where I do not know- but they thought highly of themselves. The Lord thought totally different.

He called them blind, naked and poor….. The Laodicean church was not clothed properly  according to our Lord………. In the Book of Revelation 16:15, Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.

Now this scripture was put right after this verse 14, For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Who is they?  The demons will see the unclothing of the people of God. They see the faulty line in our personal wall as well as the wall of His people….. This is the disunity….. Christ in us, well, the Spirit calls us as one body and the head is Christ Jesus. There is to be no mixture in loyalty to our King.

What is the clothing or the wall?  The clothing or new garment is Holy Spirit. As written in Colossians 1:26-28, The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you the hope of glory.

To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily.

Remember in Acts 19:13-16:Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits saying, We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches. Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so.

And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know; but who are you?

Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

He has given us all things that pertain to live a life in godliness as written in 2 Peter….. His Spirit, Christ in us…..The demons should know our name and say oh man she or he is up again!

The purpose of God is His glory and His love that has been poured forth in our hearts for all to see….

And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which is from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the  manifold wisdom of God  might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, ( Ephesians 3:9-12).

Beloved, it is not about us. We are blessed to be the object of our God’s infinite love and wisdom for His glory and for all to see and give Him praise…..for He gave us His Son and know we abide in Him.

We are in restoration of what was given by our Heavenly Father which was set aside and lost…

Our authority in Him…Cannot have mixture and reign with His trust to use His authority for righteousness sake.  His kingdom sake needs loyalty to the King…..

Man’s agenda and ambition has removed the intent of our Lord……Numbers replaced love and grace.

Remember what happened to David when he had his kingdom numbered?  Business and corporations  mentality replaced the fellowship of the revealed mystery of Christ in us- in each one of us….

If the Christ is not found in them, then the main objective is to cloth His people with the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ so they do not perish and are found naked at His return.

The wall of the city of God has a faulty line where it was found weakened by not following the scriptures as written for our admonition and exhortation……

The wall is made strong as written from the gifts of the Lord as written in Ephesians 4:12-16, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things, into Him who is the head- Christ- from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what EVERY JOINT supplies, according to the effective working, by which every part does its share, causes growth and the body is edifying itself in love.

This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus.

God has not changed, we are to be the ones changing. We change as we align our mind to the scriptures so we may live by them and for them….in His presence.

This is the way of the Lord and why we need Holy Spirit’s power to walk in holiness, for He has called us holy and blameless before the Lord.

He has given us all things, Holy Spirit within us, to walk out the godly life He has called us up and into….. We are found then clothed and not naked by Him and the powers of the air will also see how He has loved us and given us all things so there is no breach in our wall.

When it is all said and done, it will be to the glory of our God…that we are standing in Him.

Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty not glory in this might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM the Lord exercising lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth, for in these I delight, says the Lord, ( Jeremiah 9:23).

Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter rain and former rain to the earth, ( Hosea 6:3).

Beloved, let this be our battle cry: But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world, ( Galatians 6:14).

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 

Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth; fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry,     (Colossians 3:1-5).

If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and perform them, then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, ( Leviticus 26:3-4).

Let us not lose our focus during the coming days where we may get distracted. Let us remain in our stand a plow in one hand and a sword in the other and do not take off His garments of praise during these days.

You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 

Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things, ( 2 Timothy 2:1-7).

This is a faithful saying:

If we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.

If we endure, we shall also reign with Him, if we deny Him, He will also deny us.

If we are faithless, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself, ( 2 Timothy 2:11-13).

He is a mighty God. Beloved,  He is worthy of our all….. As He is so are we in this world…… written in 1John.

We have a lot to be grateful to Him that goes beyond all our days and years and unto eternity. So let us stand and smile with Him and to Him. Why? Because we love Him so and He is so awesome!!!

Let us be found faithful in this restoration for Him be all the glory. Amen and Amen!  God be for us who can be against us……. and silly them for trying!  May God turn their hearts to His love and victory found in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  If not, we must be found faithful to Him with no compromise or mixture.

Please keep standing on your knees!

Father, we love You and thank You for hearing our prayers.  We wait on You and trust You…. We know You are great and worthy of all our praise. We know You have orchestrated all of our days….. So we bow before You and wait and know Your Spirit is on and in this earth, us, speaking to us…. So we wait and listen and watch.  We love You and thank You for all You have done and are doing now….. Give us Your Word for this day for this is our Bread. Courage and boldness to walk Your way through in the faith that only You can do!

We wait  before You because we want to! Speak Lord we are listening.



My Children,

Thank you for coming to hear Me. Thank you that this day I AM found in your heart.  My desire is to dwell with My children and you to call I AM your God.   Know My love is surrounding you and consuming you.  Nothing can stop the love I AM has for the world.  Only the world will stop from receiving My fire. However,  My fire and water will never escape them. Thank you for all will see My love  burns for thee.

My son and friend, Daniel, knew the smell of the circling lion but his glory was in his knowledge of Me, the Great  I AM.  I AM stayed the lions and then to My glory, all saw this power could only be from the Great I AM,  the God of Daniel.

Be quiet and still and know I AM God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

My body fitted together in My Spirit is the Light this world needs.  Though they try to slay, I AM delivers My resurrection power to stay.  Only victory is found in them for I AM in them.

My beloved, do you not see yet, the victory  is completed for you have chosen Me above all others.  My heart delights in My beloved for she has eyes only for her King…. She is Mine for all of eternity.

Hear among you for My footsteps come to beckon all. Hear My knock and let Me in for I AM wants to dine again. Do not keep Me waiting for then I AM will turn and move on down the path that I AM has chosen alone.  I AM has called you with an everlasting love,  I AM has long to embrace you with a love that you have never known…..

Come to Me today, and turn to My way. Leave all behind….. as the days unwind, you will never remember all that you left behind, You will remember My words that have carried you in  and through the fire and the waters.

Molding My body into My likeness is what I AM longs. This is My family. These that mold into Me are My precious jewels for all the world to see….. They will know I AM loves them.

Be still and know I AM. All that oppose you now will fall…….This is My call, so then they may arise and come to Me.  The supper I AM provided is My main theme.    Beloved, this is My key for them to enter My eternity.

The revealing of their King and My love is what draws them to Me. This revelation is the Key to their victory found in Me.   All that are exalted will fall unto Me. I AM the Stone they will come arise into for all will take note and see.  Oh see My hope is full in all eternity for all will come to know My glory.

Stay steady at the plow.  The Seed is being laid so when the Stone blocks the way all will turn to Me in My Day. The valley of decision must fall on all so  they may turn to the valley of Vision and be writers on My wall.

There the souls that I AM desires will come to know Me if they will come to Me in their fall. If they stand away, then they decide to remain in  their continued fall….. But hope in My heart arises for they still may then turn around to Me….. Some I AM knows will never turn. They long to be with the exalted against I AM and remain in their fall.

Pray for the decision to be made for all for the valley of decision comes as My fire does fall.   My glory will be known to all.

Peace I AM gives, but some refuse Me.  Stay in I AM and remain with Me in prayer. Communion in One is My position which holds for all  This is why you must remain in Me.

I in them, Father, and You in Me so we may be all One and the world will know I AM has come from You. Those You have given Me are from Me sent into the world. This Truth is revealed so all come to know Me and their victory.

Some will hear and not come. Some will fall and get up and run and run into My arms, they shall come to My call…. Watch your prayers manifest this day as they are embraced by the Holy One and watch evil’s dismay.

Pray they may believe the revelation of Myself that My Spirit sends their way. Pray the grace may be received for the coming of Me into their heart.  See how My grace beckons man throughout all eternity…… This is the Day for them to come to believe and know Me as their Savior and King. This is the showdown of your times.

This generation makes way for the next to enter into their eternity in Me. Blessed are those who call on Me. Please bring this decision before them that they may be with I AM during their time.

The Day of judgment has already fallen when the sun hid its face for the death of it’s King.  Oh yay, the judgment has come, they do not know that all that believe is found in My freedom, for they are found in Me….  But alas, they think their day is far away from them because they do not see the Son shining on them.  The reality of My death and resurrected life is for them today and they should not turn away. Has not My blood covered them well?

Many of them do and perish for they do not know I AM their breath and life and hold their days in My hand……. Oh pray for the veil of unbelief be torn from their minds. My blood is for them too this day.

For does anyone know the day that salvation of the Lord will stop and go away?  When the day is earthquaked into the air and all that will be is I AM and you in Me?

Come to know Me for this is what I AM desires. This is the drink for all eternity….. Come know Me put away all that distracts you away from Me.  Find then the victory of knowing Me and be free indeed.

I AM sees their looks as they turn away and say this is a foolish way…So strange and different from me.  They do not see My blood working in their day.  They do not hear My whisper calling them to come to Me and be at peace.  That is not the thing to be done today to call the Lord as mighty….

Oh, My one sheep. I AM does delight in the finding one crying to Me. Though they may be hidden, I AM sees and hears….. I AM comes billowing through the dark lies and deceptions that hold My lamb from Me. Please know how heaven sings over thee.. They rejoice that you allowed Me to find thee.

O, the bravery of one turning to Me in the face of all hate and strife of families.  Do you not see how I AM carries thee?  Never again, will anyone steal you away from Me.  Come find your place in Me. Watch the delight all of heaven as  you returning to I AM.   Welcome home, please find your place at My feet where all My saints dine with Me.

Hell is not a place you want to be.

Now My little ones, know this day, there is a cost to follow Me and do things My way.  The world will hate you as they hate Me for no cause….. This will follow you too, do not be alarmed for I AM has overcome and so shall you for My Spirit lives big in you.

I AM will never leave you or forsake you all your days and into eternity. This is My will for you to know Me and My great love that I AM has for you. My Spirit will be in and on you for all your days so you may how I AM lives and do things according to My way.  My Spirit will keep you from stumbling away and getting enticed in the worldly way.  He will keep you blameless to Me and you will then be holy and set apart for Me in this day and for all eternity.

I AM reveals unto and in you more and more of Me when you keep coming to Me. I AM delights that you revel in Me. You hold in your heart the revelation of I AM. These are the keys that unlock your freedom  and victory as you know Me. These truth will keep you close to Me.

These revelations come to the humble in heart. The ones who want to be known by men and use these revelations for their gain will meet Me once again.

Fame and gain and name will be darkness to those who want Me and them. Let them go and be found in Me and there is only One who holds the righteous in their hand….. There is no room in a heart for ambition and Me.

One will flee as there is no room for Me.  Do not despise My Spirit and His words and leading for they are from Me.  Hold these Words close to thee.  Let them sort out what is good for thee….. My best intentions is Him in thee.

Listen to Him not sparingly.  Put aside all to hear His voice unto thee. For His Words are your victory.  All that is done against you by man is against Me.  So put the judgment in My hand and I AM will do accordingly.

My Ways are just and My Words are a hammer on the blocks of decision and  opposition. I AM does not wish any to perish so the opposition to Me allows a meeting with them. Their opportunity dawns so they may turn and choose Me and live in victory.

Be still and see I AM.  I AM sends the trump of God out to all so they may hear and turn into Me today……

Do not do against others as you would want done unto you…… Has there been anyone who did harm to another and did not pay a price? Be not deceived from the enemy….. Speak the truth to one another and do not believe a false report against another….. Love and truth shall be your peace as I AM there amongst you all….. I AM knows all stuff and I AM hears all your stuff……. Speak righteous stuff and be blessed.

The God who created your eye, you think He does not see and will  not render accordingly to justice?  He who created the mouth, you think He does not hear your lies and slander against another?  You tally with the God who is love and assume that He will not render justice.  Ahh, in this deception you have errored.

May it be your whispering words to be upon you for all your days that you spoke against another? Stop it now and ask for forgiveness before the words that you have spoken fall on you….. As I AM speaks, treat others as you want to be treated, for in this is your peace.

There are seven things that I AM hates- know these as you know Me… Be wise in your days and in your speech. Slander starts because the root of  envy is found in your heart… You align with evil for his start was his envy of Me.

Come and repent of your ways….. Your evil ways will send you to the pit. Where the world is saying does not exist.   You who speak lies are also hearing lies of deception.

The justice is rendered for as you have sown lies of deception you are being lured in deception, allowing you to think there is no justice.

God is I AM and I AM will not be mocked….. I AM here, turn to Me now. Set your steps in My Words and let My blood cover you. Be clean and live clean and be set free from all- for you will then live in Me.

Watch, for what you have sown – you shall reap….. Sow unto righteousness and let this be your reward. Truth will then lay a bed for you of peace in the company of Your King.

Now, beloved, if they speak lies against you- rejoice, they are speaking lies against Me too.   Rejoice and be glad, for you are counted to suffer for your King….

Rejoice and be glad,  your place in Me is close indeed. Do not fear and do not fret for the weapons they forge against My beloved shall not prosper for I AM and I AM their inheritance…… This is the righteousness that I AM bestows on thee. Rest in Me and you shall see all that shall be for you will remain in Me throughout all of My His story….. All shall see that blasphemed you has blasphemed Me…..

Speak these words to My own that are coming home.  Do not promise a rose garden for this I AM does not delight….. I AM shows the cost that always will be for those who follow Me.  If you do not show a cost, you are not gathering unto Me and this deception will cast you far from Me.

Speak the Truth and know I AM brings a division not of races, creed or color but of the Truth and Justice for these are of Me….. If they do not come to Me, the division is set for this time til they return unto Me.  I AM does not reject them for they have rejected Me. I AM then orchestrates another valley of decision so they may again make the choice to come home to Me.

Thank you for hearing Me.  Please make the changes accordingly as the fire forms and the winds blow the doors of hearts that are opening may say yes and come home to Me…. I AM waiting patiently.

My love is all inclusive but their choosing seperates us- though I AM watches through the night for the return of My dove to come a flight.

Speak of Me, the Truth shall set them free….. If they go away, then again later they may return to me.   There are many hoses in My kingdom but the water must be from Me.  Do not keep what was meant to leave, these all belong to Me.  I AM sets the course for the bud to open to the Son.  Do not mess with My divine discourse to My chosen ones.

Thank you for heeding to My words.  Set your pace accordingly… There is great things yet to be. Prepare yourself in My peace so shall you listen and have victory in Me. So then,  those may turn and see and return to Me because of what they see to be is real and free….. They do not bow to men but bow to Me. Watch the evil around them flee for this is in their victory turning to Me.

My home is the temple they desire to be…… I AM has made them for Me. My new creation is made up of Me.  Do not speak against My Words for your theology.

They do not need to go to your place to be with Me. In Me, they are home….. Set the pace for what will be in the days ahead….. Let them know I AM with them for all eternity and I AM will never leave them.

Take these Words as from My heart and heed them, please. Thank you for listening. Seek My face and see the shining countenance upon you this day!



The Lord’s first board meeting after His Spirit was in and upon His men came as the men positioned themselves around their big table…… Waiting on the Lord quietly….. Then out of the sky came a huge board crashing down on their table…….. They all ran and scattered…..God has spoken.

His will be done here as it is in heaven…… I did not make that up but heard it from somewhere- Blessings on the one who saw in the Spirit man trying to figure out God instead of allowing His Spirit to spread like wildfire.

Let us step aside and free the Lion of Judah to be who He is and watch our God make His story! And then watch all His children enter eternity! Praying when He says to pray- always and speaking only when He instructs us to.



Blessed Thanksgiving in Him and remain standing on our knees !