
The River That Never Fails

Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed.

He said to me, Son of man, have you seen this? Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.

When I returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other.

Then he said to me: This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea, and its waters are healed.

And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers goes, will live. There will be a great multitude of fish, because these waters will go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes, ( Ezekiel 47:5-9).

The followers of Jesus Christ, those who call on His name, partake of a kingdom that cannot be shaken or destroyed….. The gates of hell will not prevail or stand against God’s kingdom….. Foolish are they that try.

Everything else though, beloved, is up for grabs, I mean everything. All we see, will not be, so all that was not seen, will be. God’s plan will go through to His completed purpose. We may see the natural events and wring our hands, but God does not. He chuckles…….Not at terror on the people but at those who try to out play our God.

That is why He is God and we are not…… Faith in action trusts in Him. We know what we do see, will not be, for what is not seen is reality and by His command. As written what can be shaken will be, so we may know we stand on His sold Rock foundation or own of imagination that will fail……His mercy is new every morning…….As there is still morning, get His mercy and make sure we are all standing on His Rock of Ages.

Beloved, look at ourselves…… What we were and are, will not be, for we shall be like Him as we see Him,…… Who was and is not seen but will be…… Get it?

So, I was walking at the beach. The wind was so strong. I saw a para sail, I think that is what you call them…… This man flying over the crests of waves being carried by the wind on a surf board…… I was so intrigued and envious to be out there with him…… It looked so exciting and invigorating to say the least….

I saw the waves which were high. The wind was stirring the waters but he rode over the crest of them or ran along side of the wave….. Instead of waiting for a big wave, he was riding them all as they came to him……Just being carried by the wind which was causing the rising waters…… He flew over them as a horse jumps over a fence, carrying His rider…… He actually flew about five feet above the crest….. I was amazed and could not keep my eyes from watching….. My body was even preparing the fly over the upcoming crest as he did…..I found myself holding my breath and legs bending for the jump.

My dog did a turn to return to home. As I walked contemplating on Holy Spirit teaching me how to fly over the rising waves and when to ride along side….. Thinking I was walking back to normal….. He abruptly stopped me and said…… You arise from the normal for in I AM, normal cannot be found. Arise to live by what I AM sees and be…. See as to what is to come into being and all else shall fail for the promise of Mine was planned by Me but permitted, oh yes, for all to see My glory, the God of glory. Speak and see the things unseen into being and the predators at night will be caught by the light. The wicked shall see there is never any peace without Me.

So, I listened and have been seeing for the last couple of weeks not to see what I see but believe what He says is here and is to be….. All is gone from this world’s reality and the gift of heaven on earth is where I shall remain and be. According to my King this is how I shall live and have my being in Him for all to see. Glory be to the One who was and is and is to come….. There is only One reality….. The waves may rise and fall but only to Him they shall bow. The wind will blow and the wind will sail but through it all He only prevails to His name for all the glory and all the fame are His. See all His opposition shall fail. Watch now as His wind shall soon to be the whirlwind without fail.

If we know how to navigate on the rough seas, we will be prepared for any larger wave that may come in with the tide. No more normal….. Thank God…. He has heard our prayers. His mercy is grand. We always remember the foundation of where we stand and with this in our hearts, we shall not fail but also prevail. For as the Head goes so does the body.

Para-sailing is when we are starting out walking by faith in the Spirit of God.,……. Now, we must learn to para-surf. Ride the big waves and learn how to navigate through contrary. Maybe the winds are there for us to rise to His rise of the glory of God.

So if this was a dream, what would it mean? You were on a white dock. You see the rising waters of the choppy river. The River was as high as the dock. Behind where you stood were white houses and across the River, the same with many glass windows seeing your reflection in them. and reflecting the bright blue sky. The sun was shining down making the River not so overwhelming…….

You jump in and think, I have been in this before…. I am not afraid…… The River was going towards the inlet where it meets the ocean. Now that water was very rough but you knew how to navigate it and get through it……This is what you were thinking as you jumped into the running River. Then as you start swimming, a Friend of yours jumps in right next to you with a dark blue hoodie. You link arms and off you both go to the rough inlet out to the ocean……..You both had done this before.

There was no need for an Elijah if there was no Ahab and Jezebel. There is no need for a contrast showing on Mount Carmel if there was not a high level of disintegration on the earth instead of living from the Bread of Heaven, our God, and His Word.

Jesus Christ became Man in a very oppressive time. The folks were astounded of His lifting words of life that broke their hearts free of hopelessness. He brought His Life or Bread of Heaven to their eyes and heart. They believed because He was their lost hope revived.

Prepare for a parasurf lesson…. Enjoy the contrary winds to build the stamina and endurance in our boldness of His Spirit. Contrary winds are made for our faith to be resuscitated and increased. We will reap a great reward by His receiving our hearts full of faith. Fly high by His Spirit over the waves….

He will show us and help us every step of His way…… Count on it. Don’t look down, keep looking up for that is where our help comes from….. Trust Him….. Lean on Him and not our own understanding. He knows the End from the Beginning. After all, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Ahab wanted a piece of land. The owner said it was his inheritance and refused to sell it. Jezebel then plotted a stage act to incriminate this land owner so the crowd would then accuse and murder an innocent man……. The land that King Ahab and Queen Jezebel coveted is now theirs even if it was to murder by mouth and hand to get it. ….. …….Does this happen again ? Yup, the Owner’s Son….. Has it happened to others by the same greedy spirit that seduces people with their lies? Yes! Is there justice? Absolutely…. Read 1 and 2 of the Books of Kings…… and Revelation chapter 2.

Jezebel killed the majority of the prophets. Could it be they brought the face of God to their actions? Of course, darkness hates the light…..

Does this spirit act in the same manner this day? YES! In neighborhoods, companies and businesses, governments. Yes, even in churches and ministries. Hey, where there is a David there is a Saul. God always proves His Davids and moves to change His Sauls to Pauls. Some do and some don’t get on His program schedule.

Jesus Christ has been made to us Wisdom, Righteousness and Sanctification. Apprehend all He has given us through His death and resurrection…… His resurrection life is within us…… He is leading and guiding us all the time….. Have the ears to hear…. Ask..

Now, we keep our heart abiding in His Word but we must get on with being His vessels of use in this day….. As written in 2 Timothy 2:20: there are vessels of wood and clay and gold and silver….. Let us check with Him how He sees us…. and live what He says we are…. Leave all behind for the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus. For it is written in Galatians 2:20; I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and died for me.

Ask and keep on asking for the victory of Calvary to be made in your life this day….. Carry your faith in this way…. Ask…. to see as He sees…… Ask to know as He knows what will be……..He never leads us around the corner and then life goes KABOOM!

Beloved, if it does, we are not listening and spending time at His feet. He gives us signs and wonders to keep our ears on His whisper… Listen….. Quiet… He is closer than your breath.

Since we have so great a salvation, let us not neglect it by not pursuing to see His face and hearing His voice and receiving His direction and counsel. That is why He is closer to our breath, He breathes on and in us. He consistently helps us through and bring glory and joy to Him!

Get your harness on! Get attached to the sail as if it was your best friend….. P.S. Holy Spirit is your Best Friend…. He appreciates so much when we say- what’s up? He is so very glad to show and prepare us for what is coming…. He knows all and this is His job description to reveal the hidden to His beloved. He always reminds us of the Word of God spoken to us by the Holy One.

There are no surprises when we fellowship with Holy Spirit……. Only if our gaze is somewhere else. He will never let us down….. He will always tell us the truth of what will be and never sugar coats it…… But He give us the tools to walk through everything so we are victorious…… The world may say otherwise, so what…. The world’s voice is of death…… It might mean that you are walking so in the way of God that your walk threatens those who speak against or lift up their waves to throw you off.

Stay focused on the Wind of God….. He will tell you when to jump the crest or ride along it until He says then jump it!!! I will presume that God invented chess……. He knows the play book better than man….. Many things rise up so arrogantly so then they may roll unto the sand as a little tiny umph that children play in and build sandcastles. And many take little or no notice of them. Trust and thank God that He fights our battles.

God’s MO always exposes the darkness and what is being hidden, exalt the humble, and bring down the proud. He will use every vessel to accomplish His purpose. Why ? He is God and He can do all He wants to stop what hinders His purpose and intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places as written in Ephesians 3:10.

Finally, He is set on His family sitting at His table that He has prepared before all His enemies.

Stand fast on the firm foundation of God in Christ Jesus. Keep the harness on, the armor of God, for the days of what will be shaken, will not be us! Let us be found by His gaze as a tree planted by living waters that will never fail….. For remember, His love never fails…. Never….Trust Him.

Listen…… SHHHHHH! Hear the river talking through your heart today…..

Quiet my soul, for He is speaking to my heart…. I know because my heart melts at His majestic and lovely Voice.,…. It is our Beloved……. Look and see what He is pointing at for us to be! Yes, you can smile at His brilliant smile!!!!! Shhh. Can you believe?…. Yes, I do…… Only He can do all He says He will do……. Just believe and let a thankful heart rise up to bless His holy name.

Listen, He is speaking to you right now! Let His Words come your way and plant in the heart that He has planned long ago for you to hear today…..

Listen!!!! Listen and receive His love!

For those who have not received His sacrifice on your behalf.. Come and see, listen to me:

Turn to the bloody cross where His love was poured out for you…..Receive His sacrifice for your wayward way against God…. Turn to Him, and be with Him today…. Repent of your foolish way against the God of the Universe…… He will receive you today into His kingdom of His way….. Come but leave the waywardness behind and start clean in your new abode…. Do not be concerned….. His hand will not leave your back as He will guide you into His land of Christ where there are no limits to the depths and heights and widths and lengths to His love for you…..COME AND SEE! Bow your knee to the King of glory today. He suffered for you now allow Him to be your King…… He is after all King of all….. But He revels in the hearts that say yes! You are my King of glory today! Come and take Your place of authority over me today… Give me grace to hear and obey.

Just believe and you will be established as written in 2 Chronicles.

Listen as the thunders roll out CHECK MATE!

Now let us pray and lift our voices to the One who can do abundantly more than we can ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.( Paraphrase of Ephesians3:20-21).

Now we are to lean on Him but note also according to the power that works in us……. HMMM.

Sounds like another blog !

Keep flying high in the gaze of His blazing eyes!
