
The Wind’s Song

The One who hears is the same Who speaks out the songs
of heaven…. What is the Spirit relaying from heaven today
to His people, to all people? As it is in heaven it shall be
on this earth……. The Holy Spirit is here speaking the will
of heaven to men.

Is today’s sound different for our ears to hear and lean
into His way? Those who are tuned in to the sounds of
heaven know the new sound. Maybe for others there is a
strain to hear? Are we walking in the way of the melody, so
we are in step? Thus we walk as the song plays the
melody out through our hearts- or our lives with
understanding and wisdom for the times..

Leave all and follow Me….Can we seek the fullness of the
Lord’s words? I believe our brothers and sisters in other
countries are boldly completing his command. Is that
boldness found in us today in the west? Prepare the way
of the Lord…….. Prepare the way of the Lord…. today,
while we have today.

Let us make sure the store house of our mind and heart is
filled with the fullness of the Lord and not things and
traditions which will not hold up on the coming storms….
Hear the melody of the Holy One.

The Holy Spirit is playing a different sound, beloved. We
must stop to listen. We must ask for discernment. Then
seek His courage to walk the path that is narrow and very
few trod. The song of His Spirit I awakening all to His

How wonderful and glorious is hearing and understanding
our King and His desires for His beloved.

Many, many people missed His glory when He came
through Moses.

Many people missed His Sufficiency in the wilderness…..

Many people missed His glory and protection as Samuel
was prophet and judge in and through the Holy One. The
people wanted to be like other nations with kings,
forgetting the One they could not see was King and Ruler
and Provider over them. They were blessed abundantly
through Him, yet their eyes coveted other things and the
ways of other nations.

Many people missed His blessings and forsook the
warnings from His instruments. As the kings ruled
Jerusalem and Samaria, some led them away from the
Word of God….. T hey allowed the worship of idols and
foreign gods into the land of their fathers.

Many people missed the warnings and glory of God, by
ignoring and hating the prophets who instructed them to
turn back to God……

The Holy Spirit’s tune towards the people was to awaken
them to coming judgment if they did not repent, return to
God, His ways and destroy the idols..

The Holy Spirit’s tune is different today, can we hear and
discern the glory of the Lord today?

The Wind song is loud in our midst, do we perceive the
tone of the melody?

Many people missed the Wind of the Yuletide at the inn.

Many people missed the angelic voices as they proclaimed
the song of glad tidings in the arrival of the King of all

Many people missed that their song of “crucify Him” was
born from the depths of hell.

Many people missed His reappearing in His glory.

Many people missed the celebration song of His reception
or return in to the heavens.

Many people missed the whirlwind song of the Flaming
Spirit’ arrival, even today….

Many people missed the song of His voice calling unto
them….., yet He is still singing out today.

All these events of our God and our Lord took place and
only a few had ears to hear and eyes to see,(except for
Israel witnessing the judgments in Egypt and the Great
Exodus, but then without faith, they never entered into
His rest).

As numerous ones witnessed these events, reveals God is
ever present and always breaking into time to bring our
awareness back to eternity.

Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven,
saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.

Therefore the people who stood by heard it and said that it
thundered. Others said, an angel has spoken to Him.

Jesus answered and said, this voice did not come
because of Me, but for your sake.
( John 12:28-30.)

Let us not miss Him today. Holy Spirit, please open our
hearing to receive His melody and His sweet tune as He
whispers His heart cry for His bride.

Let us be known by Heaven of the generation that seeks
His face and did not fail to enter in to His rest by
unbelief….. Let us magnify the Lord and be His delight.

Let us not miss the days of glory of the Lord rising up in
us and upon us as the darkness grows in our midst.

Let us not miss the witness of the King of Glory in our
midst today, even closer than our breath.

Let us not miss His sweet Voice of Love wooing us in His
never ending love song.

Let us not miss the Holy Spirit’s trumpets sounding an
alarm to awaken us.

If we miss this new song of the Wind, the tears dropping
from heaven will never even match the amount of waters
which flowed down at the Flood.

To all that have been given ears, listen for His footsteps
silently approach as He comes through the night as a thief
to His creation, that welcomes Him not. Does He find He
cannot enter the inn of our hearts for there is no room as
it also played out when He arrived as a babe in His own

Oh, let Him see our gates are open: Not just our gates, our
windows, our doors, our home, our lives…..O King of glory,
come dwell in our hearts…..O Mighty Wind blow through
and clean away by Your fire all that is not fit for a King of
glory to inhabit in us…..

Lift up your heads, O you gates!

And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!

And the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?

The Lord strong and mighty,

The Lord mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads,O you gates!

Lift up your doors!

And the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?

The Lord of hosts,

He is the King of glory.

( Psalm 24:7-10).


Hear the Holy Spirit’s sweet song playing the praise to our
King – – through the hearts that love Him.

Yes, through us, pleasing the heart of our God….. Oh, yes
Lord, we hear and discern the signs of the time. We
prepare the way of the Lord…… He inhabits the praise of
His people….. We rejoice, He is here in all of His glory for
we are with Him where He is….. Hear the tune of His reign
over His creation…..

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live
but Christ lives in me; and the life which I know live in the
flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and
gave Himself for me,
( Galatians 2:20).

Yes, we have left all to follow You for you have captured
our hearts. We only have ears to hear and eyes to see the
One who is invisible but manifests Himself to us…..Yes,
Lord, we do not miss You for You are always before us as
we are always before You…..

Oh King of glory, be pleased in the love melodies that we
play to You as we sing Your Words of love back to
You…..We, Lord, have ears to hear your Song and we glory
in Your love…

We hear our King. We see our King…… We love and adore
our King. We live and abide in You, the Word of Heaven, our
God, as the Word of Heaven, God, dwells and abides in

Yes, we hear and obey the King of glory because we love
and honor our God and King. We understand it is Wisdom
dawning within as we fear the One who holds our life in
His hands….. Yes, He has begotten His Wisdom within
His people.

What if all the winds in the storms blew away everything
and there was just our Lord and us alone….. How do we
stand before such a God, a consuming fire?

We stand, beloved, in His mercy, love and the redemption
found in His Son.

The Lord is before us today and we are before Him. Let the
Wind of the Spirit blow all away, all the crutches, all the
distractions, all the time wasters. Let us come boldly
before the presence of the Holy One today in His mercy…

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while
He is near.

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man
his thoughts; let him return to the Lord and He will have
mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly
( Isaiah 55:6-7).

Let us hear the Wind play the song of our Lord within as
we then billow it out for all the world to witness His
Light, His Love and His mercy. Hey, we found the King of
all Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was once the babe in
a lowly and lonely manger over two thousand years ago.
Come and partake of Him, He has prepared a grand
feast…. Come and see this Great King and our God. For
there is no one like Him, our God.

At His first coming, the angelic hosts resounded a
magnificent coronation, what great sound do we hear at
His return?

Prepare the Way of Our Lord…..Listen and then do His
bidding. Do not hesitate to leave behind and to pick up
the cross. Do not be concerned, the Holy Wind and Fire
has carved the path through the wilderness into the
heights so we may be where He is.

Come and follow Me and leave all behind……….We will
not miss what we leave, however, what great loss we will
endure if we turn away from His bidding.
