
Then The Eyes Of Both Of Them Were Opened, And They Knew………

If Christ be all and in all as the Father’s objective, then our trials and struggles will lead us into the question from the Lord…. Who do you say I AM?  He will increase Him in us by the experiences we go through—– through His fire and His Water….. We come out shining as the bright morning sun as He is so are we in the world……. He is the Savior and He  through us will show the signs and wonders of the God who loves others and is calling them.


Only through the deep and through the heights of our walk in the Spirit will our Jesus Christ become all and in all…… God is ruthless and relentless to accomplish His work through His Spirit in us.

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, Where are you? So he said, I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. And He said, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?, ( Genesis 3:7-11)….

But they constrained Him, saying, abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And He went in to stay with them. Now it came to pass as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. And they said to one another, did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?, ( Luke 24:29-32).

There are two ways our eyes are opened by our God still to this day…. If we are partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or the Tree of Life…….. Our eyes have been opened by the fall of man to live by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil……. We were given the law by Moses which backed up the knowledge of good and evil.

When Adam and Eve saw that they were naked – they tried to cover themselves by themselves…….. God was out of the picture….. They were trying to fix their fall…….. But law given by Moses showed no one but God Himself could right our wrong…….. The law proved all we try and do is as filthy rags and no one is righteous- no one but God and the Son of Man- the Son of God, Jesus Christ……..

As we read on, the first sacrifice was made by God in shedding blood of animals to cover Adam and Eve…… Thus, the beast nature was now man’s covering…… The dawning of the ME FIRST SYNDROME. We lived by knowledge of good and evil and without any knowledge of God…….. I find it interesting in the Book of the prophets, that each book represents God’s heart cry ….. In Jeremiah, God’s biggest heart cry is His people have forsaken Him and have no knowledge of Him.  The tree of knowledge is somewhat like Greek thinking…… full of philosophy and humanism…… Everyone doing what their own heart dictates…….  Everyone judges others by their own hearts. Peoples lack of knowledge of God is proven by the crime and hate of others.  We know that is dangerous since our hearts that are not regenerated are full of deceit……… Bottom line, the beast nature is totally concerned and consumed by themselves and for themselves……Hence, the fullness of selfishness, which equals hate towards anyone who steps on their self.

But eyes are opened to that tree of knowledge until………. We turn and receive the Lord Jesus Christ……. Then again our eyes are opened to know Him….. the One True Living God…….. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the garden of paradise, ( Revelation 2:7).

It is so cool that Jesus Christ took back every step of rebellion of Adam…… Adam sinned in the garden and Jesus Christ submitted Himself to death in obedience in the garden………Even to the point of  sweating drops of blood ….. Every step of rebellion was covered with His love in Jesus Christ for man to turn to God through Him.

Then our eyes are opened to mercy and grace and we are given a chance to pour forth mercy and grace on others because we eat and live from the Tree of Life……and drink from the River of Life…….The old self has been crucified with Christ and the life we now live is by faith in the Son of God who loves us and died for us.    We live in the flesh but our hearts are soaring in the Spirit with our Lord.     The life we live now fulfills the law because we live and abide in the Son of God who fulfilled the law…We live to complete the will of God in our lives. He is our purpose and our cause.     Our eyes are opened now to know Him and love Him with all we got!

Let us make sure our vision is not of the earth but through the Spirit of the Living God…… for we now know no man in the flesh but by the Spirit…….. This is the fruit of the Tree of Life.


He has shown us how much He is for us and wanting us to return to Him. His arm is not shortened that He did not answer our prayers……. What needs to be done by us to show we mean business with our God, the Holy One…… Everyone knows 2 Chronicles 7:14, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

There are a lot of steps in this scripture to obey if we mean business……. God is Almighty and Great and He is deserving of a people who are mighty in their love and adoration of Him for it is written He is worthy of all praise and honor and glory.  If we have the eyes to see and believe in His word and the faith to walk the walk He has called us to…. Then we may with a hardy heart ask with the same ruthlessness what is dark in our lives that needs His holy flashlight to show up and for us to get rid of. by the power of the Spirit…… A list of abominations to His face are written in Proverbs 6…. There are seven of them plus any immorality and dishonesty in our lives which needs to be reckoned with……. All our strongholds that form the idol called self…… They need to be ruthlessly eridacated from our lives with a vengeance…….

We show our Lord we mean business when we eradicate any western culture that keeps His hand from blessing us and this nation for the judgment starts first with the church…… The responsibility starts with us beloved. The government will not fix the essential problem here. Soooo……  Now after we burn our flesh on the altar of the everseeing eyes of the fire of God…. We then in silence and patience quicken our heart in seeking His face……. In waiting, He teaches us mighty and wonderful secrets if we wait and  learn to hear in silence…….. Then the healing starts…… We are in need of His Spirit…..but not cleaning out the closet of our heart and our attic of all strongholds will stop any flow of faith like a dam stops the flow of the river……. The Spirit needs an open arena of hearts to flow through- full of faith and eyes that see the goodness of God and not the circumstance.  This generation is full of saying their circumstances are not the promises of God…….. Jesus Christ is in our circumstance…… He is in all things  and is in our midst….. Our perception may be askew…….. David saw Goliath as too big to miss because He knew His God and did a great exploit.

It is time to mature into the sons and daughters of God who have eyes to see and ears to hear Him and Him alone!  Who drink daily and eat from the abiding Word of God, who have fastened their hearts in His hand and His faithfulness, HIS LOVE> The sons and daughters who say O God, we have come to do Your will……Here we are…….not full of rebellion but full of the Living Spirit of God……… We eat and partake of the Tree of Life and live from the resurrection power of Life of God.  We are about our Father’s business and carry our brothers and sisters in our hearts by our prayers. Our hands are full of the life and healing power of God ready to obey…….. Are we ready?


He asks us this day……Where are we going?  What are we doing? What are we knowing? How are we living daily? What are we living for? Who are we desiring? Where are we growing? Where are we eating? Who are we walking with?   And after we answer these questions, He asks us….. why?

Eyes to see come from each tree…..One leads to death and one leads to everlasting life and love……..Which do we eat from?   Do we live by what we see on this earth or do we live by what we see in the Living Word and in the Spirit which is eternal? Whose words do we live and walk by?

Let us not quench and limit the Holy One………..We need His Precious Spirit of Grace to quicken this generation today!   Let us sit and wait and seek His face after we have taken a shower in His grace from cleaning out our hearts and minds making room for His Spirit….. Christ in us is our hope of glory this day! Let us hear to His trumpet call…… Prepare ye the way of the Lord!   Today, we hear and obey what the Spirit says…… Today, we say -yes Lord…..
