
There Is A New Season……..

There is a new season among us this Today….. We have been praying for status change in the current norm…. We got it.

Now what are going to do with this new season? Stop and listen for His frequency.

We have been given Christ.  He is our all.  All we have is in Him and by Him and for Him.  That knowledge, beloved, is more than all we need to bring Him victory. He is more than enough….. We need to realize all  God has purposed Him to be-  as He is within us.

Remember in the Book of Acts, Holy Spirit was not stopped in God’s purpose regarding spreading the fire of the knowledge of His Son……

It is about us but by His grace and Spirit the new creation in us will unfold into His image in a larger way….. Why ? Boldness and courage and a stance will be seen that we have been sent by the King.

We testify of His great glory and love  for us by giving His only Son, Jesus Christ. Look what He has done for me…. Hey, this is for you, too- come on and see! He took our sin at the cross at Calvary……

Let me tell you how to get close to God, for I know you feel so far apart…. He has not left, but your sin is the dividing line until you repent the door remains closed…. But He is the Door, so by your faith, He will open and off you go…..

Repent of your sin and falling short of what He has called you to be….. and you will be forgiven….The King has made a way for you to come to know God….So believe in the sacrifice of God’s Son.

Please come and see Him and believe. Then you will live to Him a new life totally different…. You will see. Let Him in as He has let you in…. A new heart will start.

We are God’s family and we must resemble our heavenly Father…… From glory to glory, we grow into His image, we may not know what we shall be as but we shall see Him as He is…..

We have Him today, if we believe whole heartedly in His grace provided by the Lord Jesus Christ. We have Him, we have refuge in Him. We have Him, we have the promises of God. Abiding in Him is our purpose and  focus point.

As we abide in Him,  we learn how strong  or large He dwells in us……He did not shrink down in size to fit in us….. He is the same in us as He is in the world and is in heaven…..He never changes, we must grow in knowledge of our King.

Let His fire reside in you and then you will know what His new creation is abides in you. This is His Day, where all things in us are done His way…. His glory shall no other take, but His is the glory.

We establish His Gift of Life’s relationship or fellowship by prayer…..

The most important tool given by Holy Spirit is the fellowship established by prayer and study of His Word.

If you neglect these, you neglect the strength of God in your walk.   The waves will rise and you will panic……The fear will spread and you will be engulfed by lies….

Be wise in your time, give it to Him…. Then you will see, all the good He has planned for you……Eyes that have seen  the King, will see His goodness redeeming the time.

Those who eyes have not seen the King, will only see with a gloomy stance for the Light does not reside within.

How important it is to be on His side…… He is not on ours…. He is for us, but to dwell we must partake and complete our days doing His will. Be in tune with His Spirit and so as He speaks, the Word of God rises up in you and He speaks to you reminding you of what was spoken and, most importantly, through you.

Do not partake of the world’s food…. Come sit at His table. He has prepared for us the Finest Wheat we will ever eat….. The Wine is very much Divine……

His peace lives in you which will spread as the rain comes down and covers the homes…..Some may reject His peace, but nonetheless, His peace shall be seen canopying on you and me.

Fire is contagious and is never satisfied….. His flame of love will never die. Nor will the day ever be where it is quenched. Fire automatically spreads throughout the land…… Allow His flame in you to bring glory to His name.

Be in Him, and be known by His story of love and faith and in peace you shall rest.  These will be the fruits of your time given to Him. Strength and shelter will be yours to spread to all.

When we are strong in Him and by Him, the flesh is weak but our spirit will be flying by His realm of love…..If chaos seems to reigns it’s head, for it will,  because we are spending our time in Him, we will hear Him tell us what we should do or say of His Word or pray…….We then will triumph by because we dwell in His keeping power.

The time for the race has begun, get in tune to His Spirit so the spirit is strong and the flesh has no say, because we have disciplined ourselves to do it only His way.

Holy Spirit is like the Key to our car, actually our car is His……. We cannot operate in God’s realm if we do not use His Key to get in His car……We can try to operate this new life in Christ Jesus by our own natural strength but we will not prevail.

Our Father knew this and gave us the Promise of His Spirit so we may overcome the ways of the world and be His victor crowned in Christ Jesus. We live a divine life wholly in His rhyme!

Sanctify them by Your Word; You Word is Truth, ( John 17:17).

And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the Truth, (John 17:19).

If we have run into our new gap or opening;,….. take time to realize all the new that is before us.

Be steady and sure and quiet in Him. Be steadfast in our focus toward Him… Let Holy Spirit speak from heaven and renew all that is not in accord…. He is there to crown the King in glory in you and in me in this brand new territory.

Let the revelation of Christ unfold before you….. Quietly be before Him as He reveals the new day of this season….’

Be prepared to make the way for others to enter in by His bloody cross to remove their sin…Repent is the  heart word this day. Then point them to know the King for this is His eternal Life given for all.

Let the Lord show you the new dimensions that He has placed before us….. Do not be quick to act as before….. Be steady and slow as Holy Spirit reveals the new ground.  This is a stronger and higher form of His glory that He has moved us into….. for the new season.

The tide always comes in and goes out, but the Lord remains the same.   The moon rises and sets and the Lord remains the same…..The world ebbs and flows, but the Lord always remains the same.

He is a Redeemer of mankind…… He is a Deliver of mankind….. If we will have Him in faith, we will be found in Him, when all else fades away……

This is an important point for mankind today…. This universe is His and He will fold it up one day…… Be certain, my prayer is for all to be found in Him that Day.

But some will not choose to abide in Him, they are running from Him… As if the King will not catch them on their way.  The opposite way from our King will certainly lead them astray.. Turn back and repent … or the door of fire will open to them on the path that led them astray….. Then the regret will start and never end.

Oh please Holy Spirit, reveal to them the love that never ends.  He is for them, but they must turn and repent to Him.   He is waiting for them with open arms….

The cross of Jesus Christ is the standard of all.  God’s announcement has been proclaimed far and wide to the lowest and to the highest….. This news of His Son has been set….. See His blood dripping from His brow, His hands, and His feet on that cross for you and me.  Behold  His eyes with tears as He beckons all to come and draw near.

When His Son set the standard for our heavenly Father,  then His blood line was drawn . All who believe will enter into Him and witness the glory of God now in their heart…. Those who don’t—– will see Him in all His glory but from afar their sight will be for they are experiencing the fire of His wrath for all eternity.

Is it worth your pride that you do not turn to Him this day and drop all the facade…..? Popular opinion will not matter to many who then dwell for all eternity in the lake of fire.

His Wind separates the  chaff from the wheat…… Be found on His threshing floor as His wheat, ready to be made into bread from heaven to feed the world pointing to the gracious King.

The seasons of the world make a way or a gap for the Lord to be known.   Our preparation in prayer  fills us with His prophecy  as we are His ambassadors telling how God has made a way for us this day…

Remember the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy.

Come listen and obey the King. Please come and see His love shed abroad for all on the cross….. He has taken all the sin that you fell  short as His standard has been set.

Get reconciled to God this day, repent and be made clean for all the world to see His love shed abroad in you.

Prophecy this day : He has come to say to His world, He loves them and let me show you how?   Come and see the  King’s brow holding a crown of thorns…..and the hard cross He was  laid  as all the sins that have been and are and will be forever more He bore…. He has taken all for you and for me….

Come and see and behold the beauty of this King and His great love shed abroad through that precious blood to rest in you and in me…..

This a great story. This is God’s story. This is the Truth. Behold, meet Jesus Christ.

Come and be apart of His Story that has been told through out this time that we now know but will someday fold up it’s line and bow to the King’s standard.

Behold, the Word and Lamb of God… Hear His roaring for within Him is found the King of glory.  The rule of reign shall never cease and behold all government rests upon His shoulders……and all will see.

Know His tune for His frequency has gone out to all…. Shame on us if we miss His beat.

Allow Holy Spirit to mold you into His food to speak and feed the nations of His truth….Eat of the little book and be prepared to be His light to the world.

Pray and know the entities of the air will move and be dismissed so His glory will increase now in our midst.

Pray and do not cease for all is tied in our  spoken words going before the King…..The intent of His heart spoken by His bride unleashes the calming of the tide. The cavalry has been released, can you not see?

Do not cease to stand in  prayer  until His kingdom glory has been fully received.

Pray, beloved, for this is His in our time.


Give time your prayer- all agendas need to cease. Speak the Word He wants to hear. Be steady. Be strong….. He is with us…….Don’t quit – keep going on as His river quickens us all……His river will flow and will never bow.

Oh no, these are not the waters of Shiloh. This water is eternal. His throne causes  the flow bountifully upon our hearts, as the river rests it rapidly springs forward out of our chest to souls around. The river looks for on whom it may jump into and abound…. His fire is burning through this flow…… Oh beloved, no one can stop His fire in His waters so we will stand and bring His healing to this land. Let His river flow…..
