
To Believe The Unbelievable And Receive The Uncomprehendable

Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song with these words a while ago. I often meditate on those words. Help me, Lord, I want to believe and receive everything You have for me. I don’t want to leave one crumb on Your table. 

Do we see only a glimpse of all that God has in store for us?  We need to believe the unbelievable is for us now. When we receive the uncomprehendable, we are going beyond our understanding and vision. His plan for His children is vast, it is beyond our understanding, but that does not mean that it is not attainable in this life. In our every day life, the Holy Spirit is urging us to believe and apprehend the scope of God’s love for us found in Christ… and guess what!!!! That Christ is found in you.

I was blessed to see a little nest of baby birds. These birds always had their mouths opened for more food from their parents.  They seemed never to be content even through the night. I pray that our hearts our always hungry for the One True Living God. He is always ready to fill our hearts  more with His Spirit and the knowledge of Himself. I, myself , cannot get enough of Him. I tried, but there is nothing better than relating  and in fellowship with my God.

The Great I Am has apprehended you and I with His Great Love. I am so grateful He has given the grace to recieve His invasion into our lives. Each and every day is a grand happening to see His hand of Love in and through our lives.

As His Spirit is within us,  He is searching the deep things of God as written in 1 Corinthians 2:10. The Holy Spirit is within us ready to share and illuminate our lives into God’s realm in the Spirit.  Can I ask you a question?

Do you apprehend the Holy One with the same tenacity as those hungry little birds…. Are you always hungry  or looking for Him?  Do you get satisified easily or are you seeking Him, wanting more of His heart?   Paul prayed  and instructed us by example- BUT ONE THING I DO, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND AND REACHING FORWARD TO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE AHEAD, I PRESS TOWARD THE GOAL FOR THE PRIZE OF THE UPWARD CALL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. 

Paul wasn’t consumed with his past as Saul of Taursus. He persecuted  and killed some of the first Christians. God, also, wasn’t consumed with Paul’s (Saul) past either.  Paul’s belief that Jesus was the Son of God set Paul righteous by the cross of Christ. Paul’s sins are as far as the east is to the west as written in Psalm 103.  God forgot them.Paul turned from the wrong road immediately when He saw Jesus. He was made a new creation in Christ Jesus, all the past was gone. Jesus treated Paul that way- look at all that man accomplished for the Gospel. That is true for all believers. 

We can’t put our hands out to the grace of God when we are holding on to the past… our hands are filled, there is no room.  We have been cleansed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God…. washed clean from all sin and iniquity… Believe the unbelievable and live the uncomprehendable! Walk in the power of His new creation of you!  Did you get your new name from Jesus yet? ( I wrote about this in my book).  I double dog dare you to believe the unbelievable and receive the uncomprehendable. What a great adventure He has planned for you and me  today and forever if we believe and choose to follow and obey Him all the way!


2 Comments on “To Believe The Unbelievable And Receive The Uncomprehendable”

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing this 🙂
    my word for the year is “Believe” relearning to believe. I had prayed for salvation for 13 years for my grandpa, He died in August…I never saw his salvation. Its really a long story (but God had told me to pray in the fifth grade and promised me several times it would come), I wont bore you with thirteen years worth of details 🙂 but I shut God out for a while after his death, to live for something for so long, to believe but not see hurt. But as mad as I was I was dying inside without Jesus, so we are working on us again 🙂 but its slow. He has told me He has kept His promise and I think, why I didnt see it. it still is such a journey to let God be God and believe that His plan, His time, His way is perfect always. but your words have stirred up in me a desire to believe. 🙂 thanks Marianne, think God sent you there at panera, while I was there for a reason 🙂

    • Hi Evelyn,

      Keep on believing in His Love for you and the ones you love, Evelyn. His love never fails. We with our human eye don’t see all the plans and the mercies He bestows on us all. He is sovereign and He also does not want any to perish- that is a great combo! I have learned as I grow in belief and knowledge in Jesus as my Savior, I have to trust Him for everything and everyone in and around my life. I continually put all things in His hand everyday.

      He has called you with an everlasting love. I think it is grand that I get to know a marvelous sister in Christ, who does not give up or give in. What great things your Heavenly Father has planned for you—-keep on believing. I am grateful that you have the courage to share your journey with Jesus Christ with me and others on this blog… God is blessing you, look for His ways touching your heart! I know you have touched mine and others! Thank you and lots of love to you Evelyn!