
Watchman, Watchman, what do you see?

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech and night unto night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth. And their words to the end of the world.

In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of His chamber and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat, ( Psalm 19:1-6).

God gives us signs everywhere and if we are looking for Him, we will notice, see and turn to understand.  So let’s stretch our neck out, look for the understanding regarding the times as the Lord is painting His sky for us to see.

August 21, 2017 will be an eclipse….. a solar eclipse…… that will etch a cross over the country of United States. It also makes an “x”- as in x marks the spot.  We are the most prosperous and strong nation on the planet and for this sign to be happening to our country…… Well, let us listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to us….

Why August, the eighth month- new beginning and the twenty first day—– well, it means distress….. at the end will be a blessing….. Example is Jacob served Laban and came back to the house of God twenty one years later blessed! Check it out in Genesis.

So why is the eclipse happening this day?  Why do all stars, planets and sun and moon line up for this sign?   Let us ask our Heavenly Father for His wisdom> Everyone of us has a significant part in the body of Christ to complete His purpose in these days ahead. The scientist have their reason, but our God is the Orchestrator of the Universe…… Let us just go straight to the Boss!  Ask and we shall receive.  My instructions may be different than yours, so it is imperative to sit in the Word and in prayer to hear and obey…… We, of course, are to be found waiting on the Lord and be in prayer/ communion with Him….. Ready to heed any Word.

This eclipse will also happen again as predicted in seven years…..2024. However, on 8/21/17,  the sun will be darkened as well as the earth. This is happening on the 233rd day of the year. This day is also the 33rd week plus two days of 2017 representing and sign and testimony of the King and His people. It is also 33 days until the stars or constellations will reveal the Revelation 12 woman with the Lion ahead of her……

The Almighty continually repeats Himself—- Turn to I AM, find your home in My Son, Jesus Christ….. The King of kings and the Lord of all lords…..Come to Me as the day is short and the nights are long…. Come to Me and I AM will fill you with the choicest of wines and feed you with the finest Wheat….. Come to Me and leave behind the valleys, come to the Mount, where the cool Wind will refresh you with strength for the climb…… Know where you are, I AM.


Night unto night reveals knowledge……Let us see into His Word a bit….Our  day starts and we are busy, busy busy…… but as night draws near, we are quiet, and then the Lord speaks to us during the night…… in the dark….He has our attention at night so He may reveal His knowledge. Remember, the knowledge of God is eternal life as written in John 17. So as different night seasons come to us, know the Spirit of God is revealing knowledge of the Uncreated One to us…. Let us pray to have a sensitive spirit and ears to hear.  Walking by faith is a dark path but the Lord illumines the next step by His great love for us…..Sometimes what we think is going to be like climbing a mud slide turns into  leaping over it and landing on a beautiful plateau where He is waiting with a gift…… God is so good, right? Amen and amen….. He has surprises for us through the night……but it is through the night.

As the day  of the eclipse starts with a dark sun rising and the earth grows darker,….. will we just look at the eclipse as entertainment or look for the sign of the times from our God, the Creator of the sun, moon and stars, for we are entering into something new for seven years.  May   the Lord of grace and mercy prepare our hearts as we enter these glorious days of God.

The Lord is longsuffering in which He does not desire anyone perish but all come to the saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ…..When the Son of God died on the cross that day, the sun also hid it’s face from shining.

The number thirty three in Hebrew represents SIGN…….A new moon will be covering the sun this day. In Strong’s Concordance , a new moon represents a new thing and obviously a new month.  As well as, the moon represents the body of Christ……. So this may be a start to a new season…..or the same but greater in  measure of the resurrection power of God to come forth through His people.

How does the Bride of Christ get brighter and stronger and full of the glory of the Lord?   Do you know?   I hope you do and are strengthening yourself in fellowship with the Lord God- ALMIGHTY.  The Holy Spirit will always tell us of things to come for the Spirit of Jesus Christ is prophecy…….

One thing for certain for it is scripture, when the earth gets darker, the Light of God in His people are brighter as written in Isaiah 60:1-7, Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you. And His glory shall be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and the king to the brightness of your rising.

So let us gather at the feet of the One who is worthy for guidance and strength so we may arise with healing on our wings leaning as we leap with our Beloved through His plan as it unfolds in the very  near coming days.  We know what is coming, but maybe we just do not know how it will exactly play out…. but we know the end of the story….. He wins! So do we, beloved.


Awaken, oh, My children, awaken to My heart for you today, while there is day….. Look up! Look up!…… See where I AM has called you…..where your strength comes from…… I AM is waiting for you this day!  My arms are open wide for you to embrace I AM…….. I AM longs to embrace you, come home, children.  Today, here I AM calling you, My son and you, My daughter…. Come home to I AM.

Be full of courage for I AM and I AM has gone before you to make a way…. You are not alone for I AM. Where you are I AM….Be strong for you are Mine.  I AM tells  you where to place your feet in the high climb….. The way is sure for I AM there.



We will get back to the Philadelphia letter in Revelation, as the Lord dictates.  Let us draw near to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church today, beloved…… Get ready to shine with understanding and wisdom as written in the Book of Daniel….12:3, Those who are wise shall shine, like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever…… 

Christ in us, our hope in glory as written in Colossians.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Your great love towards us in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You for the revelation of Your Son being revealed to us in greater outpouring through Your Spirit. We thank You, Father, for the increase of Your grace and mercy so we may fill up in You and You in us by Your Spirit for perseverance and endurance as we ascend into Your greatness and might as the fulfillment of the fullness of times approach our doors.

We thank You for marking our days and steps before the foundation of the world……. for You have set us here for such a time as this…… and we thank You for preparing us to be ready: hearts on fire through knees knocking……. Eyes set on Your face as the hands are clammy as we press on because You have manifested Your glory through us….. No greater honor could mankind have then for Your Spirit to tabernacle within us……  We thank You as Your Spirit is within as well as Your Words written on our hearts…… Our flesh may be quivering, but our spirit is strong because of Your love always drawing us towards you for strength in Your grace…… We can do anything, Father, because of our Christ, who strengthens us for all things today and to come…. We are Yours  and You are ours. How great a God, You are and always will be because You always have been…… Thank You, Father, that at the end of our days, Your Son, will find us called, chosen and faithful….clothed in white.   Only by Your Spirit of grace, will we stand before You as Your bride……..So the Spirit and the bride say, COME!  We thank You, You are here within us, but we want more of You, so come, Lord Jesus, come.  We ask and believe You hear our prayer and thank You, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.


