
Watchmen, Watchmen, What Do You See?

Watchmen, Watchmen, What Do You See?

I see the Lord high and lifted up!!

He is drawing all peoples to Him!

And I, if I Am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to

( John 12:32).

And so Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so
must the Son of Man be lifted up, that who ever believes in Him
should not perish but have eternal life.
( John 3:14-15).

Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; put on your
beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city!,
( Isaiah 52 :1 a).

We are instructed by the Lord 16 times in the Gospels to
watch! We are to be alert! We are not to be found carousing,
getting caught up in the ways of the world, in which we were
saved and separated from.

We cannot be caught up in the world’s ways of life and lifting
the Lord up to draw all nations to Him at the same time. We
cannot be found serving two masters….. We cannot do it. If it
was possible to serve two masters, Jesus Christ would not
have spoke that it is impossible He spoke in Matthew 6: 24, No
one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and
love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the
You cannot serve two masters.

As the Lord’s bride, we are ever mindful of Him and His return.
We strain our ears for His sound. We squint our eyes to see His
blaze. We wait and we watch. We pray.

The word watch in Strong’s concordance speaks of watch as
the idea of abruptness in starting up from sleep or awakened.
The words also referring to watch is arise and be awake, watch.

Prayer is communion with the Holy One….. So as we are in
prayer and keeping faithful in watching, no move of our God will
take us by surprise, but we will be amazed!

We know and live with the King who is among us by His Holy Spirit
as He inhabits the praise of His people….. So He fills the
atmosphere with Himself as well as our atmosphere within, our
spirit man….. He is with us and He is within us…. As we watch
with the Lord, we also realize we are with Him in the heavenlies
where He is.

Prayer in fellowship awakens us to His Truth, that He is with us
and we are with Him. If we feel the Lord is away from us, our
feelings are lying to us. Where we go, He is. Where He goes, we
are with Him. This is the watch of the Lord.

We carry His heart’s intent within us.

We celebrate His birth. We celebrate His death and resurrection.
The Scriptures have been revealed that He has been received
into the heavens and is seated at the right hand of Almighty
God. Do we know where we sit today? We better!

We have received the fire of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

In Him we move and have our being……. In us, He moves

When our God saw the darkness, He spoke what He wanted LIGHT BE….

When we walk the earth today, what do we see? Then most important is
Truth of God always reigns over darkness.

The Lord God is pleased with our faith and the life we live by faith. We are
that are to not, so what remains is eternal….. by our faith and the words

Could this be the watch of the Lord? As He sees the chaos He
speaks Light through us now. We are in union with the heart of
God and the mind of God and then the Spirit of God’s power
changes darkness to light…… by our faith in the Word and
Truth and Faithfulness of our God that we serve.

So we are the watchmen of heaven and earth. We bring heaven
to earth by our faith in the One who died for us because He loved
us, because we see as He does and speaks as He instructs. We
live the life with the Holy Spirit abiding in the Lord as the Lord
walked in One with our Heavenly Father on the earth in the flesh
of a man.