
What Are We To Be Rooted And Grounded In?

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you according, to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. ( Ephesians 3:14-21).

As the above scripture states we are to be rooted and grounded in love. Why? So we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is width, length, depth and height – to know the love of Christ. Why? So we may be filled with the fullness of God.

According to our understanding of the love of God has for us is as far as our ability to believe and live towards the inheritance that is offered in the above prayer of Paul’s. If we try to reason and see the fruition of the word from our standpoint…… Well, it is impossible to us…… but knowing in part the love of God has for us, just in part, we can see in the eyes of our faith and that our God’s love for us is unstoppable. We, then, turn our eyes on Christ Jesus, who has completed the impossible Himself for us.

John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen, ( Revelation 1:4-6).

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His blood and has made us king and priests to His God and Father…… Yes, to Him be all the glory…… Look at those words. They could be meditated on for ever! The glory of His love given to us and seen through our King towards us.

Not only did He show His love for us by shedding His blood… His life, but He then calls us kings and priests to His God and Father…..Now our God and Father because of His love……His blood covers and raises us in the power of the Holy Spirit.

If that is not enough, He tops it all by intending us to walk with Him by His Spirit day in and day out. We live in the heaven that has been opened to us…. Our King desires to be with us and us with Him. In truth, that is the only way – abiding in Him.

Oh yes, we do get in to peculiar experiences. When it is all said and done, we will know how much greater His love is towards us than we stand in today. We go through adversities and again and again, He delivers us again and again and shows us again in greater measure His never ending love……

We then start to walk freely in the boldness of the Spirit of God because we know He delivered us from the lion and the bear…….. and He will continue to deliver us from every evil because His love is stronger than death. He has never left us and departed from us for even a second….. Let us keep going in His way.

David was alone with God and his sheep. The fullness of the time with God showed through David. Also, there was no one there telling David that he was nuts to go after the bear or the lion……He had enough time in God to see as He sees, nothing is impossible.

If people were there, they would have tried to reason him out of his faith in belief God was with Him….. The people and leader listed the reasons for David not to fight to take down Goliath, David knew His God.

Do we hold the same audacious faith in God today? Do we allow Him to take us in to places that only God can be God?

With God, all things are possible as written to THOSE WHO BELIEVE. We must give our time and energy to meet with the Lord in prayer and study of His word…… We must, it is imperative to a living vibrant faith in walking with God. If we are leaving our belief system on what leaders and others are saying, we can easily loose our faith or it gets diminished in the God who LOVES us: all things are possible to those who believe. We must remember scripture: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, (Hebrews 11:6).

The Bread of God, Jesus Christ cannot be eaten for us by others. We have to eat the Body of our Lord for ourselves. We have to spend time with Him alone. We must hear what He says for each one of us…… Then we are rooted and grounded in His love because we live from the roots that go deep and will never run dry….. His love that never fails. The Word does not say to rooted and grounded in Sunday worship…… We must be in Him and know His love for us individually…..
People’s opinions, thoughts, preaching are not to outweigh the Word of the God we serve…… God is enough! His power for us and within us is enough! Listen to the God that loves us and wants us to trust Him in all things….. in all ways. So we may be victorious in living a godly life and doing great exploits with our God for His glory…..Let all the world be astounded at the never ending love of God that He has for His creation.

As we live by what the Spirit says in the Word and in prayer, we can walk out all things confirming the Word in our lives. The Word becomes manifest through our lives and the Lord’s love is also manifested as we trust His directions and obey.

Then as we gather together, we all can share in the testimony of the Lamb…… We are victorious because of the blood of the Lamb and His testimony and that we do not hold our lives precious, but His life within is our Treasure…. We boldly carry our cross…. as Revelation 12:11 states.

We have the opportunity to be filled with fullness of God…… Do we understand those words? Or does the religious in the crowds gasp at such a thought?

Well, Paul did not gasp. Paul saw in the Spirit, God’s purpose and plan for His people. He wants Himself in His people. Is it impossible for God to fill us with His love to the fullest? Absolutely not!!!!! Nothing is impossible to God or us, if we believe He wants this and will do it…..Do we need to expand the measure of faith so we may allow the Spirit of God to work this out in His people? Yes, absolutely!

How is this accomplished, just as anything from God is accomplished…… by faith in His way of walking through the experiences He places before us….. We may hold our breath and whisper- I trust in Your love…. I will not succumb to fear or unbelief…. for Lord, You have always been faithful in Your never ending love for me…… You called me to be Yours before I knew You were there….. Though I was far, Your love brought me close….. So I will trust Your hand is on me in this venture, etc….. We walk and speak our faith in His faithfulness.

So we may all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, ( Ephesians 4:13).

The Goliath in our culture may be taken down, if we believe….. The King of glory gave us instructions that what we bind is bound and what is loosed is loosed………as according to heaven…… Do we believe He is with us or not? Other kingdoms have risen and fallen, while His people were praying His will and mercy on this earth until it was accomplished……….Men and women stood in faith and knew the love of God would win….. He would give the victory to His people…… Can we stand today for the same victory?

Do we believe that we can turn this ship around by our faith and knowledge in His will? He hears our prayers we speak to our Heavenly Father? The one man, Goliath, had the armies of Israel paralyzed in fear……. Do we rise in the name of the Lord for we are called for such a time as this as David was in his time? We do not shrink back in fear or unbelief…… Let us wake up to His whisper, He is knocking on our door……. He has called us up into the heavenlies…… Come on, we have an open heaven. Let us use the name that the enemy’s knee has to bow and his plans are subdued………JESUS CHRIST…..

What part of the army are we ? The part that sat in fear and just shook their heads at the darkness? Or do we know our God, and move in faith of His great love. God with us, nothing is impossible. We live from His victory and His power so we will pray in boldness and bind the spirit of the anti-christ?

May His Spirit, the Spirit of Grace have free reign in all the hearts of this nation to draw all to our Savior and King…….

WE LIFT HIM UP, HE WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIM. Let us remember this continually in prayer and intercession.

We can only know the fullness of God by living by His fullness, His love, His power, His might, His mercy…. His greatness that is unstoppable…… Let us go forth as His unstoppable force of His army on this earth that live from heaven. Love has no fear……The fullness of God is the fullness of His love…. His love never fails, so we are in Him and our love for Him will not fail…. We will stand in His goodness and victory for His righteousness and truth. We will stand for the rights of God in the nations.

Lift up the Lord Jesus Christ and He will draw all men unto Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember it is written in Daniel to the kings of the world: Heaven rules! The Word of God stands forever! Beloved, we are rooted and grounded in His love by His Word as written. His word for us will never cease and never stop…… Let us go for the fullness of His promises….. Sons and daughters, arise into the full stature of His people. Those that believe and have understanding in their God, will do great exploits……God is our Audience of One, we do not need any thing else! Just HIM! He desires belief and faith in Him so all things are possible!

May the God of all creation, be glorified in His saints, and we in Him….through Christ Jesus, our King by the power of the Holy Spirit, amen and amen.


My Little Ones,

Do not fear the reproach of the world. You people in whose heart is My law; do not fear the reproach of men. Nor be afraid of their insults, for their words will dig their own pit, if they do not repent and gain My Salvation.

Those who have a pure heart, all is pure. Those who have a heart of hope, will never release I AM. Those who have a bitter heart, even love will taste bitter. Those who have a envious heart, will never be satisfied. Those who have a perverse heart, see all in their perversity. All who have a greedy heart, will be as cold as their greed. Those who have a lying heart, will have no trust.

The tree is known by its fruit, alas, the words that proceed from your hearts are the fruits. Study I AM, knowledge of I AM is eternal life…… My River flows through the hearts of My own, for I AM there.

The King of kings and Lord of all chooses you as My dwelling place….. Alas, I AM desires the full place of My dwelling. I AM has redeemed you and has called you by name…… I AM has called you to be with I AM….. You are there if you believe, My beloved.

Do not fear. Do not weigh out your worth……… I AM has called you as Mine. What is your worth now? Do not doubt. I AM has changed your name, My beloved. My people know My name; therefore they shall know in this day that I AM He who speaks: Behold, it is I AM.

My watchmen lift up their voices and sing together as I AM has not shortened His arm….The heavens do not need to bow for I AM is here in your midst.

Lift your hearts in triumphant song to My ears…….The sound of your voices as many rushing waters is My delight. I AM is in My people and My people are abiding in I AM……Rejoice, My people!
