
What He Has Done, He Is Doing Again….

Littlestone could not remember such a great spring that he had enjoyed. His King told him to camp out up in His meeting hill.  Littlestone made the arrangements and did. He was told to come up here…. He went on foot……Never regretted the time he gave to His King….. Littlestone thought, He is my reward.

He had learned so much that he had written enough in three thick notebooks….. He read them over and over and asking for more understanding.

He asked his King, You laid Your hands on the blind man twice and then he saw clearly. Holy Spirit, please take the scales off my eyes so I may see and understand all You are showing me.

He spoke there was a severe storm called leprosy clinging to His children.  He was upset they are reading all things but of Him. They sit and fellowship with everyone and things but not Me.

He said I AM did it before and I AM is doing it again.  I AM cleaning My temple.

This time the money changers are within and the sheep and goats are within leaving no room for My Spirit to dwell.

The trees are falling again from the storms and will also get cut down by His workmen with the saws.

I AM asked for all….. If you and I AM were all there, would you come to Me then?

I AM walks through the gardens of My children hearts…… I AM wants to see My Son.

The biggest movement is a heart turning towards I AM in their stillness through their strife and difficulty.

Leprosy is a body walking without its part. Leprosy in the soul and spirit of a man is there when I AM not. Most of their parts are rotting with death and decay…. Turn to Me. Faith is the turn and humility is the way.

After He called the people to Him again, He began saying to them, “Listen [carefully] to Me, all of you, [hear] and understand [what I am saying]: there is nothing outside a man [such as food] which by going into him can defile him [morally or spiritually]; but the things which come out of [the heart of] a man are what defile and dishonor him. 

  [If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”]

When Jesus had left the crowd and gone into the [b]house, His disciples asked Him about the parable. 

 And He said to them, “Are you, too, so foolish and lacking in understanding? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile and dishonor him,  since it does not enter his heart, but [only] his stomach, and [from there it] is eliminated?” 

(By this, He declared all foods [c]ceremonially clean.) 

And He said, “Whatever comes from [the heart of] a man, that is what defiles and dishonors him.

 For from within, [that is] out the heart of men, come base and malevolent thoughts and schemes, acts of sexual immorality, thefts, murders, adulteries,  acts of greed and covetousness, wickedness, deceit, unrestrained conduct, envy and jealousy, slander and profanity, arrogance and self-righteousness and foolishness (poor judgment). 

 All these evil things [schemes and desires] come from within and defile and dishonor the man.”, ( Mark 7:14:23).

 Jesus got up and left there and went to the region of Tyre [and Sidon, the coastal area of Phoenicia]. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know about it; but it was impossible for Him to be hidden [from the public].

 Instead, after hearing about Him, a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at His feet.

 Now the woman was a Gentile (Greek), a [a]Syrophoenician by nationality. And she kept pleading with Him to drive the demon out of her daughter. 

 He was saying to her, “First let the children [of Israel] be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the [b]pet dogs (non-Jews).” 

 But she replied, “Yes, Lord, but even the pet dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

And He said to her, “Because of this answer [reflecting your humility and faith], go [knowing that your request is granted]; the demon has left your daughter [permanently].” 

 And returning to her home, she found the child lying on the couch [relaxed and resting], the demon having gone, ( Mark7:25-30).

Only I AM can change a man’s spirit from dead to alive….. Only I AM can conform  man’s soul in to My image…..and have My character…..

Only by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts…..

I AM hears all trying to correct themselves…. They cannot change the dead into life…..Only by I AM hand’s can the dead be made reborn from above.

It is like trying to get to the other side of a big gulley….. There is a bridge but man rather go his way and try to cross it by his own means…..His means will be lead to death….Meanwhile, he saw the bridge there for easy access to a better way and away from the big ditch, but he would not heed My way…. I AM is man’s way to life…. My bridge I AM has laid for all to cross over into life…. The flaming sword will allow you to partake of I AM and His kingdom…… Come to Me now… While the day is before My Day.

Walking by sight and not by faith is leprosy to a soul and spirit. Turn to I AM and be made new, His King spoke. Not by sight do you come, but by faith that I AM has called you out to bring you in.

 Grace to you and peace [inner calm and spiritual well-being] from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

 I thank my God always for you because of the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus,so that in everything you were [exceedingly] enriched in Him, in all speech [empowered by the spiritual gifts] and in all knowledge [with insight into the faith]. 

 In this way our testimony about Christ was confirmed and established in you,  so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift [which comes from the Holy Spirit], as you eagerly wait [with confident trust] for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ [when He returns]. 

 And He will also confirm you to the end [keeping you strong and free of any accusation, so that you will be] blameless and beyond reproach in the day [of the return] of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise—He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:3-9).

This word was from just one morning with Him on the hill.

He had lost count to the days on the mount.  Each day Littlestone thought he would leave today…. But as his eyes opened  and he sat up…. His King’s voice would be heard….then the day would be darkened and His fire was burning bright. He stayed and never felt so welcomed in a place as it was in Him.

His King said he was here going on forty days. He wondered how it could have been that long as it seemed one day fell right into another and the world did not change. He was up in a place where change was not because He was.

Oh King, to hear you speak as to a friend…. I thank You for this is because of You and not out from me.

Oh King, to be with you all the day and all the night…… I thank You for this is because of You and not from me.

Oh King to have this fellowship outside of time in You, Oh Eternal Flame, but because I am in this realm of time, I am Yours and You are Mine now and forever for Your Flame is and will ever be to reign in me.

Oh King, for You to answer and give the delights even though I have not asked, You still bestow….. So delights I wonder on, but keep silent… You know…. You know every thought that I have….. You bestow on Me my hidden delights…. Your love never ends. You are such a good Father to me. Thank You for Your hand always upon Me. This is Your way and Your love bellows on not because of Me, but You see Your Son hidden in a place where I cannot see, but I do believe……. Christ in me is my only hope of glory.

 Oh King, You are my Light and there is no darkness in You…. Even the plots and schemes of the wicked are made known to me….. Not because of Me, but the glory goes all to You.  Even in darkness, evil has no place to hide from Your eyes and Your children for all is made known. Your protection is made known over Your lambs and Your flock.

Oh King, You be my vision, oh, Ruler over all.

Thank You for all my days to hear the song of Your voice and the sound of Your approach.

The hill is high and the air is thin, but the Food is so rich as is the enjoyment. No man can share the place I fellowship in You.

Manna from heaven, is the Food I seek.  No man’s empty praises are as a python hold on to me… I run away quickly from them but You I do seek…. Your glory is my goal. All other things, I do not take hold.

None can compare with the Fare the King’s has set before me as the enemies are all around….The flaming sword of God keeps all away because they have chosen not to cross the bridge that the Lamb of God built by every drop of His blood….

The chasm of iniquities and sins of men and women have kept the flaming sword held high, but blessed is the one who’s courage ventures on to the bridge to meet the Man covered in blood hanging on the cross.

See how the flaming sword of God bows to let the humble one venture on to the heaven that is now opened…..See the little one bow and be covered in His blood. One, just one, look away and back again, the little one is shining bright covered now in His Father’s love and joy springs from every step as he starts His knowledge trail on the love and grace of God found in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son.

The complete image of God, the Father in heaven, is found in His Son.

Blessed is the man who is called to come and sup with Him….

Oh never leave. Never leave that perfect place that we have found….

It’s all about Him and not about us…. Rejoice, we are His and He is ours.

The precious blood of Jesus Christ has been shed here and abroad.

Call one and call all, come and eat and drink of the finest Fare on this earth.

Heaven’s Food is the Finest, Richest that man’s mammon cannot buy.

The Drink from heaven is our delight….. Straight from the Father’s hand is our cup made full of mercy for me and you.

It is certainly a delight straight from heaven.  Never be hungry….

This Food is life…. No more death. His death has become our life. In His death we have life. In Death, we live.

Come and partake of the life from above…… We are from heaven now and we are seated there….. Oh never leave, my friend. Never leave. Keep the focus from above to below…See things as He does and keep at peace…. The world is getting darker and He is getting closer to His Day. Rejoice and rejoice.

Keep His light burning bright…. The world will hate you, but you are His delight.

There will be a Day:

 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be, ( Matthew 24:37-39).

Are you ready for that Day?

A shining bride He has come to receive, so let us be ready and keep our lanterns lit with the Eternal Flame of God…. So He speaks, I see Myself in that one for in the End it shall be  as in the Beginning says I AM.