
What If?

What if when we reach the day when the unseen is seen by our eyes, we see we were only ankle deep in the river of the Lord that flows from His throne.  We realize we thought we were swimming, when we were only wading…… UGH!

Will we allow the Lord to crash over us His waves of His Spirit and take us away….. Are we ready?   It might sound harsh to have His waves crash over us, but when He hits us, we are covered again and again in His love….. How wonderful is He.  Are we willing to let go and follow Him?……. It is written in Hebrews 13:13  to follow the Lord we are to meet with Him outside the camp.  Outside the camp is away from the norm or the crowds. As written we will bear His reproach…….His love is worth all cost to gain Him, the Christ.

What if we learned in the discipline of the Lord we are then His sons and daughters.

What if we learn to go against the  norm of the day and allow the Lord to be outstanding in our lives.

What if at the end of our days, His smile reflects  He is with us as we hear Him say , We were always in His Good Company!.

What  if we  let go and let God be God and rest in His great arms.  He will take us into a broad land full of promises and full of giants, but God is with us!….. Be of good cheer, He has overcome the world, so now so do we.

What if the Book of Revelation was written as a mystery as a short book  of cliff notes that engulfed the whole plan of God for mankind on this earth but written in the Holy Spirit code?  Would we persist in asking for the knowledge and understanding and wisdom of God to interpret?

What if we were called for such a time as this to be in the army of the Lord.

What if we took our eyes off of us and saw through His eyes that all things are possible with God.

What if we would allow the Holy Spirit to show us the evil that may be stopped by our prayers as we abide in Christ.

What if we are so busy with the world and our kingdom we miss His call.

What if we would allow the Holy Spirit to take us through His boot camp, the discipline of the school of Christ?

What if we would have a window of opportunity to show what happens when we pray as we ought?

What if we would allow the company of the Lord to be more significant to us than the  company of man?

What if we would stand out on a tiny limb in faith while the waves of the nations are roaring against Him and us, yet know our God keeps us?

What if we are put to the test for His name sake, the Lord Jesus Christ?  Would we stand or fall?

What if we do not seek time in the presence of the King?

What if the ears that are to hear Him miss the trumpet call?

What if the eyes that are to see miss His signs that are displayed?

What if our longing to be someone here allows our time  missing the One who is Someone to take notice of?

What if our heart was displayed for all to see?  What if we lived as knowing our hearts are displayed before the King every second?

What if we lived as we knew we were already in the kingdom of God?

What if we lived in the fullness of what scripture says of His children?

What if we really lived as He, the Christ, is within us?

What if we really knew the Word to know Him who has called us?

What if we awoke to the reality of how much  our life is guided by His hand today?

What if the voices of the day are as of old speaking, peace, peace…..And the Lord is speaking turn from the wickedness and covetousness of your ways…..even in His people.

What if judgment does start at the house of God today?

What if the temple is as a den of thieves as of old and seeking to steal other men’s words?

What if as of old, the voice of the Lord through His people are speaking repent every morning and every night, but the people refuse to listen….

What if the Book of Revelations is alive and is active today, even this day……

What if there were no titles in the body of Christ today and all had to depend on the Holy Spirit alone and Jesus Christ  the Head, CEO?

What if we lived by the Spirit of God in all ways and thoughts and plans?

What if the body of Christ lived as according to Christ?

What if  we lived in the fullness of the new creation of Christ  today….

What if…….. Holy Spirit, we are in Your hands. Please make us into the fulfillment of God’s will for the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever, ( Psalm 125:1-2).


There is a lot of possibility in living in Christ Jesus and the Christ living in us.   Men are to confirm the Words of God spoken to each of us. God is not going to confirm and witness to men’s words unless they are His.  It is wise to know the Words of the Lord spoken to us in our lives than depend on what man says.  Many have been heartbroken because they listened to men about them and went on a boomerang flight going nowhere.   Then blamed God because the ‘word” did not come to pass.  The Holy Spirit gives us the Word, dreams and visions. He also will lead the way to the fulfillment of those words, dreams and visions. There is no mystery to knowing the Spirit’s ways. We may not understand all the means for all to work out, but the Holy Spirit does and will guide and lead every step we take.  He loves us…….

Why go to men for what God has planned when God Himself is inside of us……. Christ is our only hope of glory.  The Holy Spirit has no problem giving witness to the Godhead before us, we must ask and receive all that He has for us. The Lord confirms His words to us by happenings and by men, but first we must have the knowledge of the Holy One’s plan and words or inclination…… But first the Word comes from Him. Remember, He is our Shepherd and we hear His voice.  Our God is sovereign and holy and desires our ears to be attentive to Him.  As written in Psalms 139:17-18, How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with you.

How did King David know how many are the thoughts of God towards him?  They spoke back and forth in relationship/ fellowship.  Now, even more, is the Door open for us to enter in to His heart and hear by His Spirit, thank God!

I do not want to even count how many times God rebuked Israel and Judah for seeking help from other countries instead of leaning on the arm of God for help in their different needs.  When obedience and united hearts were worshipping the Lord, the country prospered as well as each individuals. There again, comes the discerning of our hearts, we hear prosperity…… Where do we think the prosperity is in promised from God?   I am not saying God does not want our needs met here on this earth…. but do we first think of earthly riches versus the vast riches that are found in God Himself that He has planned for us to obtain?  The Discerner of our hearts is within us….. Jesus Christ spoke in Matthew 6:33, Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

The Lord knows where we first set our hearts and affections towards, there is nothing hidden from His sight.   If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God, ( Colossians 3:1). 

In God’s abundant never ending mercy and compassion as many times as written, even in the midst of great height of idolatry and hardness of hearts toward the Lord, He would try to woo  His people back to Him.  When there was a famine of hearing the Word of God, He would have to send  a prophet to the king or a captain  to speak what God would do to help them.  Then God’s hand of outrageous, nonsensical deliverance would happen!…..Now,  everyone would have to say- WOW, it was God……   Sometimes, the people would turn back for awhile and then slip away.  Why?  Were their eyes not focused on the hills where their help and deliverance would come?

I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber or sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day and the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore, ( Psalm 121).

It is wise to hear and take heed in the rebuke and correction from our King through His Spirit as written in the letter to the Laodicean church in Chapter 3 in  the Book of Revelation. Check it out as well as how we are to hear the Holy Spirit today. Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion in the days of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested Me, tried Me, and saw My work for forty years. Therefore I was angry with that generation and said, they always stray in their heart, and they have not known My ways. So I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest. Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called, Today, lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart as in the rebellion, Hebres 3:7-15). 

Check out the rest of the chapter…… Hebrews is a wonderful book to study and meditate on forever!

But now, we have been given the Son of God as our King and the Holy Spirit as His Governor.  God covered all the bases for us to be overcomers and His army  which He is gathering today.  The fellowship between the Lord and each of His children is in secret. Satan and his gang cannot hear or receive or intercept any of the “Word” spoken from the Holy Spirit.  As written, the mother of Jesus, pondered many comments and signs regarding her Son. It does not say she went and had a long chat with some person over the words…… She kept them hidden in her heart for the Holy Spirit to give her understanding.

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him, ( 1 John 2:27).

Everyone seems to get hung up on – you do not need that anyone teach you- we never get to the promise here: and just as we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, we will abide in Him…….. Frankly, if we are wise, we will continually be open in our ears to be taught by the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity who also made heaven and earth.  The Holy Spirit has been given to us… teach us in all matters that pertain righteousness and godliness to escape the corruption of this world.

Every team in sports has little signs and a common language that only that team knows……..As well as, any military, so the enemy is kept in the dark about their plans.   Now, we are even given an opportunity in the Spirit of God to know the plans and intent of the enemies of God. We then may stand our ground as well as pray in the Spirit that evil’s plans will not prosper against us as written in Isaiah.  The greatness of the Gift of God and all that has been given to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is unfathomable. If we were to diligently seek the riches of the depths of His love and what He did for us…….every second today and through out eternity…. We still, beloved, would not uncover all His benefits that He has bestowed on us.

Let us not leave any what if’s and learn and know this great God today. Let us live His Word today and His Word live in us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Allow the Word of God to fulfill the new creation we are in Christ.

Holy Spirit, we are sorry for not allowing you to govern our steps and our heart. We are sorry for ignoring Your instruction to turn to the Word and turn off any of the world that is usurping the Incorruptible Seed to grow and mature into the image of the Son of God with in us. Please give us more grace to walk in the fullness of the plan and discipline of God. May God be glorified by our lives and love towards Him alone.  Show us what are the many thoughts that You have towards us, so we may come to the awareness of the greatness of Your Love for each of Your children.  Awaken us to knowing You as our Heavenly Father and only concerned with Your business.  Heavenly Father, we  are the new creation in Your Son Jesus Christ, we ask that we may keep our eyes focused on our King and trust You alone.  Your Spirit guided and filled our King without measure, now we ask for the understanding of Your Spirit guiding and filling us with our King’s image.  Give us the grace that we may be consumed by Your Spirit in Your love.   Thank You for all You are and are doing and have done and will do for us. We love You our God, in Jesus name. Amen.


My Children,

I Am the Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth. I AM has created the great mountains and roaring sea  who glorify My majesty.  I AM has even created the tiny sparrow who sings her glory song for My ears to hear. In all of My creation, none beholds My eye but the heart that seeks for Me. I AM draws near to those who draw near to Me.  I AM comes to you in the mist of the morning, to speak My Words to you in secret. Meet with Me.   I AM has many things to share with you…… Many times I AM hears your words, but alas, you do not wait in the secret place of abiding to hear I AM.

The world rushes from no peace as a whirlwind is the spirit of this age.  Alas, My peace I AM gives you is as a gentle wind blowing as you sit under My Tree of Life eating My fruit on a warm sunny day. All the cares and worries seem to pass by as  ants hurry on their way below your feet. Do not forsake the gentle whisper of I AM.

Again, I AM asks why do rush here and there to hear the words of many men? Alas, the days are here that many run to and fro for much knowledge. But why forsake the One whose thoughts of you are more than the sand?  My son, Abraham, came out to Me, to hear what I AM had planned for him…….. His descendants are more than the sand, even today.  Many come to sit under My Tree so I AM may speak to them the thoughts of My heart.  Shall I AM speak of Nathaniel,  I AM spoke to him he would now see  heaven open and see the angels descending and ascending on the Son of Man. Isaac was meditating with I AM in the fields as his beautiful bride came into his sight. Moses, My friend, came often outside the camp, to meet with I AM. He was given My plans.   Peter was with I AM on the roof as he witnessed the revelation of I AM’s will. My son, Paul, sat with I AM three days. He was given eyes to see, though his eyes could not see, My plan for his days on this earth……

I AM has fitted you perfectly for completing My will this day.  How will you know unless you hear? How will you walk, unless you walk with I AM?  As a man teaches his son to do the ways of this life, do you not know that  I AM also will teach you the way in My life?  How will you know unless you hear the Words I AM has for you? My Words are alive and active and sharper than a two edged sword, even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden My sight, but all things are naked  and are open to the eyes of I AM who all must give an account.

I AM here to help and lead My children. I AM your Father, who holds your life in My hands gently…. I AM leads you into the knowledge of I AM. I AM eternal life for you.   I AM your need and your answers. I AM. Who will bear the cost of saying I AM a far away God?  Only come to Me, will you know the Truth and discard the lies of this world.  The way of My Life winds upward for the wise that he may turn away from hell below.   My heart does not want any to perish…… Come to the flowing river of My Holy Spirit…….. Learn of Me for I AM meek and lowly. Come My arms are still outstretched today for you….. Come hear  and partake of all I AM.