
What If You Saw?

What are raccoons known for?  A bandit? A masked face? An opportunist?  Rarely, do you see them during the day. They are night feeders ……..They feed on garbage also….They eat fish and clean their food before they eat……  They are raiders and destroyers of bird feeders!!!   So…….

My point is what if….. God shows you a scenario before your eyes or in a dream or the way circumstances play out.

Okay, then what would it mean if you saw a raccoon run in front of  your house in daylight heading from south to east?

God allows us to know the plans of the enemy so in His power and Word, we may bound them…. Oh, how He loves us.   The planning and conniving of people and their schemes are not hidden from Him…… We are His and in His Spirit and His Spirit in us- we are shown all things as scripture says.   Regarding all matters that pertain to our life in godliness….and His purpose.  Remember how Psalm 2 gives instructions to the kings of the earth.  Let us kiss the Son and He holds all in His hands and chuckles.

Elijah was given knowledge numerous times as well as Peter and Paul……..  The same is our inheritance….. Wisdom also comes with the knowledge in Holy Spirit too!

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have life more abundantly, ( John 10:10).

So if this little rascal is running in front of your house. This could possibly mean the little guy  or someone who is an opportunist is to come to you …… If it came through the back yard…..Then this  would mean it has already come through to raid whatever… wanted…. Unless…..

My sheep hear My voice and I know them, and follow Me, ( John 10:27).

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what His master is doing; but I have called you friends for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you, ( John 15:15).

Yes, do we know or catch how many times Holy Spirit tells us what is to come?  He tells us all things that are to come…… Even  the good, the bad and the ugly…… He has equipped us for everything that pertains to our godliness and walk.

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, ( 1 John 2:20).

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit,    ( 1 John 4:12-13).

You have heard Me say to you, I AM going away and I AM coming back to you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass you may believe, ( John 14:28-29). 

The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you, ( John 14:17).

We see His signs and wonders  which He speaks to us through His creation.  …… He spoke of the signs and wonders….in the heavens and the earth. Beloved, they are for us to know what is coming and to prepare for change….. Do you remember the red moon a couple of years ago….. The red moon is written in the Word….. What is the sign to mean?

We are to search out the matters that He unveils to us……Why?

God has designed a huge puzzle. He gives us a picture of it…… What  do we use to put the puzzle pieces together? – We look at the picture on top of the box.   The Word of God is the picture on top of the box. When we find a piece or a sign…..We go to the manual- the word of God- and see where the piece fits in. Then we get the Witness of the Godhead.

The lives we live in Him- point to the Word…….. If we are born again- we find our lives written out in the New Testament- as He is so are we in this world….. If we are not born again…… our lives are also written in the Bible…..   We are in His story line…. We are His witnesses and signs as well as He shows us signs in His creation and in the earth and the seas and above in the skies and the heavens…….. God is always speaking…….  We should be always listening and watching…waiting..

Have you ever seen a hawk fly over the ocean shore?   Nope….. not until God shows up…. Hey, He somehow put a coin inside a fish’s mouth….Then arranged the net or hook to be right where this fish went so he could get caught…… He had the donkey talking to Balaam. The donkey actually protected Balaam from getting slain because Balaam would not listen to the Angel of God.  God likes donkeys! Check it out Numbers 22:21-35.

But remember, Balaam then spoke in the oracle in Numbers 24: 3-4, Then he took up his oracle and said: The utterance of the man whose eyes are opened, the utterance of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, who falls down with eyes wide open……...

God opened  up Balaam’s spiritual understanding…..He saw the plan of God for His people.  This God said they could not be reckoned with.

What if we took the scriptures as what we really live by-  Knowing the Word was written on our hearts. Then in faith receive His speaking to us….. Then be diligent in having His heart to not allow the Word to be blown off ….  When the scriptures come alive in our lives from our hearts, we say- cool then we are pliable accept the signs of God….

What if when we  see, then we  know. We just accept by faith- this is His speaking to us on a matter.  We then smile and say – Thank You,  Heavenly Father…. I got it….. I do not know why…. but, I understand what You are showing me because as it is written>:

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him….. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming, ( 1John 2:27-28)

This is not written but this seems to be a very true saying of men. Familiarity breeds contempt. How we must watch ourselves  to want to receive the honor from man more than wait and receive honor from God.   Men flip flop- God’s rewards and blessing and gifts are true and wonderful…… They are forever from Him and no man can compete with His love and pats on the back…!!

Seeking His thumbs up towards us is a cleaner way to walk with God.  Knowing His presence and His calm through  stuff is His hand on our lives……I do not mean we do not have His grace. I am referring to knowing and hearing Him in and out, day and night….. If He speaks this and we then do this, we receive an okay from Him….. If we ignore and do not do this….. We then feel out of sorts…… like something is not right……The intimate knowledge of His caring way of placing our feet in His footsteps that He has made for us rather than stepping out of His steps and missing His instructions.  The blessing is knowing inside His peace as our umpire.

When we put any man’s word above God’s we are heading for a bridge of unbelief….Again, it is wiser to receive the thumbs up from God than man….. Jesus would have never gone to the cross…..if he listened to man…… We have to know the will of God for our lives. We must know our God. We may easily be deceived by the words of men that are not of Spirit of Truth…… All the Word points to Jesus Christ, the Word of God…… Paul had hard words given to him in prophecy….. He was to be bound…..He knew the way of His Savior and it was told to Him…. He followed the pattern of the Lord…… As did most of the apostles…..They received their honor from God not man.

Not much tickling of ears in the above paragraph is there.  He did say pickup your cross—–didn’t He?

Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. As He is so are we in the world…….

In today’s Christendom, would we receive that word that Paul received?   Paul did because He spoke the Spirit already told him this was to be so…….

Let men be a second witness to any word from God.  Holy Spirit protects us from falling prey by telling us all things that are to come.  He shows us where we are and what the will of the Lord is for each member of His body…That means you and me!!…….. Once we hear from Him, let men then give a second witness or third……. The Word shall also provide witness to the Spirit of God.

As written in John 5:44, How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek honor that comes from the only God?  

Now Jesus Christ is seated above all on the right side of Almighty.  We must know Him.   Blessed are those that are unchurched that did not know the Bible but met the Savior in their need.  They got to know the Savior first hand and then He lead them to trust the Bible. Then those saw all the words that were spoken to them by the Savior in the Bible……. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit…… Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness sake.

Blessed are they that know Him!!   When there is a problem do we go to the phone or go to Him?   When there is celebration do we call someone or call Him on His name and say THANK YOU!

When He is all we need….. We then find Him in all we see or do…… He is the reason. He is the cause. And He is the result.

As He is so are we in the world………. As He is so are we in the world…… As He is so are we in the world.

This is the same chapter where He said in verse 19, Then Jesus answered and said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son does in like manner.

Do we have our ears opened to hear Him? Do we have our faith eyes ready with His twenty twenty  vision to see what He is showing us? As Jesus did what Heavenly Father said to do and we are to do in like manner.

Yes, He speaks to us.  He is always speaking to us…… Always….. He is showing what is coming as written in the above scripture……. The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy as written in Revelation 19:10.  But do we perceive His words and signs or does it not line up with men’s words so we negate the Truth Speaker of His Spirit.

As we read the Book of Acts, we  see very definite works of His Spirit illuminating His kids of what was to come….. We must believe as Holy Spirit taught and revealed to them that Holy Spirit  is  also revealing Jesus Christ  to us.

Once we realize how He is for us as in our Healer because we have been healed….. Our Provider because we are never without Him or earthly provisions.  Our Protector always guarding us.  Our Friend because He is always there to hear and answer.  Our Joy because He shows us He delights in us.  And hopefully our list goes on with our knowledge of the Holy One.

We cannot share  what we do not know………As we see the unveiling of Jesus Christ for ourselves…… and then through us to others the great news of our God.

As Holy Spirit shows us what is to come….. He always confirms His word by His Word!  If we are in the Word regularly….. Holy Spirit knows what is our scheduled reading. He loves to confirm His word by another Witness….The same Spirit, the same God and the same Witness….  We, His children, are also His witness as the Living Word comes through us.

Remember there are three Witnesses in heaven and on the earth as written in 1 John 5….

Let us start here: For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcomes  the world- our faith.

Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

This is He who came by water and blood- Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.

For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. And it is the  Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.

For there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; these three agree as one.

If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son.

He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself.

Holy Spirit tells us of things to come.  He  is the all knowing of everything God……. Should we not bow and say yes?- Yes, Sir, I take the information….. I may not understand it all and why- but I take it.  I thank You for Your love in showing me what is to come and Your mighty protection.

Thank You for showing me all things Holy Spirit….. Give me instruction on what I shall do based on the information You gave.

Yes, Holy Spirit, please give me Your words of wisdom and knowledge…..

Now, if we pray and study the Word of God,….. He will confirm His signs with His Word.    As we abide in Him…… He and all He is abides in us……. Remember we are complete or perfect in Him…… Don’t freak out…. I did not say we are perfect….. We are perfected in abiding in Him….. We are complete as we abide in Him….As we lean on Him completely and not on our own understanding…


For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Remember the carnal mind is enmity against God; because it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be,        ( Romans 8:6-7).….. Carnal reasoning is not the mind of Christ.   We must be aligned in His Word which is His mind revealed unto us….  We are given the illumination or understanding by His Spirit……

He turns the light bulb on inside of us so we may understand and obey.

Remember- His perfect or complete word is being full in God ….. Sort of like adding water to a glass of water. You can not separate the water you just added – it all becomes one….. We are completely consumed by His burning bush…..

When I hear – we cannot be perfect in as we make mistakes….. But when God says the love of God is perfected in us….. Do we really limit Him by thinking He means we won’t make a mistake? Really?  God is not like our limited minds….. He is a great wonderful God…… His idea of man perfected is mankind found in His perfected Son….. He really knows we can’t be- hence- the Son of Man, King Jesus Christ, was the Answer before the foundation of the earth.

So let us not limit God in allowing His family to be His family. Remember He paid a huge price of His Firstborn to have many born through His blood and Spirit…… All abiding in His Son and perfected by His love. We show we our love by listening and obeying.  As Scripture says we show our selves approved by how?

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, ( 2 Timothy 2:15).

Come on!!!!! He is God…. He knows the end from the beginning. As we abide in Him in all we are is His….Then His love has and is perfected- ing us in Him and by Him. Remember as written Christ will be all and in all in Colossians 3:11…….. Where are we then?  When Christ is all and in all, where shall we be found? I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives within me…..( Galatians 2:20).   Can we walk this out in the mind of Christ?  May we submit to His greatness? Then we are included in His BIG greatness.

We are certainly not orphaned when we have His Spirit, Christ with in us….. This is eternal life in Him, as where we abide is full of His glory….

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled concerning the Word of life- the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us- that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ,                                               ( 1 John1:1-3).

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba! Father.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together, ( Romans 8:15-17).

Our fellowship with our God is the greatest life…. Yes, this is eternal life that is offered to mankind on this earth.  Holy Spirit tells us stuff and it is great stuff!….. Stuff that takes eternity to understand all the implications of His powerful Words….. Our God sharing His life with us is the greatest way of living on this earth…… as it is in heaven….. so it is here with us, right?

As we start to hear and obey His signs and wonders and dreams….. He trusts us with greater stuff……

We are seated with Him in heavenly places as written in Ephesians….. and as written in Colossians  3:1-4; If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

So it seems the more we are contemplating on His kingdom and abiding in Him…… His eternal life springs forth via Holy Spirit showing us all things and things to come to us….and others in the times we are in.

Discerning of Spirits is from and through Him….. as is His words of knowledge and words of wisdom…… They all originate from God….. There is no origination from ourselves…… Just as only God can do miracles as well as any healing…… It is Christ in all and  all and in us……. and we get to be in His expansion plan!!!!

Fellowship and love from Him to us and us back to Him flows His eternal life in our life here and now….. We are living eternally in this short life here on this earth….. Bringing His heaven to earth…….A witness for the WITNESS of Heaven…….

Let us pray for our eyes to see His thoughts toward us in full measure and let us pray for ears to hear His whisper of secrets known long ago. He is here within us to fellowship His life unto us in the fullness that He is….. Let us get rid of the enmity of reason that stops the flow of belief in what Holy Spirit is showing each of us.

As we walk in His Spirit, we discern what is Spirit and truth and what is flesh and the soul of man……. in all matters for the Spirit of God tells us all things and things to come….. We have no reason to fear with our God- for He is here and with us.  He loves us with a great love that we still cannot fully understand nor reach the end of.

But the mountain and valleys are here for us to keep growing in His love.


One more thing…….A what if:….. What if you saw a big gorilla walking in some one’s house that you knew.  This gorilla was carrying a bag with holes in it…. This gorilla had holes in his pants…… He was walking the basement.

Ask Holy Spirit!  Get into the adventure of His indwelling Spirit of the Great God in us.  Christ is our only hope of glory!!!!, ( Colossians).

You will never be shocked at what comes your way…… He lets you know….. You will always be amazed by Him but never surprised by what comes your way for He has told you before hand.  Always amazed by His depth of love for each of us.  Trust Him this day and know His ways…..Walking beyond our comfort is realizing  a little of the depth and the height and width and length of His love for us in Christ……

His drink is never ending….. Swim to reach the depths….. Fly to the highest heights that start a new from where you think you have flown but have not seen. The place you start will never end but we may start and start over again.  He is never ending or never stopping….. His smile never ceases when He smiles on His own….. The peace He pours on His delight is worth the weight of our full fight….in the faith.

He never turns away His gaze but beholds us with all eyes seeing us with the end as now as He speaks to us.


Come to Me and believe all that is written is just and true….. The words speak of Me.  Come and learn of Me….. I AM longs for you to be free ……. You to be where I AM for as I AM so are you in this world…… I AM longs you to be in Me……I AM with you.  Do you not see all I AM has done for you to believe?

Why seek folly and turn from My gaze. The folly will be another life of haze.  The color is bright and vivid and alive for those whose eyes have caught My gaze…. The wave of My Spirit comes billowing through and when I AM is done can you tell what is Me from you?

Why make your way alone through the crowd. Come in with I AM and sup some and be found……Hear My whisper for I AM not in the crowd.

I AM sits and waits by the wayside to catch the ones who do not keep the pace of the craze of the day.  I AM sits and waits for you…. Come sit with I AM for a while.  Be attentive in that you can not keep the pace of the day…..My hand has had you stay for I AM does not want you to lose your way. You have not lost anything as you come away in I AM….. For behold all the gain is given and the fullness you live in is found where I AM.  Do not fret that as you lost the world you have gained all I AM.

My language is learned and lived through the fire and the clouds. Be still and learn this is way I AM chose. I AM sends the birds to sing the day a new for you. The night comes and out bright the stars a shine for the story is Mine.  Look at the waves and the porpoises pointing the purpose for you this day.

Do not look bewildered at all. The enigma is unfolding as a flower sending out its fragrance as it reveals its petals.  Behold I AM holds your tomorrows and wants you to know all I AM has planned. Wait here as the plan of  I AM stands….. Man’s plans are many but only the counsel of the Lord shall be for the ones I AM has chosen to be close to Me.

I AM speaking to all who incline their ear and eye to see the wonders I AM orchestrated here.  I AM the Beginning and I AM the End….. So come with Me as I AM shows you all things to be.  Do not fear for what you see for I AM will be here through it all.  There is nothing too great and too awesome that can compete with I AM holding you and so do not caution. Throw your heart into My hand and I AM will carry it forever even to the farthest of the never end for I AM.

Look and see all there is prepared from Me.  As you see a skunk come close….. Know the little thing looks tame but beware  the smell of the skunk shall send you far away……. As you see a eagle fly into the heights, do not be deterred at the plane…. The eagle will fly you on His wings but the wings of the plane are hot because man is playing there a lot.

The true gem is light from inside….. The baubles of  men will lead you astray.  Fly in My gifts and no one  may see but unto Me all is seen….. Scrubbing the floor and paving the way might not be a job sought for but unto Me it is My dream.  Things men hold dear on the stage are not as seen as popular in My day.  Preparing the way for I AM to enter into their realm and the scrubbing of the floor for My heart to enter their door.

Oh yes, this is My delight…..This is why I AM was up all through the night.  Many I AM saw to be in My day…. I surely wanted them to see Me and come My way.   Through the doors closed your cry gets them opened……I AM beckons to your plea for them to get the victory…… You ask and ask for the mercy for their plight and behold, then they will take flight. Into My arms does grace send them My way to the rest. I AM is seated on waiting for them to come by Me this day.

All members  of  My body are My delight  here this night.  All can not be My hands and My feet…… Many must be My knees bringing to end evil decrees deplaced  by My many voices speaking what I AM says over them.  Heaven on earth is what I AM says. Alas, this  is what must be. So hear and see all My members of My body are Mine.  I AM has called each of you as Mine and Divine…. Be still and love the brethren as you love yourself…… For in this mind. I AM’s fullness and unity is sublime.

I AM has spoken in praise of the great faith in My children, yet only one did I AM say- has chosen the needful thing and it will not be taken from her. Hear I AM.  Let those who chose to sit at My feet be, as many of  My saints are found there. Let them be.

Take these words as I AM and will forever be.