
What Is The Work Of The Branches Of The True Vine?

As we see the effects of the broken sixth seal, our hearts should pour out to the Lord. Asking for more boldness and courage before any shaking that comes to our generation.

I pray the Spirit of God illuminated your sight that you all saw yourself under the altar, the cross of our Lord…. cleansed and fitted with the seal of His Spirit to do the work of the True Vine.

As written in the Word in John 15, we are now the branches of the True Vine…giving His truth, light and resurrection life to all. We are to grow out farther and farther…..

There is a day of reckoning with our King of all kings for all who walk on this earth….. Let us not miss our divine situations that He puts before us to grow His kingdom and free the captives, the oppressed, the forgotten, the hurt, the sick, the homeless….

The branch always reflects the type of vine it is…. We reflect the Son of God in our love, life and peace…Until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the body is to be growing larger daily….

Let us be a growing branch of the Lord, the True Vine…

Get the book I wrote on my illumination from the Holy Spirit on the understanding on some of the mysteries in Revelation….. Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of Lords, The Judge Of His Creation.

We now can bear fruit that lasts for eternity—- how cool is that!!!!!

Praise our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever!! I pray that we all have Christ dwelling in us richly!