
What Is Your Heart’s Greatest Desire?

What comes first into our minds when we contemplate that question?  Hmmm…..

Get out of debt? Get well? Get married? Get older? Get younger?  Our children to be okay?….. Many things pop into our mind when we are given a chance to receive the greatest desire of our hearts…..

In God’s view, most of these have been established in the sacrifice of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, now we live to appropriate His Gift….. We are out of debt to Him, the debt which really counts through out all time, for all eternity, our darkness within us…..We have been born again in Christ..Our spirits are alive in God.

We have been healed….. Our souls are being restored to the image of Jesus Christ…… All the promises of our God to us are yes and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we are single and want to get married…. There is great news, God already has our days mapped out, so rest in His greatness…. Our days are established by Him. God as our Creator has all planned for the perfect good.  He has planned all things and all things work according to His will, even the wicked for the day of doom…..

When we rest our temporal needs in His hands….realizing in His reality, all is accomplished, we just need to rest in patience. Ahhh- patience- The strength and majesty of God is found in His longsuffering and patience in His own Word being fulfilled…. And there we must be found working our patience as our Lord…. Remember we are being made in His image. This is His plan…. so we rest in His patience.

Now I ask again, what is the greatest desire of your heart? However, our greatest need is not our temporal needs which are met in Christ, but our eternal needs which are met in Christ Jesus….. When we see the reality of our purpose, we celebrate our eternal life found in Christ which is found in us and we are found in Him, by our faith.

It is written in Hebrews 1:1-God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

What if we ate the Written Word like Food, the only True Nourishment of our souls…..If we could see with our natural eyes how the Living Word partakes in us by faith. If we could see the way we become the Word of God as the food we eat for our bodies breaks down to nourish our flesh. Would we believe and eat more of the Word?

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is My body.

Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you.

For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins, ( Matthew 26:26-28).

As we partake of Jesus Christ’ sacrifice, we partake of the Living Word of God, who gave us life eternal….. The Lord is the Written Living Word.

As we contemplate the Written Word as the Lord Jesus Christ, then, to also add- the phrase the Word of His power……So when we read and take for ourselves the Word inside us by faith, the Word of His power is alive in us and quickening our lives in Him!Do we then become the Living Word and the Word of His power sustains us?

YES! In growing measure….

Is this not the New Covenant where it is written numerous times the Spirit of God will write the law and statutes of God upon our hearts….?

YES! In growing measure…..

Psalm 40:6 states the written Words of David and of the Lord, can we also say these Words because of our faith in the New Covenant established by God and then testified by the Trinity?

Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require. Then I said, behold I come in the scroll of the book. It is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is written within my heart.

So we can establish the Written Word is etched in our hearts when we were born again in the Spirit…..As we partake of the Word of God, our souls are being made new in to the new creation, the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, then the very Essence of God’s brightness, the Light of the world is dwelling within and comes out— Who can stop our God from showing His glory? No one…..

Christ within is our only hope of glory…. Jesus Christ is the Written Word with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. As Satan tries and tries to destroy the glory of God, the Lord, His Spirit, only gets brighter and His strength is perfected in His saints.

As the Lord was moving among Isreal in the wilderness, the other nations were aware of God…. They were afraid of Him because of His might that moved through these people and for these people….. But they were aware of this great God. He was manifesting Himself through His people by various signs and wonders.

This also was the plan of God as He manifested His Spirit among His people in Acts as well as prophesied in the Prophets Book of Joel of the days we are living now.  God wants His people to be the brightness of His glory and the expression of His image.

We are the body of Christ. Is there an option not to be the brightness of the Lord’s glory and the expression of God moving in and out of the nations of the earth? NO! Because…….

Oh Lord, I have to come to do Your will what is written of me in the scroll of the Word.

Let us open our heart to the reality of the plan of God manifesting Himself through His people today….. It is not about us any longer…. Our life living is about Him…

What is our heart’s greatest desire? If we live as His, the Lord’s alone, then our our hearts desire will be to be the expression of our God, the image of His Son.

We already know the great sacrifice of our Lord for us. We realize He laid His life down to raise us up in His Eternal Life….. So we gladly die to our lesser lives here and receive His Greater Resurrected Life…..God’s abundant life….. Never ending, never stopping, always filling us with Himself….. Life and Love never ending within us…. His expression of Himself.

We can only appropriate His Resurrected Life by faith in the Word of His power. When we realize the fullness of God is His purpose for us in His Son…. We stand in awe… What a glorious God with His neverending Love…..We have all we need and desire  in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s body is a reflection of Himself…..We live daily to die to our carnal flesh. As  we do, a greater measure of His Spirit is established within us as well as all that comes with His Indwelling Spirit….. The Word of His power lives within….. Quickening us and others around us.

We do not want or need because our Heavenly Father knows what we need and want before we ask…..We walk in thankfulness as He has given us all things that pertain life and godliness….. We have our Desire and fulfillment of all life met in God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are complete in Him….. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power, ( Colossians 2:9-10).      Do we live from that Truth?

We live and move and have our being here on this earth, we are the expression of His glory and His image……Wow! What greatness He has called us. The plan and purposes of the Godhead including us to show all the world- How Great and Beautiful He IS!

The Lord’s heart desire was to please His Father and complete His Father’s will on this earth. He was the God incarnate…… Now He lives within us. Our focus and heart’s desire is to display the love of God for us, even us! Also to display, His neverending love and mercy and grace….. To allow the world to witness the Lord’s name is above every other name….. There is no other name in heaven or on or in the earth which every knee will bow too…..

We realize as we grow in adversity we live upon and from His grace. We learn  the Truth of His grace is great in might and in strength of God’ s power…. We also experience growing reality  that His name is full of all power and authority…… Our sufficiency is of God and not in the work of our hands or any part of us….. We live by the power of His Word, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the grace, the strength and might of God. We also experience His grace to perfect patience.

Is this not the expression of  the greatness of our God?   As Peter told us numerous times through out the his letters to grow in  the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the coming days, we will grow in the Might or Grace and Spirit of our God….Our true hope of all overcomers is to live in growing revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  As trouble comes, we lean into His Everlasting Presence and live from our Lord Jesus Christ. He manifests Himself to us in whatever we need and desire….. We will pray and know the name of Jesus Christ as any opposition against the Lord’s will will fail.

Again, as we realize first the Lord’s strength in His name and the Word of His power in His Might or Grace, this will hold our ground in adversity, trouble or opposition which comes before us…. We will  strongly  prevail in faith in the God we serve. This is our heart’s desire to please God by our faith.

Opposition to the Lord will not advance as we walk in the continued knowledge of the Lord. The revelation of our Lord is where Satan’s kingdom cannot penetrate. Satan hits the proverbial wall of our God. He cannot penetrate what we have received in the illuminated life of Jesus Christ presented to us by His Spirit, revelation of Christ Jesus.

We know as Paul, His grace is more than sufficient to keep the Resurrected Life of God strong within and show His glory through us…. We grow as Paul did in the knowledge that every knee bows to the Lord Jesus Christ….. in the heavens and on this earth.

As it is written in Haggai 2:7, and I will shake all nations and they shall come to Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.

Let it be found by the Lord that His house is a house of prayer and faith, filled with His glory- Himself. Let it be found by the Lord, our unity of one Spirit in the Lord. Let it be found by the Lord, our heart’s desire as His body is to come and behold- we do Your will O Lord. Behold, Your Words are written within our hearts….. Be praised, O Mighty King, be praised and glorified by Your people this day….

If there are tears from the Lord, let them be in rejoicing over His people. Let not any tears, Lord, be in sadness as Your people do not know when You have approached in the night.

Lord, we ask for more of Your Grace so we may know and understand You in greater measure…We are hungry for the fulfillment of Your purpose with in our lives and on this earth. You, Lord, are our heart’s greatest Desire and Obsession…We look for a greater revelation of our Lord and King.

Show Your Might and Power perfected through our weakness….May our faith grow. Lord, help our unbelief to walk as Your children. We are Your signs and wonders to many….. May we walk in the courage and boldness which is called by Your Spirit at this hour. May we run our race in the fullness of Your grace within. In You, Lord, we will fly over our opposition and continue in Your will, by the power of Your Great Name.

My children, be aware of the signs of this age…..Have I not given you a heart of understanding? Have I not laid My hands on your eyes so you may see? Have I not put My fingers in your ears so you may hear Me?   Have I not given You My Spirit to walk in Wisdom? Know for certain what is, and what was and will be to come….and yet, I AM.

Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Keep your eyes steady on Your Beloved as I AM’s gaze is steady on My own.

I Am the eye of the storm…. In Me, you will have perfect peace for what can be shaken will be shaken to alert all to focus on the eternal, I AM. Do not fear, live your faith in I AM.

In Israel’s oppression, I AM was there. My people were held in peace in the midst of plagues, darkness, death…. I AM led My people as then as is today….Remember Me, who was and is and is to come and will ever be….. Where are you, My children?

Did I not keep Noah during the Flood? Why do you fear? I AM is the same today as I AM was, and I AM will be always as I AM.  The days that are approaching will strengthen and prove your faith and trust in the Everlasting God…. Believe, then see. I AM did not say see and believe…..Nay, not for My own…..I AM says to you, believe, then you will see.

In the Son of the Most High, is where you are found….. The shelter of the Most High. Do you not see this yet?  Rest in peace of the knowledge you have in Me. Rest in the work that I AM has started will be completed…This is My will and purpose, and are you not in My Will? Rest and peace will  perfect the patience of My saints.

The battle is Mine. Be still and know I AM God and I AM will be exalted by the nations for I AM their Desire.  Keep your eyes steady on I AM for My arm is not shortened that I cannot perform…..How can you still doubt I AM?

Your trust and strength will grow as you live in the Truth of My Love, for it never fails….. All else will pass away, but behold not I AM….. Where do you abide? In I AM, your delight and your desire is fulfilled in Me. Rest and you see Me.

All will see the One they have pierced, but, alas, you have come with tears and sorrow. My children, when I AM saw your humble hearts bowing at My feet in sorrow, how can I AM not lift you in My embrace, for you are the longing of My heart, My chosen desire…. Hear Me children, learn My love never fails.

Be at peace as you rest in My shelter. My embrace for My children.  My heart’s desire is met in My children gathering around I AM.

You are My greatest desire, children….. Is I AM yours?
