
What Kind Of A Song Or Sound Are You Unto The Lord?

I have asked the Lord many times, if I were a flower what kind am I in Your eyes?  Okay…..

If I were a song, what kind of melody am I  for You? Okay…..

If I were a cloud what kind of cloud am I in Your eyes? Okay….

If I were a color what color am I to You in Your eyes?… Okay…..

If I were a bird, what color and kind am I in Your eyes?…. Okay…

If I were an animal am I a majestic white mare or a roaring lion or a wimpy weasel in Your eyes?…. Okay….

Lord, how full of Your Spirit am I and are You pleased?  … Okay……

Fill me up more. Lord. Fill up Your bride…

Lord,  are we waiting on You until all those who are family have joined your ranks or are we blocking you?  Fill us, Lord…..

Show us how You see Your bride this day?

Let us see……

We are Yours. Fill us Lord….. The fire is not to refine us…. We are dead in Christ…

His fire is refine Him? I do not think so.

Jesus Christ needs refining? I do not think so… WRONG!!

When the fire is hot on gold, what comes to the top?

So the fire shows us what is Him and what we are still alive in ourselves… As we  see and release, He increases His throne in us….

Wonder why He said out of our hearts will flow living waters in John chapter 7?….

Well, in Ezekiel, it is written the river flowed from His throne….

He is King over us, right?  So out of us, shall His healing waters flow…..

The more He is King in and over us, the increase of His river flows through us….

If we come to Him full, we go away hungry.

If we come to Him empty, we go away from Him full.

Did you ever notice Psalm 149 is a battle ?

Then the last Psalm 150 is a praise and alleluia song glorifying God by all musical instruments.

Heaven is surrounded with sound…..

We just did not make up surround sound…

Heaven is filled with sounds of heaven; songs and praises and lightnings and thunderings.

All in one surround sound to glorify God and His King who rules in the  lives of men…..

It is the best orchestra ever….

Can we turn our ears from the earth twang to heaven’s orchestra?….

We won’t miss His timing and warnings and instructions if we do.

I have been given a large, actually huge, ability to love music.

It is always playing in my house…. Songs of heaven to and from heaven.

It is easy to keep our hearts in the  heavenly place we have been given, when we surround ourselves in heavenly thoughts of God.  This is the place He won back for us.

We must not get side tracked by the intimidation of the Goliaths in the land….

With five stones- five witnesses of the name of the Lord Most High which  worked through David to take down the bear and the lion.

David took the giant down by David’s knowledge of God’s strength in him showing up in David’s past battles.

SOOOOOO>>>> It took only ONE of the five stones and the name of the Lord Most High that toppled that giant like a little weed.

Our Lord rules in the sons of men.  Do not be deceived He is here and sees all and knows all.

Be steady in our faith. We must know the past battles of God working through us are our weapons of victory.

He has been with us before and is  here today and will be forever…. This is our testimony of His faithfulness.

We know Him just as David did… We have spent time with Him and He has proven Himself as trustworthy….

He is now looking at us to see if we believe of His greatness.  We shout, YES, Lord! You are Great and worthy of all our praise…

Let us be the sounding instruments of praise….as we bring His light to the unfruitful works of darkness….. Yes, we do in God…. David did in God.  Jesus did in God.

For things will be as the Beginning  in the End.  Our end is His Beginning and His End was our Beginning and completeness in Him.

Be still, all is in His plan. Nothing is being completed in the earth that the Lord does not have knowledge of……

He warned us of nations that are barking dogs to keep our eyes on the dog while the snake infiltrates the land…..

We must have our ears tuned into heaven and then take heed to His warnings.

So as we heed His warnings, His  instructions will be sought and then can be be implemented in the earth.

So let us do the math;….. until the fullness of the Gentiles is in,…. then Christ will be all and in all, as written in Romans and Colossians.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. The Word was God, ( John 1:1).

Galatians tells us to walk by faith in His Spirit and be the sons of God— That the life we now live we live by faith in the Son of God…… We have died in Christ….

Ephesians tells us that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places so then we may also know the depth and height and width and length of the love of Christ who has died to give us life..  We now have the ability in understanding to learn of and from Him.

Philippians tells us to count it all loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Him, Christ Jesus our Lord. Then we may gain Him and live for the higher calling.  We may be found in Christ Jesus, having no righteousness of our own but alone in His. Learning of Him and knowing His resurrection power and being conformed to His death.

Colossians tells us the magnificence of our Lord in God. We are found complete in Him. We have died and our life is now hidden in Christ Jesus in God….. Our hope of glory is Christ in us…..For Christ is all and in all.

There is a great transformation in restoration of His bride through out the progression of the New Testament.

Let us jump into His plan and be a living sacrifice so His will may be complete in us.  Let Holy Fire  set us as a burning sacrifice which is never consumed but transformed by His love.

If you are being concerned of “your ” ministry?  Well, if it is centered in Him, then Christ is the fragrance and His life of Christ is being poured out.

The measure of Christ in our lives and pouring out of us will stand the fires of His eyes.  We reconcile the world to Him…. It is actually His ministry or Holy Spirit’s. We are the vessels so that the power may be known to be God’s and not us….God glories in no flesh.


All the world is looking for Jesus Christ. The Desire of the nations. Let us make sure we are giving Christ Jesus and His great love for the nations.

This is the season we  hear the heavens opened as His Spirit calling all to His heart and allowing Him to be their home. The Dove shall find a home on this earth in His people.

Let us turn to hear Him and see where His eyes are gazing towards… He desires His beloved. He wants all for there shall be nothing of His fragments left. He gathered all.

Do you know the position of His saints?

See this: Deuteronomy 33:3,Yes, He loves the people; All His saints are in Your hand; they sit down at Your feet; Everyone receives Your words.

So what is written in Luke 10 of Mary has chosen the needful thing and it will not be taken from her is a symbol of  His heart for His people. All to be gathered, sitting  and gazing to hear His words.

Are we listening? Will our works stand the fire of His eyes? Are we standing the fight that the Words of His mouth and our position at His feet will remain our first priority?

Fire of God be our heart. Flame of God be  on His Words in our hearts. Fire of God deepen our knowledge of the Lord King Jesus and His heart.

Fire of God , help us crown Jesus King by our love, our life and thoughts!

Christ in us is our hope of glory as written in Colossians.

Enoch’s day is what He desires now……

His fire is entering those who are waiting and knowing there is more of Him we need.

Moses was told to go deliver His people…… Moses said, Lord, who am I?  This was after forty years of brokenness in the desert.

Then Moses was shown the power of God with him…. How much better now do we have?  Holy Spirit is in us!  We are not orphans or alone.

We sit and listen and pray so we may ride the wave or cut the head off of the intimidator….. Which ever picture you are more comfortable in seeing yourself in Christ accomplish. Believe it, see it and live it!

As written: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us…. Now let us prove this scripture!

Let us know Him as we have our victories by His name that every knee must bow and tongue confess- our Jesus Christ is Lord.

Flesh must be nothing this day. Our spirit must rule and have the obedience of only His  Word over our hearts.

Allow His flame to burn us but not consume us. Be alive in Christ alone, beloved.  This is the time  He has waited for us, His beloved.

So let us take a big deep breath…..

Open up our heart and repent….

Let us bow down….

Let us gaze up to see His face…

But our tears blur our vision……

Let us give Him our old stony heart…..

Let Him put in us a new heart with His Word written consuming us……

Allow the tears to fall to wash our King’s feet….

Let us feel His mighty hand lift our chin to see His eyes…….

We are learning to turn to see Him…

We gulp as we know we are looking up….

But we melt in the love from His eyes that pours forth on us….

We are stunned as we see…..

He is smiling….

His Words mold our hearts into pure gold as He speaks….

Your are Mine, I have waited for this day….

Come with Me….

I AM will show you all things to come…

Things that you do not know.  I AM will speak….

So as they come to pass, you will know I AM is I AM…..

There is none other…..

Come with Me and I will show you My all for your all.

Do not look back, for there is nothing there but I AM….

Look to Me and keep My step and hear My breath….

Know Me as your all…. For I AM has known you in My all….

We will never be divided again……

You are My beloved. You re Mine……..


After we swallow, we say, yes, Lord and I am Yours.

We arise and brush the dirt off our knees and walk in His rhythm…….

Holy Spirit, awaken us to the love of our Great Beloved King….

We allow You to turn us to be His wholly and fully for this is Your Day, Lord, not ours. Amen and Amen!





Are things shaking around you? I AM says rejoice!  Rejoice in  this day for your prayers are being heard.  Holy Spirit  be an all consuming fire in you this day. Holy Spirit comes to be your vision. He reveals My purpose and will for this time. There is no hinderance anymore to the right nor to the left. All is straight into the righteousness of God which kisses the earth. Do not fear for I AM. Do not hesitate to do what I AM says for this is your place in I AM. Hear and obey  and be what I AM says you are. By My words in you shall show the world to know I AM that I AM. What I AM has spoken in the dark is a light to the nations. What I AM has called light, darkness cannot hinder. It must bow and leave as I AM has spoken it to be.  I AM has loved  the world with an everlasting love.  The evil one has distorted My truth speaking as there is no rewards for actions done on this earth.  He has made the people believe that they may kill with the sword and not know My word that they shall also be killed by the sword. Unless they call I AM that I AM.

I AM is a warrior for My bride. Ask of Me, and I AM will show you things that are to come…. You ask why is this written in the My Book?  And He said to me, Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.  And behold, I AM coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to His work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

Because I AM that I AM and all shall know I AM that I AM. All the pharaohs and all the poor. The full come to Me and leave empty and empty come to Me and are filled to overflowing as  I AM  is welcomed in their hearts…. All in time I AM has wanted to dwell in and with My people in the creation that I AM has called forth……… Please Me and walk with Me and in Me by faith.

I AM has come to open your ears this day to show you a better way and peace in your heart, if you will come to Me and turn and repent from your sins…. I AM lowly to swoop down and pick you up in My great affection for you. Turn to Me this day, and I will turn to you, know I AM while I AM open to hear.

Do you not know I AM has sent His Spirit on this earth. He is beckoning My people to turn now everyone from their evil ways. What do you want ? Meet Me in wrath of justice or My mercy and compassion. Come to Me and I AM will forgive and forget. But know this, all who mock at I AM or do not turn for this has come into your ears today…. Destruction and death will be  your path.

Come to Me and learn of Me this day.. Come to Me,. Hear My whisper and My gentle touch on your brow to look up and turn.

Be My song on the earth that tickles and brings pleasure to My ears! Bring Me delight!!

I AM was your purpose on this earth.  Bring joy to Me for I AM has created you to be Mine…. You will bring glory to Me in obedience or in My wrath for I AM will be glorified by My creation. You may count on it or count your past as lost for My sake. Chose the latter and forget your former as I AM has…..

Go back to My Beginning and know Me. I AM God and there is no other. Know the End will be as the Beginning…. For I AM Alpha and Omega. Let your end be My Beginning for you.