
What ? …….. No More Sea?

I have  often asked the Lord, why no more sea in the next age?   Many people are drawn to the ocean to rest for a vacation. Many people have the sound of the ocean on devices so they can continue to hear the sound and remind them of a peaceful time. I wonder what the ocean has that draws us to it….. Ohhhhh!

His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters, ( Revelation 1:15).  Could the magnetic drawing of the ocean make us aware of our God, the Creator?……Maybe we look in wonderment.  Maybe we remember Him.  Maybe we go there to get answers as to why we are here this day on this earth. To ask Him, why this and that is happening in our lives….or to get some peace…….Maybe it is to hear the God, whose voice is the sound of many waters……

His voice is the sound of many waters….. Maybe that is why many people love to hear the sound of the ocean…..Maybe we are drawn to the majesty of God found by the greatness of His creation, the seas. The continuous momentum of the power of His word is shown through the neverending waves coming in and going out. Our eye cannot sea from the shore the end or the beginning of the seas. We only see the the waters ebb up to the designated place and retreat back into the body of many waters.

It is written the angels voice are as magnifying as the sound of many waters as well as the Lord God’s. As we ponder on the body of waters called the seas…. we meditate on how it is written that the knowledge and glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea…….

In the Book of Isaiah 11:9, They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea, ( Habakkuk 2:14).

We have the knowledge of seas representing nations of the earth in the Word. So the sea in the next age will be gone….. No more other nations or kingdoms except the Lord’s. The sea of glass……A nation of complete transparency and no leaven in the people who know and worship the Holy One!

Before the throne was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back, (Revelation 4:6).

And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God, ( Revelation 15:2).

The sea is the sound of many waters….. We walk on the shore and see the never ending word of His power in our God…. The ocean is so magnanimous, it goes on and on and never stops until our God says it is time.   We are instantly reminded of His magnificence. How great and with out end is our Great God.

We picture His greatness in His sea of glass….. His people as written in Revelation….. God is in His people and His people are in their God. We love to see the sea. The beauty of gazing towards the reflection of the sun on it’s waters. The waters  gleam the reflection of the light of the sun and clouds…. We can never get enough of the sound of the ocean, nor can we get enough of the view. The sound of the many waters gathered together in the ocean brings us peace.

Think about how many paintings and pictures there are regarding the ocean and the sky….. There are many.  The greatness and beauty makes us keeping us in wonder…. The earth reflects the beauty of it’s Creator….. How unsearchable is His ways and how magnificent in His majesty is our God.

As we are the sea of glass, His image is revealed through us….. as other gods are worshiped by people which are visible by their worship. Remember  we wear the name of the God or idols we worship….. We reflect what we are seeking after and then worship. Our fruit displays what kind of sap flows through us.

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Your name, we give glory, because of Your mercy, because of Your truth. Why should the Gentiles say, so where is there God?

But our God is in heaven; He does whatever he pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.

They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have but do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; noses they have, but do not smell; they have have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat.

Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them,       ( Psalm 115:1-8).

Our God is in His people and His people are in Him…..

Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. 

And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps,( Revelation 14:2).

And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready,                    ( Revelation 19:6-7).

There we are again playing the harps of God…… Could we be magnifying the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb as written by the words of our mouth?

In Strong’s Concordance the word harp is to twang….. So as it was and is and is to come, we should be ” twanging” the Song of our King, the Lamb of God:

They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb saying:

Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and True are Your ways, O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy, for all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested, ( Revelation 15:3-4).

So when we look out on to the sea,  we can  imagine the people of God as the waters cover the sea singing the Song of Moses and Song of the Lamb because we have been granted the knowledge of the glory of God…..God sounds of many waters to us…… and we sound as many waters to Him.  A people with no leaven…. no pride….. no deceit…. only the image of our God. The Lord Jesus Christ is found in us… the work of the Holy Spirit.

How awesome is our God…. Only in and by the works of our God could this plan be manifested in a people that were far from Him in time. Only God could bring us close in His grace and mercy….. Only God could sacrifice His Only Son for fulfillment of the law so then the Son of God could be the Firstborn of many… Only God, the Holy One and His Begotten Son,  our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is found in His people and His people are found in their God.

I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing to You. I worship toward Your holy temple, and praise your name. For Your loving kindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul, (Psalm 138:1-3).

Let us take a thought of where the temple of the Lord is found now….. within the brethren….We are collectively the sounds of many waters, the holy temple of God. We can take this stand because by faith we know His Spirit dwells within us… written in Corinthians.

There in the sea of glass is found calm and peace as written in the Book of Revelation. We are……that sea of glass…. No leaven….. no rising of pride….. no agitation. Sin or leaven stirs the soul up not unlike the large waves billowing here and there.

We have been made the righteousness of Christ and abide in His righteousness to keep us in peace with our God. We come to honor that position that the cost of leaving it for sin or pride or fear of man or fleeting fancies do not entice us. We are sold out in worshiping the One True God.  We will not bow by His abiding strength within us, we shall keep in Him….. through fire, water and even through death to our flesh, our lives….. For in death, we live in Him and by the Lord Jesus Christ…. The reason to stay in our King is greater than any foe we will meet on this earth or in the heavenlies.  Our King Lord Jesus is the Greatest and we bow only to Him. We have eyes for Him alone and serve Him alone…. We pray in His name…. He is our God and He is found in us and we are found in Him….. A nation of love that never ends for their God.

The God who was and is and is to come…… Never in a hurry, never pressured for anything. He is and all things are found in Him and by Him….. When we find our trust solely in His love and faithfulness to us, we also can be found at peace that is beyond understanding. We can be found in Him….. no agitation, no pressure…. no rushing here and there….. No more seeking to get things to feel better, for we are found in the Great Holy One… Our greatest  Need and the Satisfaction is found in Him…..Him alone.

We are the sea of glass, the nation of the Lord’s. His kingdom where He is found in His people and His people are found in Him….. Total peace….. Total love…… Total sight…. Total awareness and discernment…… We are complete in Him. The Shelter of the Most High, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Tabernacle of God.

Here is where we know our Lord’s answered prayer is completed…..I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have  loved Me.

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I Am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.

And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, and that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them,           ( John 17:23-25).

The sea of glass and the temple of God today  are not made by man’s hands….. but God alone, for alone does God deserve all our devotion and all our glory. The glory which He has given us we bow and shine it back to Him…… The sea reflects back to the sun all its light today and all days before and to come….. We are oozing out the Light of the Lord to the Lord and all today….

Let us learn to live in the days we are given in the fullness of the Word, so we may manifest our God in our thoughts, actions and Words….. All be to God our heart, love. Let us reflect the image of the Son of God to His glory….. of His never ending love….. His love that never fails…. For He is worthy.

Remember His name is written on our foreheads….. Jesus spoke that we would shine as the noonday sun pertaining to the righteousness of God that has been appropriated to us…….. Let us live in the fullness of His thoughts towards us, for they are many…. but He is faithful to perform His words in each one of us…..if we believe and live a life of faith.

The sea of glass….. no leaven. Just the beauty of our God shining through you and me.

It is today for you and Me…. for He is here…..As we believe, we walk in the growing knowledge of His love and greatness by living His Word today. Watch how He carries us into His fullness of life abundant, His resurrected Life….Believe and live in His love…..Arise brethren to His greatness that we partake in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

To rest and trust, to listen and learn, to wait and perfect patience, to keep the Word and become the Word, the image of our Lord, the Christ….to gaze at Him and see Love perfected…..

We are magnifying the Word of God then above the all the name of God……We become what we see, we become what we eat….. we become what we hear….. We live what we eat, we live what we hear, we live what we behold……We live what we believe……

We believe His Word is alive and active in our hearts or not….Remember we have to eat or read the Word of God for the growth that He desires in His bride……We must live by every word that has proceeded from the mouth of our God…. as written.

We have the choice of the sea of glass or the seas that are agitated against the Christ.

We have seen and tasted the goodness of our God in our Lord’s undying love for us, even us….. He has prepared a banquet and our place before Him in the presence of our enemies…… Let us rejoice and be His harp singing out the song of the Lamb…..

The Lamb found within the King found within the Godhead deserves our allegiance and all of us….. oh but we died with Him on the cross….. hmmmm.  So let us live in the fullness of the new life, the new creation that He is perfecting in each one of His body….We are the sea of glass, His beauty is found in us for we are found in Him.

Amen and Amen!

Do you think I Am has dropped you? Nay, you have never left My sight. Oh but your eyes are  not on I AM. Do you wonder why all this is happening? Do not wonder or ponder on your perplexities….. The mountain or the mole hill is your step to overcome, which do you see?  Do you wonder what is I Am’s view?

I Am’s view is peace for I Am has overcome the world…. So have you in I AM. So why do you fear?  You are in My Spirit and My Spirit is in you…. Why do you not hear and trust. I AM will not let you out My hand, nay never. You proceed from your sight or you proceed from My Truth. Your choice will prevail either to live by your sight or by I AM…..You  have what you believe is real, but alas, it may not be Truth…. Know I AM and you then will perceive the Truth and not be foolish.

I AM is always with you, trust Me. Walk fearless and embrace Me, you will then embrace the Living Word….. Then you grow in I AM…. Call on My name…. Yah reigns forever….Remind yourself of I AM. Call out to Me and you will be saved. I AM is Your only Deliver and Redeemer….. I Am has finished My work…. Come partake of I AM, your Lord Jesus Christ.

The path has been finished for you from the foundation of the world. Walk in My Spirit. Enjoy the fruits of My labor…. My gift to you. Do not labor to enter in, just come. Come to Me with an open heart. Fear not, only believe in Me.

Can two walk together unless they are joined? Your heart needs to be placed in My hands. I Am has fashioned your soul. Why seek after any? I AM has your answers.

Ask Me… Talk to Me, but alas, you won’t stay to hear. Tune your ear to hear My instructions. Quit striving, just listen…. My heartbeat never stops. My watchful eye never sleeps. My power never slows down. My love never ceases. I AM.

I AM is so much more than you can think and imagine….. Ah, but My ways are not like man’s. My ways are working a greater purpose in you than you understand today. I AM understanding. I AM Wisdom. Seek My presence and all will be revealed as you need.

Know Me, your doubt and fear will decrease….. Your memories of victories will keep you strong on the path of faith.  Every victory you have ascended to, we have walked together in union.  So I Am says to you, stay with Me and live.

Be still and know I AM God and there is no other…. if there are other gods in your heart. Know, they will not be for I AM. I AM is the One True Living God and all knees will bow and confess  I AM is God….Nothing is hidden from My sight…. Yet I AM loves with never ending Love for I AM…. I AM knows the End from the Beginning for I AM.

Alas, remember the people who worshiped the false god, Dagon. They put My Presence in their temple for Dagon. When they let I AM alone, alas, they found I AM and their god, fallen on its face before My Presence…… They lifted Dagon back in it’s place before My Presence.  They did not gain understanding, the next day they found their god, fallen on it’s face along with his head and both palms were broken off on their pedestal they had placed him on….. All was left of their false god was a torso. I AM…..

Take heed, I AM loves your soul. I AM is your God, all others will be destroyed…. For I AM is jealous over you, My bride, My city.

Behold, the peacock shows his strength in all his beauty. He walks boldly before his beloved demonstrating his strength of colored plumage in his array of beauty.

The peacock delights to show off his greatness before his beloved mate…..

Alas, My city, My bride, see My display of love and goodness….. Those who seek after I AM, are strengthened with My delight and grace. When My beloved sings of My love and greatness, I AM’s heart sings over her with great pleasure.

Witness My voice in wooing. Recognize the call of heaven upon your brow. Alas, in the darkness of night, you shall see My display of strength.  When we walk in shadows, you have My outstretched hand to hold and guide.  Know this, all other  man made strengths will fail, but alas, I AM forever. Rest in the power of My Word which will never fail.

Witness, I AM is still. I AM was and is to come….. For I AM.

Pray for the ears to hear My Words spoken to you, even today!

Learn of I AM. Come to Me. Listen to Me. Live the Words of I AM.

In contemplating on our Lord’s words…… Do you know the peacock female is quite bland in a sandy brown color….. But the male peacock thinks she is lovely and quite a catch!….. All that counts is the neverending deep love of God for His people, His bride. Honoring Him is receiving His Love by worshiping Him alone. His love transforms us in to His beauty. Amen!

All the work of His hands stems from His huge heart of love for His people. Be God the glory forever and ever!

Keep twanging the Song of the Lamb…!
