
When It Is All Said And Done……

The question will be determined how we proved our faith in purpose towards the Lord, when it is all said and done. Did we allow Him to be our plumbline, the standard in which we live by and for ?….. Did we allow His Word to be center stage? How hotly did we pursue Him? Did we act accordingly to the importance of the destiny the Lord had planned for us….. Did we apprehend Him as He apprehended us? Or did we compromise for the praises of men rather than the Lord’s?

What is the pursuit of the high calling?….. Yes, There is an eternity in living the life of the high calling…. Living a resurrected life in Christ before Almighty God… How exciting!! However, we live that life now, by the presence of His Spirit within…. We have been risen with Christ in God and we also have died with Christ, so we are found in Him.

The day of the Lord will reveal what we pursued during our time in the wilderness…..He already knows what we did…..Now we  will be illuminated with Truth of our heart….. The Holy Spirit is always illuminating us to the Son…..In His light, there is no darkness. On that Day, we will see the measure of Christ in us or see the measure of something else……

All will be revealed before us as the way the Lord sees us now day in and day out. How we live now bears fruit of the Spirit or of the spirit of the world. We choose how to live this life every day here pursuing the Lord or not, God will not twist our arm for us to seek Him, even though He is seeking us.

Remember He is seeking us to see if we are seeking Him…… When He looks upon us, were we caught meditating on His creation? We were wondering what He meant in the Word when He said some particular scripture at a particular time? Did we awake in the night, longing for the reality of Him in all we do? Did we hold on to the Holy Spirit to do what He has to, so that we live by faith in Christ alone because He loves us so. Do we pray for the trust to let go all to Him because we understand and dare to rely only on the strength of His love that He has towards us?

Or were we caught with the vain fascination of the world and the comings and goings and found sleeping.

What do we think heaven will be like….. Is there a cloud and a harp reserved for each one as we lay down and float for all eternity?

Whose lame idea was that?….It had to originate in hell for a lie to deceive those not to work out their salvation with fear and trembling as written in Philippians 2:12. God is a God of order and purpose… There is a purpose in heaven as well as on earth…….There is purpose in every thing that is in this universe including the heavens and His heavenly Jerusalem, the holy city of God.

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure, ( Philippians 2:12-13).

The last words spoken by the Almighty recorded was about the purpose——Matthew 17: 5, While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him….

O Father, who dwells in heaven, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven????? There is business of the kingdom of God going on in heaven as is on earth! God is a God of order and purpose as written in Ecclesiastes 1:9, That which has been is what will be, that which is done is will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

There is no written word on us floating on clouds with harps…..Next, we will hear that there are iphones and smart phones and tvs there…… All the comforts of the flesh? NOT!

Those who feed the flesh will starve in next age……. and those that starved the flesh but fed the Spirit of Life daily will be filled with everlasting glory. As written in Proverbs 4: 18-19, But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.

Think about this, we trip or stumble over something, don’t we look back at what it was that made us trip?…. I do, for sure….. I want to remove that thing ASAP….. So the way of ones that don’t allow the work and grace of the Spirit of God to invade their lives to turn their lives into light, will not understand and see what they keep tripping over…..Hmmmm…. But isn’t it written,  a very important Person will be as a stumbling stone to His enemies…. those that reject Him?

Then Jesus looked to them and said, What then is this that is written: The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone? Whoever falls on that stone will be broken, but on whom ever it falls, it will grind him to powder,( Luke 20:17-18).

There is no part of creation that does not have a job to accomplish for the Creator and His creation. All of creation is still doing the work of His command by His power… So…do not believe the lie that there is a cloud with your name as a reservation like a dinner reservation. There are however, a very great cloud of witnesses urging and praying us forward in the race.

Yeah, we say we know the Lord…… But does He know you? Will He know from whose house we are from? Have we apprehended the call of God …. Have we apprehended Him? He is so Big! How can we apprehend such a great King? But it is written that we can or least die trying to know Him which is eternal life !!!! ( John 17).

What is our vision….. Is it of the next game, the next shopping spree, the next vacation? What is our vision? If we have a vision for this earth, we are not lethal to evil, but if we have a heavenly vision, we are on his hit list…… That’s okay, because we know the end of the story, God will take him out.

God has a specific call for us here and when this age ends….. Time is an opportunity to complete our wilderness training in the Spirit by the Spirit so we may be educated in the ways of God…. His ways are known and made apparent to all men…. They are not mysterious as the slogan goes…… They may be mysterious to those that have not sought after Him….Not to those that know Him and have sought to learn His ways.

The happenstance’s goal that we go through so we may achieve to apprehend God, may be hidden until time passes and the light dawns within. They are for us to grow in the knowledge of our God, we will know Him better as our Refuge, Stronghold, Healer, Deliverer, Best Friend, Commander, Host of the Battle, Giver All Peace, ….. on and on is the list of the Great I AM.

We live sometimes through adversity as though we go through a tunnel….. we will come out into the shining day of the Lord….. There is our hope,  though we may not see the day, the day is approaching…. the Day of the Lord…. Our hope and our anchor and our joy…. Our Lord!

I know calculus is mysterious to me, however, I have never sought after calculus, and God willing will not have to….I thank God it is not a requirement to God’s realm…..The One we need, His yoke is easy and we do not have to know calculus!

People are afraid of the plague called cancer….. Why? Because it is a killer…… however, Jesus Christ is the Healer of everything….. Why do we not seek after the Healer to get well? Some do……

God is God and He still plans to shake up the comfortable and comforts the shaken….. I know I would be very bored if I just looked forward to sitting on a cloud with a harp….

Man, I pray there is more opportunity to learn about the Holy One…. I want to continue to ask Him questions that He still has not answered me….. I want to still learn and grow in Christ….I want to study our King….I want to hear His words and commands. I want to see how He is when millions times millions are praising Him on His day…. I want to see Him in His glory and stay by Him forever…. I sure don’t want to be floating on some cloud somewhere from the action of King….. I desire the King in all His glory to be known to all.

He is so beautiful. I have to hear and see His expression and character more…. I want to know the answers to all my questions….. Why the giraffe’s neck so long? Why did He create the alligator? Why? Why the wasp? Why did Adam name the hippopotamus it’s name?

Why did He put chapters in Isaiah and Ezekiel about Satan….. Who is the King of Tyre written in Ezekiel?

Why did He put thorns on roses? He already answered me on the existence of evil here.

Why such a King as beautiful and magnificent as He would die for me? How can I grasp such great love in my heart?

How is it that You loved us and never let us go for centuries? What God is like You, My King of glory>

O King of my glory….. Be Thou My Vision now and always. As we look for you today, may it be a long stretch of tomorrows with You, My King of glory… that we may gaze into Your face as long as there is eternity……

How are we showing our love to our King of glory? Let us  not put Him off like going to the doctor’s…. Take advantage of the day we have and seek Him as He is watching you and waiting for you to seek Him. Do you hear Him knocking on the door of your heart, your life…. He wants the okay to invade your life and then make it glorious! Hear the King of glory speaking His love over you today or tonight when the still small beautiful voice of His can be heard over all the distractions….. Listen……. Hear Him!

How is your gift from the Lord of 2015 growing….. I pray that as His gift grows in us, we are getting smaller and the face of the Lord is all we see!

He is Number One as placed in the high place next to the Almighty God, so He should be our Number One now also. He is the Beginning and the End…. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is our Alpha and Omega and He is our End and our Beginning and the reason we can live forever. Christ is all and in all according the counsels of the Godhead…… Let us seek Him as we seek our next breath.

Holy Spirit, do Your work in our hearts, I pray for the grace for obtaining the tenacity of the faith of God so we apprehend and dwell in the mountain clefts of our King’s realm. May we see the workings of His hands and ways so we may magnify His glory and explore His greatness.

Lord, You promised us never to leave us. You admonished us to learn of You and take Your yoke upon us because of Your love, the yoke would be easy…. We thank You, and hold on to Your yoke and You so that we may apprehend You with the same tenacity as when You took our stone hearts in Your hands and made them flesh again….. Flesh of Your flesh….Born again from heaven as sons and daughters with a great inheritance…..

Our Inheritance is You our Great King, as we are Your Inheritance…. Fill our cup with You overflowing in Your love, so that our love may pour forth before Your throne as a sweet smelling fragrance…….of Christ to our Father in heaven….. Without Your love working in us mightily, we cannot love or even look for You…. All Your love turned us away from death and darkness. There is no God like You.

You are a mighty and beautiful God and all our love and honor and blessing belongs to You forever and ever, Amen.

I also thank You with that we do not have a cloud reserved for us,we want to be among the multitudes exalting You because we shall see You as You are! Father, I ask that we have ears to hear Your voice of wisdom and instruction by Your Spirit, in Jesus name.

I pray we know but what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.

Yet, indeed I also count all things loss for the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ, and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrections from the dead.

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press forward toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you, ( Philippians 3:7-16.)

Thank You for Your work to be complete in us according to Your Word. Amen!
